Annotated Bibliography

Classroom Management Physics Classroom

Classroom Management for the Physics Teacher, Using a Modeling Approach.

Lesson Design



Teacher guided V student Guided.

What every teacher should know about classroom management.

James Levin James F Nolan

this book for classroom management looks into two major areas of classroom management, the design of the lesson, and the motivation of students.

Lesson Design 6pts

Lesson Intro- students become aware of what it is they are expected to learn, activates prior knowledge, focuses attention, and motivates to learn.

Expectations-step by step explanations of the lesson, ie agenda

Coached Practice(modeling)-practice using skills or knowledge , monitored by teacher to provide frequent feedback

Closure?- allows students to become actively involved in summarizing the key ideas that have been learned

Solitaty practice-homework or seat work on what they have learned.

Review-reinforcment of learning on a weekly or monthly basis

Motivation Teacher centered

Student Interest- relate material to content outside of school.

Student needs-working together at a secondary level build on students need for belonging and acceptance

Novelty/variety- activites change every 15-20 minutes, hold attention longer

success- succeeding at somewhat challenging tasks increases motivation for future learning.

tension-a moderate amount of tension increases learning, a student knowing that they will be asked to deomostrate their learning.

classroom climate- setting an emotional atmosphere that is moderately positive, with decorations, positive interactions,

feedback- comments to show how students are learning, written or orally

encouragement-positive behavior, effort, and belief in a student. point out both positive as well as negative aspects of a students work.

Beginning Your First Year

Patriia Blanton

The Physics Teacher

Short article for the bigniing teacher. Expands on theree areas to help with classroom management. Be firm with your decisions. students must know you make the decisions in the classroom, and that it is their choice to follow the rules, or not, and to suffer the consequences. Be consistent, you can loose control by allowing one or a few students to get away with something. cause loss of control. Help students understand that discipline is a result of their choices, and not your “wrath”

A Playful environment in a cooperative physics classroom.

Court, Deborah Clearing House, May/June 93 Vol 66 Issue 5

Cooperative structure leads to a positive learning atmosphere, classroom setup allowed students to talk to each other about physics, which helped with the learning atmosphere.” Everything from success in school to stress levels could be affected by making secondary schoo learning more exciting and more enjoyable.”

Student Interest Generated During an Inquiry Skills Lesson

Palmer, D. H. Journal of Research in science teaching vol ru no 3 p 147-169 2009

This article looks at the use of situational interest as a form of short term motiviation.

Students are motiviated by hands on activities that open to social situations. This looks at types of lessons that increase a students interest in the current activity, not long term interest in a particular subject. Interest is gained by choice, physical activity , novelty, surprise, variety, social involvement.

Improving Classroom Behavior

Blanton, P The physics teacher

this article gives tips in setting expectations, and setting a tone in a classroom to help a beginning teacher with classroom management. A well planned lesson gives little room for misbehavior, activites in smaller blocks, Set limits, need a clear line between teacher and friend. Avoid reaciting to misbehavior with anger-takes away objectivity, and authority, Consistancy in consequences-don’t play favorites-only increases poor behavior. Punishment fits the crime, unpleasant tone sets the classroom environment negative environment=unproductive classroom

Modeling Discourse management compared to other classroom management styles in university physics

Desbien, D.M.

This Dissertation looks at the use of modeling discourse as a form of classroom management. This is show to improve the understanding of undergraduate physics students in problem solving and forces. The teacher plays the role of questioner, rather than provider of knowledge. Student centered discourse. Students supply new knowledge, rather than lecture, or whole class questioning. Seeding/questioning to motivate students-bring ideas to fellow students rather than the teacher.

Classroom management in secondary schools: A studey of students teachers successful strategies.

this paper identifies successful strategies used by science student teachers in classroom management. Three most successful were, changing the pace of the lesson, using the least intrusive intervention , private discussions w. chronic offenders. this looks into management stratiegies that new teahers used. These mostly focused on stopping side discussions, and keeping students working on the topics the teheacher intended. May be better to allow the discussion, give students a chance for socialization, and focus on redirecting their discussions, then having them conform to the style and pace of the traditional lecture lesson.

Does it really matter where students Sit?

Reese, J

Students were randomly placed in front or in back of a undergraduzate physics class. Those in the back were 6 times more likely to fail, the students in the front of the room were more likely to receive A’s. Students attended class more sitting in the front of the class.

Classroom Climate

Blanton, P

Discusses how a teacher can set up a classroom climate that is conducive to success for the teacher and the students. Focuse on 4 main topics, Structure, Fairness, Well devekoped lessons, and Caring nonthreatening environment.