The meeting was called to order at 8:00PM by Council President Roth who read the Open Public Meetings Act Statement as prescribed by law. Notice was advertised in The Record on November 26, 2012 and The Ridgewood News on November 30, 2012 stating this meeting would be held in the Council Chambers of the Richard J. Martel Municipal Center, 475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, New Jersey on Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 8:00PM.
Notice of this meeting is posted on the Municipal Bulletin Board. The Minutes of this meeting shall be available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office once they have been approved by the Township Council.
Salute to the Flag.
Moment of Silence was observed for those who served and are serving in the military both in the United States and abroad.
Present: Councilmembers DiGiulio, Hermansen, Larson, Jandris, Roth, and Sbarra
Absent: Councilmember Williams
Also present were Mayor William C. Laforet, Business Administrator Brian Campion, Township Engineer Kevin Boswell, Township Attorney Brian Chewcaskie and Deputy Municipal Clerk Jan Fox.
The 4th grade undefeated champions of the Northwest Bergen Passaic Girls Travel League were present with their Coaches, Lou Lotito, Brian Forgette and Ben Fruscione.
The Mayor introduced the Coaches and presented the girls with certificates and Township pins. They were all congratulated by the Council.
On a motion by Sbarra, seconded by Larson, the meeting was opened to the public at 8:20PM. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Mike DeLuca of 11 Parsons Court questioned the cost of a new Well. The Business Administrator said the cost could be as much as $3M. Mr. DeLuca asked where the Well will be located. The Business Administrator answered the proposed Well 18A will be between the Ramapo River and Halifax Road. Mr. DeLuca asked if the Well would have limitations as to how much water will be taken out. The Business Administrator answered yes.
Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes
March 27, 2014
Mr. DeLuca asked how the money for this would be handled. The Business Administrator said the Water Department is a department of the Township and their budget is separate, so the revenues and costs are self-liquidating. The money will be taken out of the Water Department’s budget.
Mr. DeLuca asked who determines the necessity for this water. The Business Administrator said there is a permit allocation for the water, per day, and all the users along the Ramapo River have maxed out on the water. He said Well 18A will be a high production Well and we will take the older wells out of service.
Mr. DeLuca asked where the water will come from for the new mall going up. The Business Administrator said that facility will be a Township Water customer, and at that time, the State will look at the new capacity in our system which they do when a new large connection is made.
Mr. DeLuca stated he is not satisfied with this new Well and said he plans to follow through with the Department of Environmental Protection for the States of New York and New Jersey.
Larson said the Wells are not the only source of water as we buy water from United Water.
On a motion by Hermansen, seconded by Sbarra, the meeting was closed to the public at 8:31PM. All in favor. Motion carried.
Any Councilmember with questions on the Bills and Claims was asked to speak with Administration prior to the Public Meeting.
ENGINEERING (Boswell-McClave)
1a. Verbal Status Report
The Township Engineer mentioned the Township Engineer’s Associate is at a meeting
this evening finding out about the Grant for the Masonicus Brook as well as the Ramapo
West Airmount Road Drainage Improvements: The Township Engineer stated
the road is to be resurfaced from Island Road to Franklin Turnpike starting June 14th.
Campgaw Road and Seminary Drive Intersection: The Township Engineer said the
County supports reducing the speed limit to 40 mph from Darlington Avenue to the
Police and Fire Academy. There will be a Freeholder’s vote for this on April 14th.
Campgaw Road Water Main Pipe Improvements: The Township Engineer said the
contractor will begin work on March 31st and it will be a difficult detour to Pulis Avenue.
Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes
March 27, 2014
The road will close in the morning for a two month period of time. He said all the
residents in the area have been notified. There will be a change order for $28,000 which
will be reimbursed from the County and the Township will get a credit of $15,000 and a
better pipe across this road.
DiGiulio asked about the Safe Routes to Schools Program. The Township Engineer said he will follow up on the Discretionary Aid Grant that was submitted to NJDOT for the installation of solar powered school zone signs on Ridge Road and Fardale Avenue.
2a. Mayoral Appointments; Recreation Committee
Mayor Laforet said there are two appointments to the Recreation Committee, David May
and Danielle Migliacci.
Resolutions shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.
2b. COLA Cap Bank Discussion:
The Business Administrator explained about the annual Cost-of-Living Adjustment
authorized under the original Cap Law. The cap base he stated is .5% which is less than
the statutory maximum of 2.5%. The governing body may pass a COLA ordinance,
increasing the cap base to 3.5%. The governing body did authorize, by Ordinance, to
increase the final appropriation by 3.5%.
Ordinance shall be introduced in the Public Meeting.
2c. LOSAP; Annual CPI Adjustment
The Business Administrator said the payments to the Township Volunteers for services in
the year 2013 payable in the year 2014 shall be increased by 0.24%.
Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.
2d. Authorization for Auction of Excess Township Equipment
The Business Administrator said the Police Department has five vehicles that have been
replaced by new models, Access Transportation has three vans no longer needed and the
Fire Department has a fire engine that has been replaced. He said Administration also
has computers, printers and components that are no longer needed for public service.
Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.
2e. 2013 Budget Transfers
Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.
2f. 2014 Temporary Budget
Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.
Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes
March 27, 2014
On a motion by Hermansen, seconded by Larson, the Bills and Claims, previously signed, totaling $844,335.04 were approved. Roll call vote: DiGiulio, yes; Hermansen, yes; Jandris, yes; Larson, yes; Sbarra, yes; Williams, absent; Roth, yes. A List of Bills and Claims is on file in the Municipal Clerk’s Office.
DiGiulio mentioned the Ordinance Committee will meet next Wednesday.
DiGiulio said the Beautification Committee Clean Up is April 26, 2014 from 9AM to 12
Noon at Continental Soldiers Field. Lunch will be provided.
Hermansen said the Ordinance Committee will be meeting next Wednesday.
Hermansen mentioned that he has reached out to all Towing Companies hoping they will send any towing information they have to the Council. He said they have received comments from one Towing Company.
Sbarra commented that on March 18th he attended the Housing Committee Meeting and some of the items discussed will be discussed in Closed Session this evening.
Roth said on the 19th he attended the Senior Advisory Board Meeting and all is well with the Senior Center and their many trips that are planned.
Roth said he attended the Senior St. Patrick’s Day luncheon and there was a great turn out.
Roth said today he attended the Regional Chamber of Commerce Luncheon at the Sheraton Center and it was well attended.
Mayor Laforet said he attended the Senior Advisory Board Luncheon.
Mayor Laforet said he attended the Chamber of Commerce Luncheon.
Mayor Laforet mentioned he had some good meetings with the Fire Department.
Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes
March 27, 2014
The title of an Ordinance was read as follows:
Introduced by DiGiulio, seconded by Hermansen
RESOLVED that the Ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading.
FURTHER RESOLVED that said Ordinance be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on April 24, 2014 at the Municipal Offices, 475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, New Jersey at 8:00PM.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Municipal Clerk shall publish said Ordinance with notice of introduction, passage, and time and place where said Ordinance will be considered for final passage.
Roll call vote: DiGiulio, yes; Hermansen, yes; Jandris, yes; Larson, yes; Sbarra, yes; Williams, absent; Roth, yes.
* * * * *
The Business Administrator explained there is a draft Budget document with the changes that were reflected from the last meeting. In addition, to those changes, one incorporated in the document this evening, he stated, was the invoice received from the Division of Pensions and Benefits for our employer contributions. One was for the PERS account and one for the PFRS account with both invoices being reduced. The total for the Police White and Blue Collar is $165,000. which is a total reduction for this year’s bill. The Budget appropriations have been reduced by $165,000.
The Business Administrator mentioned another item discussed is the Capital Budget and a meeting with the Fire Department on the Air System upgrade item. The Department started off with a request of $1,250,000. Administration recommended $50,000. and after further discussions it went to $637,500. Administration has had meetings with the Fire Department and they have a final number in Year One of the Capital Three Year Program of $375,000.
Roth said the meeting Administration had with the Fire Department was very productive, and satisfied the Fire Department.
Hermansen mentioned this was a job well done by the Council and Administration in saving a good amount of money.
Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes
March 27, 2014
The Business Administrator said the cylinders have a 15 year life and should be replaced within the next two years as they were purchased in 2001. He said they are buying the pack with the bottles.
The Business Administrator said on the Operating Budget the local tax rate increase is a 4.2% tax rate vs. the original rate of 5.8%.
Roth thanked everyone for the good work.
Roth mentioned, at the last meeting, he had proposed an adjustment of the pro-rated salaries for the Police Department which, it was decided, will stay in the budget. The other proposal was an adjustment to the overtime account with a reduction of $105,000. Roth said we now have other money coming in from the State Pension Fund so he will withdraw the recommendation of $105,000. and reduce it only by $50,000.
Hermansen asked what number was in the Budget. The Business Administrator said the number is $5,826,800. and reflects changes discussed last week.
Roth made a motion, seconded by Hermansen, to adjust the original straw poll vote taken of $105,000. to a reduction of $50,000.
DiGiulio asked why do this reduction if the tax rate is not being dropped. Roth said he still has concerns as there is an issue on the Police Department overtime. Roth mentioned that they were not able to reduce much in any of the Township Departments so reviewed the Police Department overtime again.
Hermansen said he is concerned for the tax payers’ dollars and feels the Council has made the Department Heads accountable for what they do. Hermansen said he actually sat down with the Mayor to discuss the overtime and asked Administration for the first few month’s numbers on overtime in the Police Department. Hermansen said he feels the Police Chief will work with the Council on this compromise overtime number.
Straw Poll Vote: DiGiulio, yes; Hermansen, yes; Jandris, yes; Larson, yes; Sbarra, yes; Williams, absent; Roth, yes.
Roth commented that they had to make difficult decisions in reviewing the Budget. The number being held in the Capital Budget for the Fire Department has been lowered by $262,500. He said the repair of roads had to be eliminated but lowering the Fire Department’s budget will allow repairing of some of the Category #4 roads that have not been done.
The Business Administrator said it would be possible to do some #4 rated roads. This would be $1.5M in 2014 for repair of roads.
Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes
March 27, 2014
Sbarra asked how it will be determined what #4 roads will be done. The Business Administrator said Stephens Lane, Arthur Court and a portion of Olney Road would not