Bannockburn School Parent Organization (BSPO) Meeting Minutes

November 12, 2013

Attendance: Vicki Martin, Sara Danielewicz, Nancy Nervick, Sharon Krengel, Cherie Thompson, Scott Hermann, Theresa Zagnoli.

The motion to approve the October 8th, 2013, meeting minutes was made by Nancy, second by Vicki.

President's Report:Vicki introduces Theresa Zagnoli. She is chairperson who heads up cultural arts. Theresa shared her opinion as to the actual "role" that the chairperson plays. She stated that she thinks the cultural arts program at our school should be completely revamped. She attended a few of the cultural arts programs this year including the author visit who wrote, "33 minutes". Theresa said author visit was very average. No real feedback from the kids on the Geo Dome. Theresa wants to advocate that we use cultural arts budget/program in a different way. She suggested a "sister city" program. Bannockburn school could find a school in another country and develop a program with that individual school. She is very familiar with the "sister city" and has participated in such programs. Theresa thinks the cultural arts money would be better spent on one big school project as opposed to a bunch of small events. She suggests we do it with a "Spanish speaking" school.

Vicki talks about the sponsor donation for Deerfield Highschool Parent Network. All of the Deerfield schools participate in sponsoring the DHS Parent Network and they have asked BSPO to also provide some monetary sponsorship. DHS Parent Network provides the community with an open forum for parent s to share ideas and learn new ones about parenting. Information is provided through guest speakers, author visits, and other means. Sharon motions to make a donation to DHS Parent Network. Motion approved by all. Amount of $250 agreed upon which will come out of the "school gifts" part of the budget.

Vice President's Report: Nancy talks about doing a "Science Night" for the entire school. The is cost is around $2000. Cost amount may be negotiable. Discussion about how much money was left in cultural arts budget and question as to why we couldn't use the money that was "left over" from last year's cultural arts budget.

Committee Updates: Nancy discussed past and upcoming BSPO events. Fall fundraiser over and Stacy Zis sold the most discount coupon books, thank you to Stacy. Thank you to Sara Danielewicz for work on the Bulldog Run. Spiritwear Day and movie night both coming up on Friday Nov. 2nd. Bookfair is coming up on Sunday Nov. 18th. Cherie talked about details. She said starts at 10:00, teacher readings are from 10:00-3:00. Author signing by Sandy Klein Bernstein who also donated a book, "A Door in the Sky". Orchestra to perform at 3:30, no chorus this year. Student artwork will be on display. Theme for bookfair is Sports theme. Book "wish lists" will be done for teachers and students. Discounts on orders

for cheesecakes and pretzels. Judy Kleibard is in charge of wrapping paper and will be looking for parents to volunteer. Movie title for movie night is "Monster University".

Superintendent's Report: Scott talked about the levy being set. We are at the same levy for the past 3 years. We once again received a score of "4 out of 4", for setting and meeting our budget. We are only school in lake county to receive this score and we have no long term debt.

Treasurer: We made $887.50 on fundraiser for coupon books. Sharon moved some money from a short term CD into a long term CD. Discussed keeping a responsible budget, letting money role over from year to year and whether non-profits should and are able to roll over this money. Discussed taxes and 1099 form needed by vendors on any check over $600.

No new business.

The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Nancy and second by Vicki.

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Sara Danielewicz (standing in for Judy Kleibard as Recording Secretary)