Name of event______

Date(s) of the event______

VMY Event leader(s)______

Dear Chaperone,

We thank you for your yes and for your help, so that our trip can be as blessed and successful as possible. Your “yes” helps keep our teens healthy and holy. Our number one goal is: to give the teen a GROWTH experience in service, faith, collaboration and maturity. We believe the following information is important, so that our goal is accomplished. We look forward to being with you. Until then, please join us in praying for all those who will participate in the event. If you do not need a new copy of the guidelines, please let us know. For each event we do ask for a completed signature form, prior to the event.

To Jesus with Mary,

SEMO VMY Board of Directors


1.As a Chaperone, your number one responsibility is to be sure that all the teens assigned to you are safe and accounted for. If he/she is absent, please bring it to the immediate attention of the event leaders.

2.A Chaperone can never be alone with a teen at any time or under any circumstance.

3.Inform your teens that when they leave the premises/building of the main gathering, they are to inform you before leaving at all times.

4.Inform your teens they are responsible for waking themselves and those around them. Do watch that you see your teens in the meeting area in case this doesn’t happen.If necessary, send someone to wake them. Please be sure your teens are in their sleeping quarters at the designated time for lights out.

5.Supervise the teens in putting away food and games, picking up trash, and straightening up the main meeting area after meals and before retiring each night. Please be sure to engage the teens so that these chores involve many teen hands.

6.Be available and helpful when supplies or materials need to be distributed, carried, and/or packed.

7.In an event of 50 or more participants, make sure that you and your teens wear your name tags at all times. Name tags are to be removed when the teens are with non- VMY participants of an event in a public setting.

8.All Chaperones will be expected to review and understand the responsibilities and guidelines for VMY events. Meetings will be scheduled prior to each large event to receive these instructions and clarify questions. Chaperones are expected to attend these meetings for each respective event.


1.If you question the process or are unsure of something during an event or during formation, ask the VMY event leader of a specific session for clarification. Our events and programs are well prepared and planned for teens, not adults. There are reasons for what we do and/or changes that we make.

2.The teens are informed that there is a no tolerance of the following: alcohol, drugs, weapons of any kind, knives, firearms, any form of intimacy, vulgar language, young men and women alone, leaving the larger group without permission, or entering sleeping quarters of the opposite sex. Please inform the leader of the event if you see or become aware of any of the above. Any of these could give the teen an early trip home at their expense.

3.If possible be familiar with your team and teens prior to the beginning of the event or shortly upon arrival. Prior to the event you will be supplied with their names and if needed their cell phone numbers, please program this information into your phone. You also may be supplied with a “Getting to Know You Questions” as an aid. If you have not received it and you would like this aid, please ask prior to the trip. Making a friend early will enable a more enjoyable and rewarding experience for everyone.

4.We ask that you please mingle and talk with the teens throughout the event especially during travel time, meals, and free time.

5.You may discuss with a teen or teens in your group topics with which you (the chaperone) are comfortable. We do require you to inform your teens that it is mandatory to report incidents of abuse and caution them not to over share. If the situation merits it, please inform a VMY leader of the discussion afterward. If the issue is a priority, please mention that immediately to a VMY leader.

6.Empower the teens to lead while you confirm their leadership. Empower them to learn new skills, such as praying, reading aloud in public, working with tools, painting, giving directions, following maps, hailing cabs, riding buses and metro trains, etc. Help our teens grow to be adults of whom we can be proud. Positive reinforcement helps instill good development when making good decisions.

7.All teens are to be trusted and respected as young adults until their behavior indicates otherwise. When inappropriate conduct occurs, please treat the teen/teens with respect in an appropriate forum.

8. In general, socializing on cell phones are discouraged for adults and teens alike. During events, cell phones are to be used only for emergency situations or for necessary contacts while on the event.

9.It is appropriate to use ear buds on buses only, otherwise any ear pieces that separate chaperones and teens from their surroundings should not be used. All are kindly asked to be present to those around them and to the safety factors in the environment.

10.If you are having difficulty with a teen or if you have an unhappy teen in your group, please speak to one of the VMY leaders as soon as possible.

11.Please be aware and helpful when VMY leaders need assistance in other areas, such as the kitchen, formation set-up, role call, etc. When the teens are having “down time,” it may occur that the chaperones are asked to help with extra tasks.

12. Two of our values are consistency and fairness. We are also aware that on occasion some of our teens need special consideration. Therefore, at times we may make exceptions to these guidelines.


I, ______

(please print your name on the above line)

am in full compliance with the Protecting God’s Children in my home diocese.


and I am looking forward to participating in this event as a chaperon.

Chaperone's Signature ______

Event’s Name ______
