PRESENT: Councillor Mrs. L. Crosby in the chair.
Councillors: Mrs. A. Abbott, Mrs. J. Bolton, S. Bolton, P. Bedford, G. Derx, D. Moore, Mrs. I. Moore, E. Nesbitt, Mrs. M. Nesbitt, J. Waggitt, the Town Clerk, Mrs. K. Evans and the Deputy Clerk, P. Goodman.
Also Present: Press & Public, Inspector Payling – South Yorkshire Police.
Public Participation: None.
Prior to the meeting the Mayor called for a minute of silence following the recent terrorist attacks and tower block fire.
Domestics were announced by the Mayor.
1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. RESOLVED that the following be accepted:
Cllrs. J. Thompson – prior commitment.
Mrs. P. Pilkington – illness.
2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF ANY INTERESTS. Invited by the Mayor and Cllr Mrs. A. Abbott declared an interest in item 5.
3. TO APPROVE & RATIFY THE MINUTES OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: circulated prior to the meeting and it was RESOLVED they be signed as a true record:
(a) Annual Town Council meeting held on 16.5.2017.
(b) Cemetery Committee meeting held on 25.5.2017.
(c) Recreation Committee meeting held on 1.6.2017.
4. TO APPROVE ACCOUNTS AND FINANCIAL MATTERS – Listed on a separate sheet.
(a) Annual audit year ended 31.03.2017 – to approve accounts, now submitted to internal auditor, and to sign the annual return. The Clerk reported that the internal audit had been completed with no matters raised. It was RESOLVED that the annual accounts and Annual Return be approved and these were signed by the Mayor and Clerk. The budget figures were noted.
(b) Stainforth O.A.P Association – request for donation. RESOLVED that a donation of £200.00 be made to this group.
(c) Stainforth Sugar Craft Artists – request for donation. RESOLVED that a donation of £200.00 be made to this group.
(d) Phoenix Social Club – request for donation. RESOLVED that a donation of £200.00 be made to this group.
5. TO CONSIDER CEMETERY MATTERS. RESOLVED that press & public be excluded, Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960.
8. TO REPORT ON POLICE MATTERS. Inspector Payling from South Yorkshire Police introduced himself to the meeting and invited members to ask any questions or raise any concerns. Cllr. E. Nesbitt reported motorbikes & quads with multiple riders and Inspector Payling confirmed that he has secured some funding for new motorcycle kid and off-road cycle training for officers. He has recently issued 7 171 notices but no bikes have been seized. He is hopeful that more bike operations will be carried out through the summer. Noted.
Cllr. D. Moore asked for reports to be published in the local press and Inspector Payling agreed that this can be done. Noted.
Cllr. Abbott reported parking issues outside Kirton Lane School and Inspector Payling confirmed that this is only a police matter if the parking is deemed as dangerous, not just careless/inconsiderate. He confirmed that this issue is borough wide but will be deploying more PCSO’s to schools for a visible presence in the hope that this deters parents from parking wherever they like. Noted.
Inspector Payling reported statistics for anti-social behaviour with the main issue being nuisance bikes. Crimes have fallen between January and June but with assaults increasing slightly. Noted.
Members praised PCSO’s for their efforts. Following the discussion Inspector Payling was thanked and left the meeting at approximately 6:50pm.
9. TO CONSIDER WELFARE GROUND MATTERS. Cllr. Bedford reported that the padlock is missing from the Pavilion gates on Church Road and the Clerk confirmed that she is dealing with this matter which should be resolved within the next few days. Noted.
He also asked if members were happy to allow S.E.R.G to clear the weeds from the running track so that families can use the facilities. All in agreement. Cllr. D. Moore suggested asking a local farmer to go around the track with the tractor and harrower to clear initially. Clerk to make arrangements. Noted.
10. TO CONSIDER HIGHWAYS MATTERS. Members reported litter on Junction Road, East Lane & behind Small Grove.
Cllr. Bedford suggested a similar initiative to the bin stickers for keeping the town clean. Members agreed that residents need reminding. Cllr. Waggitt suggested using Stainforth Voice as a way of publicising this and Cllr. D. Moore added that the costs of street cleaning could be included in this article. Cllr. Allsopp suggested involving the local schools in the form of poster competitions. Noted.
11. TO DISCUSS MAYOR’S CHARITY. The Mayor confirmed that her chosen charity is the Jasmine Centre and is in the process of arranging a vintage tea dance in the CRC. Noted.
12. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – Cllr. Bedford suggested that we look at creating a Neighbourhood Plan and take responsibility for the developments in the town. The Clerk confirmed that she is already in talks with DMBC who are willing to attend a meeting to discuss moving forward with this initiative. With all members in agreement the Clerk confirmed that she will arrange a meeting as soon as possible with a DMBC representative.
13. TO CONFIRM THE DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT TOWN COUNCIL MEETING – confirmed as TUESDAY 18TH JULY 2017 at 6:30pm in the Council Chamber.
There being nothing further to discuss the meeting was closed at 7:35pm.
Signed Mayor ………………………………………………….……18th July 2017