St. Stan’s 2014 Golf League

(Notable changes from 2013 are highlighted in RED ink.)

1. INTRODUCTION: St. Stan’s Golf League, “the league,” a 2-person team men’s golf league, will BEGIN PLAY on May 7, 2014and end on August27, 2014 (17 weeks). TEE TIMES FROM 4:20 PM UNTIL 5:02 PM. PLEASE BE READY TO GO - EARLY! Get in line to tee off as soon as both teams have arrived and are ready to play.

2. RULES COMMITTEE, TREASURER AND PRESIDENT. The League President / Treasurer is Bernie Gauvin. The Secretary is Larry O’Reilly.
2.1 The league will collect $53.00 per player for the entire year (aka: admin fee) for league awards, administration fees and expenses.
2.2 The Rules Committee will be made up of 3 league members (the league elected President and 2 selected by a league vote from interested volunteers). Rules Committee members must come from different teams.The Rules Committee members for 2014 are Bernie Gauvin (President), Bob Hojnacki and Jeff Levangie.
3. MEMBER QUALIFICATIONS. League members are male, and must abide by all league rules.

4.1 The 2014 season league fees total $187 per person, or $11.00 per round for 17 rounds. The total amount due for the 2014 golf season is $240 ($187 league fees plus $53 admin fees).
4.2 Everyone is expected to pay the amounts due by the due dates. The first payment of $120.00 is due no later than May 7, 2014. The second payment or balance of total fees of $240 is due on or before June 25, 2014. If payments are not made by the aforementioned dates, then the league member will not be able to earn any points toward the standings until caught up with payments.

4.3 The league secretary-treasurer must keep a detailed and accurate accounting of all revenues and expenditures and provide a pre-season income statement with projected income and expenses and a final income statement showing actual income and expenses for the season. Balance deficits or surpluses will be handled by the rules committee.

2014 St. Stan's Golf League Projected Finances
Green Fees / 32 golfers @ $11 per week x 17 weeks / $5,984.00
Sub Fees ** / $5 per week per sub / -
Admin/Prize Fee / 32 golfers @ $53 per season / $1,696.00
Total / $7,680.00
Green Fees / 32 golfers @ $11 per week x 17 weeks / $5,984.00
Recording Secretary Green Fees / Compensation for Time Spent - Larry O'Reilly / $150.00
League Admin Costs / Paper, Software / $150.00
Weekly Closest to Pin Award - Rotating Holes / Sleeve of Titleist Pro V Balls for Weekly Winner / $150.00
Weekly Mystery Card Drawing / Random Scorecard Drawn for Cart Reimbursement / $150.00
Year End Cash Prizes / 1st Place Team ($300 per team) / $300.00
2nd Place Team ($150 per team) / $150.00
3rd Place Team ($50 per team) / $50.00
1st Place Individual Points ($50) / $50.00
2nd Place Individual Points ($30) / $30.00
3rd Place Individual Points ($20) / $20.00
Pizza Nights / 2 Pizza Nights During the Season / $200.00
Total / $7,384.00
** NOTE: Subs pay $5 per man each week. This money will be added to the general fund and used to supplement the pizza nights, potentially adding a 3rd night.
St. Stan's has graciously sponsored the year end awards for our golfers (league and individual champ shirts) as well as our year end banquet (food and beer for that day). I am happy to announce that Jerry Nasiatka and St. Stan's have agreed to do so again for the 2014 season!


Each round is worth a total of twenty (20) points broken down as follows:
Individual points -18 points - One point per hole per player (9 points per player)
Match points - 2 points - Lowest Team Net Score
INDIVIDUAL POINTS are awarded, on each hole, to the individual with the lowest net score. There is one (1) point available for each hole. If a player won every hole he would receive nine (9) points. In case of a tie each player receives a half point.
The team with the lowest combined net score will receive two (2) MATCH POINTS for the match. In case of a tie, each team will receive one (1) point.
All points, Individual and Match, are added together to determine TOTAL TEAM POINTS for Team Standings. Only Individual Points are used to determine Individual Standings.
6. LEAGUE PLAY: “The Golf Rules”
6.1 All matches shall be played from the WHITE TEES, also know as the men’s tees or middle tees. If the white tees are not in the usual location, but in another location, then play them from where they are.
6.2 All matches will be played under USGA RULES. One main exception will be that we will play liberal “winter rules” meaning you will be able to “roll” your ball prior to shots. You cannot improve standing, meaning you must hit the ball out of the same terrain that you found it and not move it closer to the hole. You cannot move your ball in sand traps or water hazards and must play it as it lies in these hazards.

6.3No putts for par or better may be conceded. Only bogie and higher putts may be conceded. Please, no exceptions.
6.4 The designated DROP AREAS, if available, WILL be used on the par 3 holes and on hole #5. You can PLACE the ball within the Drop Circle.
6.5“The 4 Options Rule”: Lost Ball / Unplayable Lie / Out of Bounds (over fence, etc) / Wooded Areas /Any Hazard
PENALTY: ADD 1 STROKE and use one of the following 4 options…
Option 1: Drop and re-hit from the same place as your previous shot.
Option 2: Drop 2 club lengths from the ball or point of entry, no closer to the hole.
Option 3: Keep the point of entry between yourself and the Flag and drop on this line, no closer to the hole, back as far as you want.
Option 4: Keep yourself between the point of entry and Your Previous Shot and drop on this line, no closer to the hole, back as far as you want.

Point of Entry: The last point where the ball crossed playable golf course – before becoming unplayable, OB, lost, or in a hazard or wooded area. If the shot never crosses playable golf course then take a 1 stroke penalty and rehit from the same spot. If the player and the opponents disagree substantially where to spot the point of entry, it can be a compromised spot agreed to by both sides. Make a decision and GO!
Unplayable Lie: A player at any time can declare his ball unplayable and use any of the 4 options.

6.6WHITE STAKE RULE: Any ball hit over boundaries between holes marked by white stakes and not lost or unplayableMUST be moved back onto the hole that you are playing using the “LINE OF FLIGHT RULE” and NO penalty is incurred. The “LINE OF FLIGHT” rule is similar to the Point of Entry rule. The line of flight is the perceived path-line that the golf ball traveled on its way over the white stakes. The ball must be moved back onto the proper side of the white stakes on any position on that line of flight. Rule 6.5 applies to all lost or unplayable balls regardless of the white stakes and a penalty is incurred. In this case the white stakes are treated as out of bounds and you may not drop beyond the white stakes. The white stake rule does not apply to balls hit over the white stakes that come to rest beyond the furthest white stake and are playable. Please ask if you are not clear on this rule.

6.7 HOLE #5 and 6 RULE: The creek that runs in between holes 5 and 6 is to be used as an out of bounds marker. Any ball hit on the other side of the creek is to be treated as an out of bounds ball and the golfer can make his choice on how to proceed using the 4 Options Rule described in section 6.5

6.8 If there are any RULES DISPUTES during a match a provisional ball can be played and the rules committee will make a decision optionally under advisement from the course head professional. Committee decisions are final.

7.1 Each team must have at least one league member and a sub present to be a LEGAL TEAM. If only one member is present and unable to secure a substitute, the match is considered a forfeit and will be scored as described in Rule 9.
7.2 Each TEAM consists of two (2) players, A Player and B Player, who play against the opposing team’s player with the same status. The A player is the player with the lowest handicap. If both players from the same team have the same handicap, the player with the lowest actual stroke average will be the A player. Substitutes assume the position of rank on the team they are playing for based on handicap.
7.3 If a team member shows up late, and misses more than 2 holes, he will be allowed to make up those holes for handicap purposes only. If he shows up before teeing off on the 3rd hole, it is a legal match and he can make up the first 2 holes after the round and those scores will be used. If he shows up after teeing off on the 3rd hole then the match becomes a forfeit for those holes missed. The scores for missed holes will be determined using the procedure in Rule 9. The scoring restrictions described in Rule 9 also apply.
7.4 If a team member starts, but cannot complete his round then the match becomes a forfeit for those holes missed. The scores for missed holes will be determined using the procedure in Rule 9. The scoring restrictions described in Rule 9 also apply.

8.1 The actual scores will be adjusted for handicap purposes as follows:
8.2 There is No Maximum Handicap for the league. The maximum reportable score for handicap purposes is now 8. Report your actual score on your scorecard (adjusted scores will be made by league secretary).
8.3 Handicaps are calculated by taking the Average of the Adjusted Scores Used MINUS Par TIMES 90%.
8. 4 Scores Used for Handicap Purposes:
Rounds 1-3: A league member’s handicap will be the final league handicap from the previous year. HANDICAPS WILL NOT BE ADJUSTED UNTIL AFTER 3 ROUNDS ARE RECORDED. New league members and substitute players use the 70% RULE: Adjusted Score Minus Par Times 70% for each round played.
Round4: Use players adjusted scores from the 3 weeks of play.

Round 5: Use players adjusted scores from the 4 weeks of play.

Round6 and beyond: Use players lowest 4 of 5 adjusted scores from the 5 most recent scored weeks of play.

9. FORFEIT RULE.A forfeit occurs when ONE or BOTH members of a team fail to appear for their match and fails to secure a substitute player or fails to make arrangements for a make-up match (rule 10) with their opponents. A legal team must have at least 1 league member and 1 sub. SCORING PROCEDURE: The absent player or players scores, for scoring purposes, will be determined by the drawing a random scorecard from all cards which have 4 league members present (this will be done by the league software program). The scores used will be those in the same position on the drawn scorecard as the absent players position on their scorecard. The points will then be determined using the drawn scores and handicaps for the absent player or players. The forfeiting team and/or individual will receive half the points earned in the match. An absent player cannot receive more than 4.5 individual points. An absent team cannot receive more than 10 total points.
10. MAKE-UP MATCHES. MAKE UP MATCHES CAN BE PLAYED DURING THE WEEK OF THE SCHEDULED MATCH.There is no penalty for playing a match during this time frame. Matches are not allowed to be made up outside of this time frame. Once a match has begun at an alternate day and / or time those holes played cannot be replayed and are the official scores for those holes played. If play is interrupted and restarted scoring resumes from the last hole completed. Any holes replayed after the interruption cannot be used.
11. SUBSTITUTE RULE. A substitute (sub) must be at least 21 years old, male, and abide by all league rules. Securing a Sub is the responsibility of the absent league member or his partner. Insuring the sub fee is paid is the obligation of the absent league member. A sub will not earn points unless the sub fee is paid. Subs handicaps are calculated using the same method as regular league members. (See Rule 8)

12. RAINOUTS / LIGHTNING. If lightning is present, you are to immediately take the standard precautions prescribed for this condition. Rainouts will be determined by the club pro and/or league coordinator. Take cover if the course warning horn sounds during a round. You will be notified if the round is being postponed or canceled.
13. DISPUTES / RULES COMMITTEE DECISIONS. The rules committee can make league and local rules pertaining to league play at anytime including but not limited to matters which affect points, standings, rule interpretation, etc. All league disputes, violations, and penalties, are subject to review by the Rules Committee. The committee may consult any outside party including but not limited to the parties involved, any witnesses, and/or the head course golf professional. Decisions made by the Rules Committee are final. Major changes in league structure require a vote of the league members.
Contact Information:

Larry O’Reilly, SECRETARY: 313-320-0377