Chapter 11: The Age of Imperialism
- The Scramble for Africa
- Africa Before European Domination
- In the mid –1800s, African people were divided up
- Most followed
- Some converted
- These groups spoke
- Politically, they ranged from
- Europeans had established
- African armies were strong enough
- By 1880, Europeans only controlled
- Large scale travel to the interior was almost impossible
- Disease and non navigable rivers
- Africans controlled
- These networks were highly specialized
- One tribe, the Chokwe
- Nations compete for overseas empire
- The Europeans who did make it into the interior of Africa were
- Europeans and Americans
- The CongoSparks Interest
- In the late 1860s David Livingstone, a Scottish missionary
- When no one had heard from him for ten years
- An American newspaper
- In 1871 he found
- Stanley then set out
- His explorations got the interest of
- He commissioned Stanley
- Between 1879 and 1882, Stanley signed treaties with
- The treaties gave Leopold II
- Leopold claimed that he was colonizing this area
- However, he used
At least 10 million Congolese died.
Because of his abuses
- The French had signed a treaty
- It didn’t take long before
- Forces Driving Imperialism
- Belief in
- National pride played a part
- An empire meant
- As competition increased
- Many Europeans subscribed to the beliefs
- Racism is a belief that
- Social Darwinism is when
- Those who were fittest for survival were
- They were thusly superior
- Non Europeans were considered to be
- Because
- The White Man’s Burden
- Written as a poem by Rudyard Kipling, but
- Europeans felt that it was their right and their duty
- Missionaries also pushed
- They also wanted to
- Factors Promoting Imperialism in Africa
- One major advantage that Europeans had was
- The Maxim Gun,
- Africans had to rely on
- They had guns
- Europeans could also
- Steam engines allowed
- The drug Quinine, developed in 1829
- In Africa itself
- There were hundreds
- Each tribe, empire, or ethnic group was
- The Africans couldn’t
- The division of Africa
- The scramble for African territory
- The French began
- The discovery of
- The Berlin Conference Divides Africa
- European countries feared
- To prevent this
- This was called the
- Rules said
- By 1914 only Ethiopia and Liberia
Liberia was a colony founded by American Ex-Slaves.
- Raw Materials
- Most Europeans thought that Africans would
- European businesses needed
- There were many
- The Belgian Congo
- South Africa had
- There were also cash crop plantations that grew
- 1816 – a Zulu Chief named Shaka
- In 1879 – the British invaded after Cetshwayo
- The Zulu nearly
- The Zulu finally
- By 1887 the Zulu nation was
- The Boers and the British settle the Cape
- The first Europeans to settle in South Africa were
- They came to the Cape of Good Hope to
- Dutch farmers known as
- The British took over
- The Dutch and the British clashed over.
- In the 1830s the Boers began
- This is known as the
- They quickly found themselves
- The Boer War
- When diamonds and gold were discovered
- The Boers tried to protect their territory by
- A rebellion against the Boers
- This was the first
- The Boers launched
- The British
- Black Africans were
- Some
- Some served
- Those who were captured.
- The British won the war in 1910 and
- Imperialism
- A New Period of Imperialism
- Forms of Control
- Each European nation
- Four forms of taking colonies emerged
- Colony
- Protectorate
- Sphere of influence
- Economic Imperialism
- Methods of Management
- Direct Control
- Paternalism
- Europeans governed
- Provided their
- Europeans brought in
- Assimilation
- This was the theory that
- Mostly used by
- To aid in this transition
In practice the French abandoned assimilation
Used Association instead
- This was similar to indirect control, but
- Indirect Control
- Relied on
- Local rulers handled
- Each colony had
- Theory was that
- Nigeria: A British Colony
- Gaining Control
- The British gained control of Nigeria through both
- Northern Nigeria was captured by the
- The company took control of
- This gave the British
- In 1914
- Managing the Colony
- You had to claim a colony and govern it
- About 250 ethnic groups lived in Nigeria
- The
- The
- The
- Because the area was so diverse
This worked well with
The Yoruba and Igbo
- African Resistance
- Unsuccessful Attempts at Resistance
- These movements generally included
- The Algerians resisted
- Samori Touré
- In German East Africa native people believed
- Known as the Maji-Maji rebellion, and
- 20 different ethnic groups united
- Believed that
Official death toll
Probably double that
- Ethiopia: A Successful Resistance
- Menelik II
- He successfully
- While he was doing that
- Bought from
- Menelik II
- He thought
- In 1896 at the
- Kept
- The Legacy of Colonial Rule
- Negative
- Africans
- Africans
- Many
- There were famines
- Traditional culture
- Traditional authority
- Men were forced
- There was an admiration
- Africa was divided with no regard for
- Positives
- Colonialism reduced
- Improved
- Lifespan and literacy
- African products
- Railroads, dams, telephone, and telegraph lines
- Primarily benefited
- Europeans Claim Muslim Lands
- Ottoman Empire Loses Power
- Reforms Fail
- After Suleyman I
- Corruption and theft
- Coinage was devalued
- Selim III
- He attempted
- The older janissaries
- He was overthrown and
- Now nationalist revolts
- In 1830
- Ottoman weakness was becoming obvious
- EuropeansGrabTerritory
- Geopolitics
- This is the
- This was
- The Ottomans
- They controlled
- Any landlocked European country
- Oil was also discovered in Persia (Iran)
- Russia and the Crimean War
- The Russians had launched wars on
- 1853 –
- The Crimean War
- Called this because
- Br. and Fr. wanted
- Took the side of
- This war showed
- The Ottomans
- Russians aided
- Ottomans
- They also lost
- The Great Game
- This was
- Primarily waged over India
- Russia attempted
- Britain defended
- Afghanistan became
- In the 1800s
- Mountainous terrain and determined people kept invaders out.
- 1881
- 1921
- The newly formed (1917) Soviet Union
- remained until 1979
- Egypt Initiates Reform
- Military and Economic Reform
- Modernization happened because
- After Napoleon’s loss
- Muhammad Ali
- He was originally
- 1831 –
- European powers
- Ali began
- He changed
- They grew
- He brought
- Peasants suffered because
- The Suez Canal
- Muhammad Ali’s grandson Isma’il
- This is a waterway
- Built mainly
- Opened in
- Isma’il’s modernization efforts were
- In 1882
- Persia Pressured to Change
- Russia and Britain competed
- Russia wanted
- Persia gave territory
- Britain wanted
- In 1857
- When
- Persia could not
- To raise money
- These concessions allowed.
- The Anglo-Persian Oil Co
- The Battle over Tobacco
- The people of Persia.
- Religious leaders
- 1890 –
- Jamal al-Din
- He organizes
The concession was
- 1906 –
- 1908 –
- British Imperialism in India
- British Expand Control over India
- East India Company Dominates
- Officially controlled by
- Unofficially
- The Company even
- Led by
- Staffed by
- The “Jewel in the Crown”
- India was considered
- Over 300 million people
- The British restricted
- Had to produce
- British Transport Trade Goods
- Built
- Most raw materials
- The British shipped
- The tea
- Indian goods
- Russian
- This increased
- Cotton production
- Impact
- Negative
- India lost
- Indians lost
- Emphasis
- Increased
- Positives
- The Sepoy Mutiny
- Indians
- Indians resented
- 1857 –
- To use the cartridges
- Hindus
- Muslims
- Both groups were
- Commanders were shocked when
- The British reacted
- Those who refused
- May 10, 1857.
- Marched to
- From there
- The East India Company
- The Indians couldn’t
- Muslims didn’t
- Hindus preferred
- Local leaders
- The Sikhs also
- Turning Point
- 1858 –
- Called
- British
- Cabinet minister
- Princes
- The British
- Mutiny
- Nationalism in India
- Ram Mohun Roy
- Well-educated
- Others began
- Nationalist groups form
- Indian National Congress
- Muslim League
- Wanted
- 1905
- 1911-
- Imperialism in Southeast Asia
- Europeans
- Dutch Expand Control
- Dutch East India Company
- Seized land
- To manage these colonies,
- Created
- Dutch
- Dutch forced
- British take Malaya
- British
- Took
- Also took
- Tin and rubber
- Chinese were encouraged
- So many flocked to Malaysia
- French Control Indochina
- Had been active in SE Asia since
- Helped
- 1840
- Nap III
- Also add
- Called
- Used direct control
- Filled
- Didn’t encourage
- Increased the production
- Started V
- Colonial impact
- Mixed results
- Economies
- Modernization
- Education
- Area became
- There are still
- Siam Remains Independent
- Siam (modern day Thailand)
- Lay between
- Siamese kings
- Modernized itself
- Started
- Reformed
- Reorganized
- Built
- Ended
- Because changes came from within
- U.S. Imperialism in the PacificIslands
- The Philippines change hands
- U.S. acquired the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam
- Emilio Aguinaldo
- Declared independence
- U.S. defeated
- Built
- Businesses
- Hawaii Becomes a Republic
- 1790s
- 1820s
- by the 1850s
- 1890s
- Hawaiian sugar
- Business leaders
- This is.
- If Hawaii is part of the U.S.
- 1890s Queen Liliuokalani
- 1893
- In the same year
- In 1894
- He asked
- President Cleveland
- In 1898
- By the end of the 1800s all land is claimed