Volume 2 Issue 14
Sacred Heart Catholic School
312 S. B Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005
Principal’s MessageDuring the Season of Advent, we will be focusing on the Jesse Tree. The Jesse tree helps us connect the custom of decorating Christmas trees to the events leading to Jesus’ birth. The Jesse tree is named from Isaiah 11:1: “A shoot shall come out of the stock of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.” Jesse was the father of King David. We adorn a Jesse tree with illustrated ornaments that represent the people, prophesy, and events leading up to the birth of Jesus. The ornaments of the Jesse tree tell the story of God in the Old Testament, connecting the Advent season with the faithfulness of God across four thousand years of history.
As we begin this first week of Advent, we focus on Jesus. He came into history at the Incarnation. He comes to us now in the Eucharist. He will come to judge us all when heaven and earth pass away and He creates it all anew. Jesus is coming to you… will you ask Him to heal you? Will you let Him under the roof of your heart?
The Christmas program is scheduled for tomorrow night at 7:00. It should run about an hour. Fourth and fifth grade students are to meet in their classroom by 6:45. Students in kindergarten through third grade are asked to be in the cafeteria by 6:45. Four year old preschoolers are to meet in their classroom no later than 6:45 and three year old students will not be performing. There is sure to be a visitor with a long white beard and a red suit after the program so get the cameras ready!!
Friday we will have an all school baby shower to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. We are collecting baby items to donate to Family Services here in town. Some of the items needed include: newborn diapers, newborn onesies, size 5 & 6 diapers, baby health care kites, desitin cream, baby thermometers, pacifiers, new baby bottles, new nipples for bottles bassinet sheets, sleepsacks/wearable blankets. Your generosity is appreciated!! If you are able to help run an activity at the shower, please call the school office. We need about six or seven volunteers.
"Go forth and set the world on fire."
— St. Ignatius of Loyola
Please note the half day on December 20th. We will dismiss at 12:00 noon and will NOT serve lunch. USD 470 does not have school so there will be no bus service. This will be a crazy spirit dress day! Students can wear lots of festive attire!! No shorts or sleeveless tops.
Teacher Gifts
Thinking about buying a gift for your child’s teacher? Let us make it simple. PTO is trying something different this year called “Teacher Gift Collection”. Any parent who wants to give a gift to a teacher can simply send a monetary donation in an envelope marked “teachers gift” to school and all the money will then be split among the teachers. No more worrying what to get them. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sammi Webb or one of the other PTO officers. Their contact information is on the school website, sacredheartac.com.
Canned Good Drive
Thank you for the many donations to the canned food drive before thanksgiving. As St. Ignaitinos of Loyola has often said, “God will not be outdone in generosity!” Keep up the great attitude of service to our brothers and sisters!!
Welcome to our new 2/3 Grade Teacher, Mrs. Linda Lies
Mrs. Linda Lies will be joining our faculty on January 4th as the 2/3 homeroom teacher. She comes to us from St. Francis of Assisi parish in Wichita and has several years of teaching experience in the Diocese of Wichita. She is currently working on her ESOL endorsement and has served on several diocesan committees. She has three children; two sons in college and a daughter who lives in Tulsa. Sadly, she lost her husband to cancer a little over a year ago.
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