Chapter 11—Late Paleozoic Events

Chapter 11—Late Paleozoic Events


The Late Paleozoic represents one of the most interesting segments of geologic time. It is a continuation of the Early Paleozoic period of sedimentation where patterns of marine transgressions and regressions are illustrated in the formation of the Kaskaskia and Absaroka Cratonic sequences. This instability resulted in the formation of epeiric shallow seas of the interior portion of the craton while at the converging plate margins, orogenic deformation led to mountain building. The Late Paleozoic episodes of mountain building are illustrated in the Acadian, Allegheny, and Ouachita Orogenies of eastern North America. The western margin of North America is examined using the Antler and Sonoma Orogenies which resulted in major stratigraphic changes in sedimentation patterns. Once the major orogenic events and cratonic sequences of North America are defined, an overview is given of how the separate land masses of earlier periods combined into the supercontinent Pangea.


By reading and completing information within this chapter, you should gain an understanding of the following concepts:

·  Explain and define the major cratonic sequences—Kaskaskia, Absaroka—of North America during the Late Paleozoic.

·  Describe the orogenic events of eastern North America that led to the formation of the Acadian, Allegheny, and Ouachita Orogenies including geographic location, associated lithology, and relative time of occurrence.

·  Explain the orogenic history of western North America that led to the Antler and Sonoma Orogenies.

·  Explain the probable causes of a cyclothem and how this depositional feature helps define stratigraphic boundaries.

·  Describe the Paleoclimates of the Late Paleozoic; consider evaporite deposits of the Permian in the northern hemisphere; consider tillite deposits of the southern hemisphere during the Carboniferous and Permian.

·  Describe the major mineral resources and the locations where they were formed during the Late Paleozoic.


I.  Epicontinental Seas on the Craton

A.  The Kaskia Sequence

1.  Mineral Assemblages

2.  Sedimentation

3.  Chattanooga Shale

B.  The Absaroka Sequence

1.  Mississippian + Pennsylvanian = Carboniferous

2.  Cyclothems

II.  Unrest in the West

A.  Colorado’s Uncompahgre Mountains

1.  Paradox Basin

2.  Evaporites

B.  The Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico

III.  To the East, a Clash of Continents

A.  The Catskill Clastic Wedge

B.  After the Devonian

C.  The Alleghenian Orogeny

D.  The Ouachita Deformation

IV.  Sedimentation and Orogeny in the West

V.  Europe in the Late Proterozoic

VI.  Gonwana During the Late Paleozoic

VII.  Climates of the Late Paleozoic

VIII.  Mineral Products of the Late Paleozoic

A.  Coal

B.  Petroleum

C.  Other Economic Minerals

Chapter 11—The Mesozoic Era

Chapter 11—Late Paleozoic Events

Key Terms (Pages 294–325)

Absaroka Cratonic Sequence (298): Erosion of layers of sediment deposited on the Kaskaskia sea floor began, only to be interrupted by the advance of a second sea, the Absaroka Sea.

Acadian Orogeny (308): An episode of mountain building in the northern Appalachians during the Devonian Period.

Allegheny Orogeny (308): The late Paleozoic episodes of mountain building along the present trend of the Appalachian Mountains. Likely caused by the collision, occurring during the late Carboniferous, of northwest Africa and the southern part of the Appalachian belt.

Antler Orogeny (317): A Late Devonian and Mississippian episode of mountain building involving folding and thrusting along a belt across Nevada to southwestern Alberta.

Avalon Terrane (308): A displaced continental fragment that had collided with the Appalachians by Devonian time.

Caledonian Orogeny (297): A major early Paleozoic episode of mountain building affecting Europe, which created an orogenic belt, the Caledonides, extending from Ireland and Scotland northwestward through Scandinavia.

Cassiar Orogeny (318): A Permian-Triassic disturbance of the Cordilleran regions in British Columbia.

Catskill Clastic Wedge (Delta) (309): A buildup of Middle and Upper Devonian clastic sediments as a broad, complex clastic wedge derived from the erosion of highland areas formed largely during the Acadian Orogeny.

Chattanooga Shale (298): Shale that developed in a clastic wedge located along the western side of mountains that existed along the eastern margin of North America during the late Devonian. It is widespread and easy to recognize. It contains uranium and had been found to be 350 million years old. It is rich in finely disseminated pyrite and organic matter. It is black or dark gray in color and contains few, if any, fossils of bottom-dwelling invertebrates. These characteristics indicate that the Chattanooga accumulated in stagnant, oxygen-deficient waters.

Cyclothem (301): A cyclic repetition of groups of marine and nonmarine strata. Cyclothems are valuable because they can be correlated over great distances. Cyclothems are particularly characteristic of the Pennsylvania System.

Dunkard Group (Series) (313): Composed of mostly continental reddish sandstones and gritty shales of Permian-Pennsylvanian age.

heavy minerals (298): Term that pertains to minerals that are resistant to weathering and erosion but are heavier than quartz. Examples would include tourmaline, zircon, and rutile.

Hercynian Orogeny (319): A major late Paleozoic orogenic episode in Europe that formed the ancient Hercynian mountains. Today, only the eroded stumps of these mountains are exposed in areas where the cover of Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata has been removed by erosion.

Kaskaskia Cratonic Sequence (298): A sequence of Devonian-Mississippian sediments, bounded above and below by regional unconformities and recording an episode of transgression followed by full flooding of a large part of the craton and by subsequent regression.

Chapter 11—Late Paleozoic Events

Laurussia (297): The Caledonian and Acadian Orogenies brought North America and Europe together as the combined landmass named Laurussia. Subsequently, the plate bearing Gondwanaland began to close on Laurussia. By late in the Carboniferous, it had come into contact with Laurussia, generating the Hercynian Orogeny of Central Europe and Allegheny Orogeny of Eastern North America.

Monongahela Group (Series) (313): Composed of mostly continental reddish sandstones and gritty shales of Permian-Pennsylvanian age.

novaculites (314): A term applied originally to rocks suitable for whetstones and, in America, to white chert found in Arkansas. Now applied to very tough, uniformly grained cherts composed of microcrystalline quartz.

Pangea (297): In Alfred Wegener’s theory of continental drift, the supercontinent that included all present major continental masses. By Permian time most of the separate land masses of earlier periods were assembled into Pangea.

Pocono Group (310): Group known to have particularly coarse sediments, including conglomerates. Pocono sandstones form some of the resistant ridges of the Appalachian Mountains in Pennsylvania. Westward, the Pocono section thins and changes imperceptibly into marine siltstones and shales.

Sonoma Orogeny (318): Middle Permian orogenic movements, the structural effects of which are most evident in western Nevada. Probably caused by the collision of an eastward-moving island arc against the North American continental margin in west-central Nevada.

Thin-Skin Tectonics (313): A kind of deformation in which the basement rocks are largely unaffected and the overlying “skin” of weaker sedimentary rocks breaks into multiple-thrust faults.

Multiple-Choice Questions

1. What two orogenies during the late Paleozoic brought North America and Europe together as a combined land mass called Laurussia?

a. Hercynian and Allegheny c. Caledonian and Acadian

b. Cassair and Sonoma d. Grenville and Trans-Hudson

2. Gradual flooding of the early Paleozoic erosional surface was the first event of the late Paleozoic. The new inland sea was termed

a. Absaroka Sea. c. Iapetus.

b. Kaskaskia Sea. d. Rodinia.

3. An additional collision occurred in the late Carboniferous period when northwest Africa moved against the southern part of the Appalachian region. This encounter was called

a. Taconic Orogeny. c. Avalon Terrane.

b. Acadian Orogeny. d. Allegheny Orogeny.

4. During the passage from to time, highland source areas that provided the Chattanooga Shale were reduced and the quantity of muddy sediment decreased. Carbonates then became the most abundant and widespread kind of sediment in the epeiric seas of the platform.

a. Devonian / Mississippian c. Mississippian / Permian

b. Devonian / Mesozoic d. Pennsylvanian / Permian

5. The Ouachita, Allegheny, and Hercynian Orogenies represent the

a. mountain-building events in the Cordillera. c. suturing of Laurasia and Gondwanaland.

b. rifting event that formed the Iapetus ocean. d. deposition of the Catskill Clastic Wedge.

6. The Catskill Clastic Wedge is a result of erosion from uplifted highlands formed during the

a. Acadian Orogeny. c. Allegheny Orogeny.

b. Taconic Orogeny. d. Caledonian Orogeny.

7. Minerals which are resistant to weathering and erosion (like quartz), but which have a high density are called

a. clastic sediments. c. chemical sediments.

b. heavy minerals. d. ore minerals.

8. The reason that the Chattanooga Shale has a high content of carbon (and uranium) is because it was deposited

a. along a passive plate boundary. c. in an oxygen-rich environment.

b. along an active plate boundary. d. in an oxygen-deficient environment.

9. The separation between the Kaskaskia and Absaroka cratonic sequences in North America is based on the presence of

a. widespread cyclothem deposition. c. changes in the fossil assemblage.

b. regional unconformities. d. absolute ages determined by radiometric techniques.

10. Gondwanaland experienced glacial conditions during the

a. Silurian. c. Carboniferous.

b. Devonian. d. Permian.

Chapter 11—Late Paleozoic Events

11. Uncompahgre mountains, also called the ancestral Rockies, were the result of

a. the collision recorded by the Ouachita Orogeny.

b. the mountain-building event of the Sonoma Orogeny.

c. domal uplift due to the basin subsidence to the south and east during the Pennsylvanian.

d. uplift of crustal blocks along extensive vertical reverse faults.

12. The Chattanooga Formation is composed of

a. late Pennsylvanian conglomerates and sandstones.

b. late Permian red beds.

c. late Devonian to Early Mississippian black shales.

d. Mississippian fossiliferous limestones and chert.

13. The Red Rock sandstones and the Flatirons were formed from clastic sediments derived from the erosion and weathering of the

a. Ouachita Mountains. c. Allegheny Mountains.

b. Colorado Mountains. d. Sierra Nevada Mountains.

14. What group of particularly coarse sediments, including conglomerates, were deposited and form some of the resistant ridges of the Appalachian Mountains in Pennsylvania?

a. Sonoma Group c. Pocono Group

b. Dunkard Group d. Monongahela Group

15. The orogeny in southern Europe that is a contemporary of the Allegheny Orogeny in North America during the late Paleozoic is

a. Grenville. c. Ellsmere.

b. Sonoma. d. Hercynian.

16. A dark gray concretionary variety of calcium phosphate used in the manufacture of fertilizers and other chemical products is

a. phosphatic shales. c. phosphorite.

b. phosphates. d. phosphorus.

17. The Permian-Triassic disturbances of the Cordilleran region have been named the in British Columbia and the in the southwestern United States.

a. the ancient British rock group c. Mississippian Orogeny, American Orogeny

b. the Permian-Triassic Orogeny d. Cassiar Orogeny, Sonoma Orogeny

18. During the Devonian, subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath the western margin of the continent was initiated resulting in the beginning of a disturbance known as

a. Cassiar Orogeny. c. Antler Orogeny.

b. Sonoma Orogeny. d. Allegheny Orogeny.

19. The late Paleozoic-Triassic has cratonic sequences

a. Kaskaskia and Acardian. c. Catskill and Acadian.

b. Kaskaskia and Absaroka. d. Caskill and Absaroka.

20. The Alleghenian Orogeny and Owachita Orogeny were events in the final assembly of the supercontinent

a. Pangea. c. Gondwanaland.

b. Laurentia. d. Laurasia.

Chapter 11—Late Paleozoic Events

Fill in the Blank

1. The cyclic deposits that were formed during the mid-Pennsylvanian Absaroka sequence and are used as a stratigraphic marker are .

2. The final orogeny to affect the Cordilleran region during the Paleozoic was the

3. The Catskill Delta is the result of the Orogeny.

4. The late Paleozoic was when most of the separate land masses of earlier periods were assembled into the great supercontinent called .

5. The Permian-Triassic disturbance of the Cordilleran region of British Columbia has been named the

6.  The vast region of alluvial deposition found both in North America and Western Europe whose most famous formation is the Old Red Sandstone is called the

7. The displaced continental fragment that collided with the Appalachians by late Devonian time and resulted in the Acadian Orogeny was called .

8. A term applied originally to rocks suitable for whetstones in America that is applied to very tough, uniformly grained cherts composed of microcrystalline quartz is .

9. The late Devonian shale found along the eastern margin of North America that is widespread, easily recognizable, and serves as a stratigraphic marker is called

10. The orogenic belt that bordered the interior platform of North America on the east from Newfoundland to Georgia, with its southwestward extension called the Ouachita Orogenic Belt is called the .

11. The orogeny of the late Paleozoic that forms a great range of mountains across central Europe is

12. The Caledonian and Acadian Orogenies brought North America and Europe together as a combined land mass named .

13. The basin that lay adjacent to the ancient Uncompahgre mountains by middle Pennsylvanian time and became restricted by thick beds of salt, gypsum, and anhydrite was called

14. The kind of deformation in which basement rocks are largely unaffected and the overlying “slein” of weaker sedimentary rocks breaks into multiple thrust faults is known as ______-______.

15. Today carbon dioxide keeps our planet warm by trapping heat radiated from the Earth’s surface; this phenomenon is called the ______.


1. In North America, the late Paleozoic is divided into the Kaskaskia and Absaroka cratonic sequences. They both reflect the marine and non-marine sedimentation of that time interval.

2. The Catskill Group consists of predominantly marine sandstones and shales.

3. The Oriskany Sandstone of New York is an example of the sediment deposited during the regression of the Kaskaskia Sea.

4. The Catskill Delta of the late Devonian of the eastern margin of North America was characteristic of conglomerates and sandstones; however, further to the west a widespread sheet of muds produced the Chattanooga Shale.

5. Tillite and glacial striations over large areas of Gondwanaland (South America, Africa, Australia) indicate continental glaciation during the late Carboniferous and Permian.

6. The erosion of the Kaskaskia resulted in one of the most widespread regional unconformities in the world and therefore provides criteria for separating the Carboniferous Period of Europe into the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian of North America.