Chapter 15: World War II Study Guide

Ms. Garratt – American History

Section I: The Road to War pp. 492-498:

The Rise of Dictators pp. 493-495

  1. How did FDR describe his foreign policy?
  2. Who became the fascist leader of Italy?
  3. How is totalitarianism different from democratic governments?
  4. How did Italy violate the principles of the League of Nations?
  5. How did Hitler justify his hatred of Jews and others?
  6. After gaining full power what did Hitler immediately suspend?
  7. In what two ways did Hitler immediately defy the Treaty of Versailles?
  8. Which power stood up to Germany?

Test your knowledge of Section I at

The Axis Tests Its Strength pp. 495-496

  1. Which countries were part of the Axis?
  2. How did the Spanish Civil War turn into a international struggle and why?
  3. Who eventually won the Spanish Civil War?
  4. What was the first way in which Hitler increased the territory of Germany?
  5. Why did Britain and France appease Germany?
  6. What was the next aggressive move by Hitler?
  7. Why did Hitler want the Soviet-Nazi Non-aggression Pact?
  8. What event triggered World War II?
  9. How effective was the blitzkrieg?

The Rise of Militarism in Asia: pp. 496-498

  1. Why did Japan feel compelled to acquire more territory?
  2. Which country was the first target of Japanese aggression?
  3. What did the League of Nations do in response to Japanese aggression and how did Japan respond?
  4. How did Japanese control of China threaten American economic interests?
  5. What was the China Incident?

America’s Nonneutral Neutrality page 498

  1. Why did Congress pass the Neutrality Acts?
  2. While proclaiming neutrality how was FDR preparing for war?

Section II: The War Begins: pp. 500-505

Hitler Crushes Europe: The Continent Gives Up: pp. 501-502

  1. By May 1940 which countries had been conquered by Germany?
  2. What did the Maginot Line have to do with the demoralization of France?
  3. Why did the French seacoast city of Dunkirk represent a mixed blessing?
  4. What did the Blitz mean for Londoners?

Americans Respond: A Conflict of Attitudes: pp. 502-504

  1. Into what 2 groups were Americans divided over events in Europe? (page 502)
  2. In what way was there an “undeclared war between Germany and the US”?
  3. How did Hitler violate the Soviet-Nazi pact in 1941?
  4. The right of each nation to choose its own government free from aggression and to establish an international organization to protect the security of all was part of this joint Anglo-American statement?

The Japanese Threat Increases: Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis Formed: pp. 504-505

  1. With whom was Japan allied?
  2. Why did the US object to the East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere?
  3. How did the US respond to Japan’s aggression?
  4. As Japan became even more aggressive what action did the US finally take?

Section III: The United States At War: pp. 508-515

Mobilizing At Home page 509

  1. By the end of the war how many men and women had joined the Army?
  2. What racial practice existed in the military?
  3. What was decided at the 1943 Casablanca Conference?
  4. Which major battle finally halted the Soviet advance eastward?
  5. Stalin was upset with the Allies because ?
  6. Where did the Allies first launch an offensive against the Nazis?
  7. El Alamein was the equivalent to what battle in the Soviet Union?
  8. The was the largest combined land-sea-air invasion ever in history.
  9. The last offensive of the Nazis was?
  10. The Allies found evidence of Hitler’s Final Solution when they liberated what?
  11. Why do many criticize Roosevelt for policy toward the Jews?
  12. What event stunned the US in April 1945?
  13. V-E Day was celebrated because?

The Pacific Front: To Japan Through the Islands pp. 513-515

  1. What was the American island hopping strategy?
  2. What was the first territory that Japan lost in the war?
  3. How many men did the US and its Allies believe it would take to capture Japan?
  4. Did Japan show signs of moving toward a surrender?
  5. Why do you think the US dropped the Atomic Bomb?
  6. Why do you think the US dropped the bomb on Japan but not on Germany?