West Leigh Infant School

West Leigh Infant School

Policy for


Agreed by Staff: Spring 2017

Ratified by Governors: March 2017

To be reviewed: Spring 2020

Display Policy


Vision Statement

WestLeighInfant School provides creative learning opportunities in a happy, inspiring and safe environment; all are cared for, supported and challenged to maximise their potential.

At WestLeighInfant School, we believe that the ethos of the school should be reflected through the quality of displays, pictures, objects and teaching aids that appear in the classrooms and throughout the school building.

We believe that display as part of the learning environment:

  • Supports, reinforces, enhances and accelerates learning
  • Builds self esteem.
  • Creates a sense of belonging.
  • Aids recall and stimulates further thinking.
  • Celebrates achievements.
  • Reminds children of rules and targets.
  • Motivates children towards further learning.

WholeSchool Displays:

  • Entrance Hall – Topic
  • Corridor outside A – School Council/Charities Supported/British Values
  • Infant Hall – Topic
  • Corridor Outside M – Eco Warriors
  • Corridor Outside M – Excellent Work
  • Dining Hall – Menu/Healthy Eating

Each class displays:

School Motto
Class Rules with photos
Visual Timetable
Displays that reflect the make up of the school population i.e. positive images of culturally diverse groups, examples of community languages and images that challenge stereo types of gender and disability
Interactive display reflecting the current topic to promote investigation and curiosity including artifacts.
A big picture display demonstrating the learning process showing how each element of learning connects the learning journey to the topic.
YR / Y1 / Y2
Birthdays / Age 4 or Age 5 / Months / Calendar
Strategies which individual children need to support their behaviour will not be on display. / Whole Class Reward System / Table Reward System supporting Golden Time / Individual/Group Reward System supporting Golden Time
Reading / Alphabet Frieze in order the phonemes are learned
Spring/Summer Alphabetical order / RM Alphabet Frieze in alphabetical order
RM Set 2 and 3 phonemes in order learned / Spelling patterns
Writing / Working Wall / Working Wall
Maths / Maths’ Meeting Resources / Maths’ Meeting Resources / Maths’ Meeting Resources
Topic / Key vocab / Key vocab / Key vocab
Resources / Word mats / Word Mats
Word Books(Spring)
Number lines / Word Books
Number lines
Number squares


  • Displays should be attractive and stimulating.
  • Backing paper should be muted so that the children’s work stands out and should be chosen to suit display colours/theme of the display etc. (remember blue has a calming effect)
  • All work that needs mounting should be done with care, neatly and straight with a single or double mount.
  • Displays must include a title.
  • Most displays would include a teacher explanation/ celebratory comment.
  • All displays should have a border.
  • Children’s work should always be named/ have a name label.
  • Displays should be fixed if damaged.
  • Avoid displays that are purely children’s writing without other stimuli, objects, explanations etc.
  • Displays are changed regularly in order to maintain the children’s interest and reflect current learning.
  • Staff should ensure that the fabric of the building is not damaged by fixing materials to the walls (no stapling or sellotape on plaster walls or wood.)
  • No displays on windows or glass screens.
  • No photos of children with both names.

Staff are encouraged to use:

  • Children’s voice
  • Concept mapping
  • Diagrams
  • Photos
  • Posters
  • Objects
  • 3D.
  • Independent work/ideas or objects brought from home.


Staff should use kick stools or safety ladders when necessary. There is a kick stool in every classroom, in the Infant Hall and a set of steps in the central stock cupboard. Do not over stretch, most furniture is on wheels and can be moved out of the way.

Staff should not be on their own if putting something up on a high board.

Written: February 2017

Review: Spring 2020

Display Policy Spring 2017 3 Yearly