Name: ______
Chapter 11 TCI or Chapter 9 Creating America: Launching a New Nation 1789-1800
I. Washington Takes Office
How did John Adams become the vice president?
He got the second most votes and at this time in history that was how the V.P. position was determined
Define inaugurated:
The swearing in process for the President…taking the oath
II. Setting up the Courts
Describe the Federal Judiciary Act of 1789
Sets up Supreme Court and lower level courts
II. Washigton’s Cabinet
Define cabinet in your own words:
The President’s own personal advisory team that helps him make decisions for what is best for the United States
Washington’s Cabinet:
Title / Person / ResponsibilitySecretary of State / Thomas Jefferson / Maintain foreign relations
Attorney General / Edmund Randolph / Lead legal advisor to the president
Secretary of Defense / Henry Knox / Protecting the United States through the military
Secretary of Treasury / Alexander Hamilton / Manage America’s money
III. Economic Problems
Why was it important for the US to pay off its war debt?
So other countries would trust us in the future
Build our reputation
Hamilton thought the centralized government should be stronger than the
state governments.
Hamilton also thought the government should encourage business
and industry
IV. Hamilton’s FinancialPlan
3 steps to improve finances
1.Assume each state’s war debt
Why didn’t the southern states agree with this?
They didn’t have any debt, their debt was paid off already
Compromise – what did the southern states get in exchange for their support of this plan?
They moved the capital to the south from New York to just outside Va.
2. Revenue (money taken in by the government)
Define Tariff:
Taxes on imported goods
What 2 things did tariffs do to help the US?
1.Raise tax money
2.Encourage consumers to buy American
3. Creating a National Bank
3 things this would accomplish:
1. A safe place to put your money
2. Make loans to businesses and government
3. Issue paper to be used as currency
The plan strengthened the central government – who was worried about this?
Thomas Jeffersonand James Madison
V. Interpreting the Constitution
What is the difference between a strict and loose interpretation of the Constitution?
Those who believe you could only do what the constitution says interpret it strictly, those who believe you could do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t say you can’t interpret it loosely
Who advocated a strict interpretation? Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
Who advocated a loose interpretation? Alexander Hamilton
VI. Securing the Northwest Territory
Native Americans attempt to create havoc and create a unified Indian nation in the
Britain was violating the terms of the treaty of Paris by keeping forts north of the Ohio River
Britain supported Native Americans in order to keep the fur trade business going
Washington sent troops to the west to protect the U.S. investment and the Ohio area.
Native Americans fought back, expecting the Britishto help
Who won the Battle of Fallen Timbers? The United States
Why did the British refuse to help defend the Native Americans against the Americans?
The British did not want to get involved in a dispute with America
What was the result of the Treaty of Greenville?A major loss of territory by the Native
VII. The Whiskey Rebellion - ECONOMY
Why did Washington decide to put a tax on Whiskey?It was an excellent source of revenue for our country
Farmersin Pennsylvania resisted the tax
How were the farmers using the whiskey to their advantage?Selling it and making huge profits. They were also using it as a currency to trade with.
What did Washington do about the Whiskey Rebellion?
Because it was done to show a sign of strength of the American government to the people. A decision was made stand by it even if you don’t agree with the decision.
The outcome showed that the federal government had the power to control interstate
VIII. The French Revolution
Why was Washington torn over who to support in the French Revolution?
His was torn between both sides and where our loyalties should lie
The wealthy who loaned us the money or the poor who looked for the same
political ideals.
What did Washington decide to do?He decided to remain neutral
IX. Remaining Neutral
British began seizing American goodscarrying goods from France
What were two outcomes of Jay’s Treaty? (an attempt at peace talks with Britain)
1.British agreed to pay for seized vessels
2.Jay’s Treaty was unpopular
3. Jay’s treaty failed to open up trade in the West Indies
What were two outcomes of Pinckney’s Treaty? (working with Spain and the west)
1. Right to travel the Mississippi River by U.S. traders
2.Right to store goods at the Port New Orleans
X. Washington Retires
Washington tried to be a symbol of UNITY
In his Farewell Address what two things to Washington warn about?
1.Stay away from political parties
2.Do not enter in political treaties or friendships with other countries.
XI. Growth of Political Parties
Washington warned against creating or choosing sides
What led to the creation of political parties?Different views of how the country should
be ran
Hamilton and Adams – Federalists / Jefferson and Madison – Democratic RepublicansLarge, with over sitenational government / Little to nonational government
Looseinterpretation of the
Constitution / Strictinterpretation of the Constitution
In favor ofthe National Bank / Hated the idea of the National Bank
Economy based on manufacturing and
Shipping / Economy based on farming
XII. John Adams Takes Office
Election of 1796 was the first elections in which political partiescompeted.
Who was Adam’s vice president?Thomas Jefferson
Why was this a noteworthy election?It is the first election where party lines are
XIII. Problems with France
The French begin seizing (capturing) US ships to prevent:
Trade with great Britain
The Federalists called for war with France?
Adams sent 3 advisors to try to have peace talks with the French.
Who were X, Y and Z?Nobody knows even today still
What TWO things did the French want before they would talk to the Americans? 1. A $10 million interest free loan
2.a bribe of $250,000.00
What did the Americans say to these demands? No not even a sixpence !
In response to the French and the XYZ Affair the US cancelled its treaty
with France and expanded the U.S. Navy
XIV. The Alien and Sedition Acts
How did the Federalists react about Adam’s response in the XYZ Affair?
They were disappointed that we did not go to war !
How did the Democratic-Republicans react?
Sympathetic to France……many immigrants were a part of the D.R.P.
Adams was mad about being criticized in a time of crisis.
To silence his critics the Federalist Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts
These acts targeted immigrants waiting on citizenship but vocal about their dislike of how John Adams was handling things
What were 3 things the Alien and Sedition Acts did?
1. Increased wait time to be a citizen 5 to 14 yrs. to become a citizen
2. President had the power to arrest disloyal immigrants or those who
spoke out against the government
3. Sedition was outlawed (made illegal)
Define Sedition: Saying things that are false or untrue or critical
How was the idea of States Rights a way to fight the Alien and Sedition Acts?
It was a way for states to override federal law because the state or states did not believe it was useful to them
States Rights Resolutions:
1. Kentucky Resolution – nullification
States have the right to nullify (void) a federal law
2. Virginia Resolution
A state could put itself between the federal governmentand its
These two resolutions declared the Alien and Sedition Acts unconstitutional
Did the resolutions work? Were effective but not liked and did not survive
Under what circumstances were the Alien and Sedition Acts repealed (overturned)?
They expired and were not renewed
XV. Peace with France
Adams made peace with France – he signed an agreement stopping
Naval attacks therefore avoiding war
How did the Federalists react to this agreement?Anger
Adams was proud that he was able to avoid War