The Importance of the Commitment Process | How to Stay Committed | The Incentive for Arkansas Conference UM Clergy
1. The Importance of the Commitment Process
"Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all unto the glory of God."
This is your commitment to choose better health and wellness by following the steps of the Holy Healthy program. You have not set any goals or chosen any plan for improving your health, but you are ready and dedicated to taking the steps to better health. A program is only as good as your commitment to it. If you are ready to begin, print the following commitment form, and post it wherever you will see it daily. It will serve as a reminder of the commitment you have made to yourself and to God.
Just print out the Holy Healthy Commitment Form and sign your commitment to better health. (Post a copy where you can see it daily and put a copy in your 3-ring binder.)
Commitment Form (PDF)
2. How to Stay Committed, Every Day
Right now, wherever we are today, let's give ourselves a break. Make it a day to start with a clean slate. Our past choices are just that - past. Recognize that by taking small steps to eat better and be more physically active, even if we are starting from scratch, we can improve our health. And it doesn't take a lot to begin to have an impact.
We want to recapture that feeling, "me at my best." It's hard to describe, but you definitely know it when you feel it. People say, "When I'm eating healthy and being more active, it's like I'm energized" or "on top of my game!" Sometimes, don't you just dread the idea of taking time out for physical activity? Especially if it means getting out of bed a half hour earlier or squeezing it into a packed day. But afterwards, do you ever regret it? In fact, doesn't it change your mood for the rest of the day? It's empowering when you know you are taking control and making healthy changes that will make a difference for the rest of the day - the rest of your life. It's about looking and feeling better, knowing you are healthy inside and out. Wouldn't it be great to feel a renewed confidence in yourself or to simply take small steps to be your very best every day?
Support groups in your congregation, family and friends.
Read More:
Small Steps List (PDF)
3. The Incentive Process for UM Clergy
Participating ministers will have the opportunity to receive incentives from their local churches recommended by the Arkansas Conference for participation in the Holy Healthy Program.
You must register your participation in the Holy Healthy UMC program to receive the incentives. The program is based on participation only and not results. You will only be required to give your name, District, and employment status. Just click on the submit button on the bottom of the form and you are registered. You will also see additional selections for completion of your Personal Health Assessment, 3, 6 and 9-month reports. Once you have completed each interval you will be required to report your continued participation. The information from your initial registration to start the program as well as the additional participation reports will be forwarded to the Health and Wellness Task Force so they can send your recommended rewards to your District Office at the end of the year.
You can start the Holy Healthy UMC program at any time. Your starting date, recorded when you submit the registration form; will begin your yearlong participation.
Every three (3) months you will need to go to Clergy section and click "The Way In" button on the left hand side bar at Please click the appropriate reporting period to report your continued participation.
UMC Clergy Incentives