Chapter 13-1: Mental and Behavioral Health


1. Who publishes the official listing of mental disorders for the United States?

a. / Food and Drug Administration
b. / American Medical Association
c. / American Psychiatric Association
d. / World Health Organization

2. The abbreviation for the name of the official listing of mental disorders for the United States is:

a. / APA.
b. / DSM.
c. / ICD-9.
d. / ICD-10.

3. Major revisions for the official listing of mental disorders for the United States are accomplished approximately every:

a. / year.
b. / 2 years.
c. / 5 years.
d. / 10 years.

4. Absence of the ability to experience pleasure or joy is:

a. / anhedonia.
b. / libido.
c. / akathisia.
d. / confabulation.

5. The effort to conceal a gap in memory by fabricating detailed, often believable stories is:

a. / anhedonia.
b. / libido.
c. / akathisia.
d. / confabulation.

6. A condition characterized by persistent negative behaviors, including hostile, defiant, and disobedient behavior is:

a. / ODD.
b. / OCD.
c. / PTSD.
d. / SAD.

7. A disorder characterized by impairment of social interaction and repetitive patterns of behavior is:

a. / Asperger disorder.
b. / Rett disorder.
c. / Tourette syndrome.
d. / conduct disorder.

8. A condition characterized by initial normal functioning followed by loss of social and intellectual functioning is:

a. / Asperger disorder.
b. / Rett disorder.
c. / Tourette syndrome.
d. / conduct disorder.

9. What is the disorder characterized by a group of involuntary behaviors that include the vocalization of words or sounds and repetitive movements; vocal and multiple tic disorder?

a. / Asperger disorder
b. / Rett disorder
c. / Tourette syndrome
d. / conduct disorder

10. A disorder characterized by patterns of persistent aggressive and defiant behaviors is:

a. / Asperger disorder.
b. / Rett disorder.
c. / Tourette syndrome.
d. / conduct disorder.

11. Fear of scrutiny by other people is:

a. / acrophobia.
b. / agoraphobia.
c. / anthropophobia.
d. / claustrophobia.

12. Fear of enclosed spaces is:

a. / acrophobia.
b. / agoraphobia.
c. / anthropophobia.
d. / claustrophobia.

13. What is one of the most common diagnoses with symptoms that include persistent nervousness, trembling, muscular tension, sweating, lightheadedness, palpitations, dizziness, and epigastric discomfort?

a. / GAD
b. / OCD
c. / PD
d. / PTSD

14. Recurrent, unpredictable attacks of severe anxiety that are not restricted to any particular situation are:

a. / GAD.
b. / OCD.
c. / PD.
d. / PTSD.

15. Indifference to sexual stimuli is:

a. / nymphomania.
b. / satyriasis.
c. / hypoactive sexual desire disorder.
d. / sexual aversion.

16. Relentless drive in the female to achieve sexual orgasm is:

a. / nymphomania.
b. / satyriasis.
c. / hypoactive sexual desire disorder.
d. / sexual aversion.

17. Relentless drive to achieve sexual orgasm in the male is:

a. / nymphomania.
b. / satyriasis.
c. / hypoactive sexual desire disorder.
d. / sexual aversion.

18. A disorder in which a patient shows a complete lack of interest in social obligations is ____ personality disorder.

a. / dissocial
b. / borderline
c. / paranoid
d. / schizoid

19. A condition in which the patient withdraws into a fantasy world with little need for social interaction is _____ personality disorder; most patients have a limited capacity to experience pleasure or to express their feelings.

a. / dissocial
b. / borderline
c. / paranoid
d. / schizoid

20. Imaging used to measure the metabolic activity of the brain is:

a. / Rorschach.
b. / PET scan.
c. / GAF.
d. / MMPI.

21. A numerical measurement of overall mental health is:

a. / Rorschach.
b. / PET scan.
c. / GAF.
d. / MMPI.

22. A method of inducing convulsions to treat affective disorders in patients who have been resistant or unresponsive to drug therapy is:

a. / psychoanalysis.
b. / detoxification.
c. / ECT.
d. / behavioral therapy.

23. Behavioral treatment developed to treat any dysfunctional effects of unconscious factors on a patient’s mental state is:

a. / psychoanalysis.
b. / detoxification.
c. / ECT.
d. / behavioral therapy.

24. Removal of a chemical substance as an initial step in treatment of a chemically dependent individual is:

a. / DTs.
b. / detoxification.
c. / ECT.
d. / behavioral therapy.


25. The American Medical Association publishes the DSM.

26. DSM stands for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

27. DSM codes are coordinated with the International Classification of Diseases.

28. Behavior refers to observable, measurable activities that may be used to evaluate treatment.

29. Echolalia is an effort to conceal a gap in memory by fabricating detailed, often believable stories.

30. Denial is an example of a defense mechanism.

31. A delusion is a persistent belief in a demonstrable untruth.

32. A disassociation with or impaired perception of reality that may include hallucinations, delusions, incoherence, akathisia, and/or disorganized behavior is catatonia.

33. Any unreal sensory perception that occurs with no external cause is an illusion.

34. Libido is an abnormal psychologic impulse drive.

35. Patients with acrophobia have a fear of heights.

36. PTSD is an extended emotional response to a traumatic event.

37. Cyclothymia is a mild, chronic depression.

38. Patients with hypomania have an inappropriate elevation of mood.

39. Patients with SAD are depressed because of decreased exposure to sunlight.

40. Somatoform disorders have unfounded physical complaints by the patient.

41. One type of somatoform disorder is hypochondriacal disorder.

42. An adjustment disorder tends to occur during periods of stressful life changes.

43. Patients who develop multiple personalities as a maladaptive means of coping with severe stress are exhibiting borderline personality disorder.

44. Patients with obsessive compulsive disorder are driven to perform specific rituals or have recurrent, distressing preoccupations.

45. Anxiolytics are used to treat anxiety.

46. The S in PTSD stands for seasonal.

47. The H in ADHD stands for hypoactive.

48. The O in OCD stands for obsessive.

49. The A in GAD stands for attention.

50. The A in SAD stands for affective.


51. A condition of being without pleasure is ______.

52. Any unreal sensory perception that occurs with no external cause is a(n) ______.

53. The term for sleepwalking is ______.

54. The term for the normal psychologic impulse drive associated with sensuality, creativity, or desire is ______.

55. An exaggerated sense of physical and emotional well-being not based on reality is ______.

56. The condition of abnormal development of social interaction, impaired communication, and repetitive behaviors is ______.

57. Auditory hallucinations, delusions, and thought disturbances are characteristic of ______.

58. A mild, chronic depression of mood that lasts for years, but is not severe enough to justify a diagnosis of depression is ______.

59. A fear of heights is ______.

60. A fear of leaving home and entering crowded places is ______.

61. A fear of scrutiny of other people, also called social phobia, is ______.

62. A fear of enclosed spaces is ______.

63. PTSD is ______stress disorder.

64. Patients with the eating disorder characterized by a prolonged refusal to eat adequate amounts of food have ______nervosa.

65. Patients with the eating disorder characterized by eating large quantities of food and then purging have ______nervosa.

66. A relentless drive to achieve sexual orgasm in the female is ______.

67. A relentless drive to achieve sexual orgasm in the male is ______.

68. An uncontrollable urge to steal is ______.

69. An uncontrollable impulse to set fires is ______.

70. An uncontrollable urge to pull one’s hair out by the roots is ______.

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