Changes to Behaviour Policy
Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome back to term 3 and a Happy New Year. We would like to inform you of some recent changes we have made to our Behaviour Management System. We have made these changes to ensure more consistency and clarity.
Red and Yellow card system:
This is a system we introduced in September, where the children are given a warning and a chance to change their behaviour. We have now simplified the system as follows:
- Child is given a verbal warning to think about behaviour
- Child goes ontoyellow as their choice of behaviour has continued. Child misses 10 minutes of lunchtime play with a member of SLT.
- Child is given a verbal warning that they may now be going onto a red if they are spoken to again.
- Child goes onto red as they have continued to not listen and display poor behaviour. The child will now miss all of their lunchtime play. They will still eat their lunch in the hall and after eating it will return to a member of SLT. They will be asked to fill in a reflection form where they think about their choices and the consequences.
If your child goes onto the red, then you will be called by the class teacher. If a child gets 2 redcards in a week, they will miss Club Friday.
If a child gets 3 red cards close together (i.e a few days apart), they may have an internal exclusion.
Rewards and other changes:
- We will continue to give out Well done certificates and Reach points for Houses. I will now also be giving out weekly Head Teacher Awards to children who have really amazed us and demonstrated our values.
- Children will sit in their Houses at Lunchtime. This means we can award points to the quietest, most polite and most sensible table.
- Children who have behaved well, worked hard and demonstrated our values may also receive a small certificate at the end of the school day, so keep a look out for those.
- You will receive a text message if your child comes to see me because they have some great work to show me.
Morning arrival:
- The teachers will be on the playground Monday-Thursday at 8.40 to welcome children and line them up when the bell goes. Please note if you child normally waits at the front of the school (by car park), they will now need to go around to the main playground. A member of SLT will be outside to welcome children and also to monitor any late arrivals. Any child arriving 9.00-9.15– will be marked as late and any child arriving after 9.15 (unless parents have notified us of an appointment etc) will be marked as an Unauthorised absence.
- On Fridays, Falcons can wait at the front of school as they have in the past.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to arrange to see your child’s class teacher or the Key Stage Leader.
Many thanks
Yours Sincerely
Emily Taylor, Acting Head Teacher