Chapter 12 Important Information

The Partition of Africa

A)Africa in the Early 1800s

  1. Africa is nearly ____ times the size of Europe.
  2. Much of northern Africa was under the rule of the ______Empire
  3. ______had long influenced the east coast of Africa, where port cities like ______, which is where the ships are going that have recently been taken over by pirates.
  4. ______emerged as a major force in southern Africa. They were eventually defeated because Zulu ______could not defeat Boer, or Dutch, ______.
  5. ______nations began outlawing the slave trade, but it continued in ______.
  6. Britain organized ______in West Africa as a colony for former slaves.
  7. Later some free blacks from the United States settled in nearby ______.

B)European Contact Increases

  1. ______by Africans, difficult ______, and ______all kept Europeans from moving into the interior regions of the continent.
  2. ______and ______missionaries followed the explorers into Africa.
  3. Missionaries saw the Africans as children in need of ______.

C)A Scramble for Colonies

  1. ______of Belgium hired explorers to explore the Congo River basin and arrange trade treaties. Publicly he talked about improving situations for people in Africa. Privately he dreamed of ______and ______.
  2. To avoid bloodshed, European powers met at a conference called the ______. No ______were invited.
  3. They agreed at this conference that a European power could not claim any part of Africa unless it had set up a ______office.
  4. European powers partitioned almost the entire ______.
  5. They redrew the map of Africa with little regard for traditional patterns of ______or ethnic ______.
  6. Leopold exploited the riches of the Congo including ______, ______, and ______.
  7. Forced to work for almost nothing, laborers were savagely ______or ______.
  8. Belgians regarded the Congo as a possession to be ______. Africans were given little or no role I the ______, and the wealth of their mines went out of the country to ______.
  9. ______share of Africa was more scattered than that of ____.
  10. Britain came into conflict with the Dutch settlers in southern Africa because of the discovery ______and ______.
  11. In 1910 British united the southern part of Africa into the ______of ______. The new constitution set up a government run by ______and laid the foundation for a system of complete racial ______that would remain in force until ______.
  12. Other European powers joined the scramble; ______, Italy and ______.

D)Africans Resist Imperialism

  1. Europeans met armed ______across the continent.
  2. ______managed to resist European colonization and maintain its independence.
  3. By the early 1900s African leaders were forging ______movements to pursue ______and ______.

European Claims in Muslim Regions

A)Problems for the Ottoman Empire

  1. As ideas of ______spread from Western Europe, internal revolts weakened the ______Ottoman empire.
  2. ______hoped to gain more Ottoman territory. ______schemed to gain control of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles. Both are straits that would give the ______access to the ______Sea. ______tried to thwart Russia’s ambitions, which it saw as a threat to its own power in the ______and beyond to ______. ______hoped increase its influence in the region by building a Berlin-to-______railway
  3. Repressive ______, rulers of the Ottoman Turkish empire, rejected reform and tried to rebuild the power of previous rulers.
  4. Turkish nationalists and minority peoples have increased tension which causes a ______, deliberate attempt to destroy a racial, political or cultural group, of the ______people.
  5. These people were accused of supporting the ______plans against the Ottoman Empire.

B)Egypt Seeks to Modernize

  1. ______is called the “father of modern Egypt.”
  2. In 1858 the ______is built and the European nations gained power over the Ottomans by extending loans at high ______. When Egypt couldn’t pay the loans the ______buy Egypt’s shares and take control of the Canal.

Read pg. 403

What two seas does it connect?

How far does it stretch?

When it opens it saves time because no longer have to sail where?

How long did it take to complete?

The British Take Over India

A)East India Company

  1. The ______took advantage of Indian divisions by encouraging ______and disunity among rival ______.
  2. The ______used their superior ______to overpower rulers.
  3. The East India Company’s main goal was to make ______.
  4. The British did work to end ______and the ______system and improve the position of ______within the family. Banned the Hindu custom of ______, which called for a widow to join her husband in death by throwing herself on his funeral fire.

B)Impact of British Colonial Rule

  1. Britain saw India both as a ______and as a source of ______.
  2. Clearing of new farmlands led to massive ______, cutting of trees
  3. Rising numbers put a strain on the ______supply especially as farmland was turned over to growing cash crops instead of ______.
  4. Most British people knew little about Indian achievements and dismissed Indian culture with ______.

C)Indian Nationalism Grows

  1. There has been a conflict between ______and ______within the country of India over who should have influence in the government.

China and the New Imperialism

A)Trade Between Britain and China

  1. Prior to the 1800s Chinese rulers placed strict limits on ______.
  2. British merchants began making huge profits by trading ______grown in ______for Chinese ______.
  3. Britain refused to stop the trade of ______, which started the ______War. ______easily won because of their better ______.
  4. One of the results from this war is the British received the island of ______.