Change Request for Certification and Release of Funds Form
All Certified Projects Must Follow NM State Policies and Procurement Code
Change Type:
/ Scope / Budget / ScheduleProject Governance
Project Name
/ TapestryProject Phase / Implementation
Date / 10-28-2015
Lead Agency / Taxation and Revenue Department
Other Agencies / N/A
Executive Sponsor
/ John Monforte, Deputy Cabinet SecretaryAgency Head / Demesia Padilla, CPA Cabinet Secretary
Agency CIO/IT Lead / Jim Wastvedt, CIO, Acting
Project Manager / Jan Christine
Project Abstract (Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
MVD is operating a series of hybrid mainframe/Web application systems that are outdated and difficult to maintain as the tools, operating systems, and languages date back to the 1970s and 1980s. A complicated process extracts data from all 90 individual field offices, performs required batch processing in the mainframe environment and relevant data is then replicated back to SQL Server for the next day’s processing. Connectivity issues and other events produce times when the data is out of synch causing errors and delaying customer transactions.
Many states are moving to a customer-centric model for driver license, vehicle titling and registration systems, and financial (POS) systems. In this model, each person (e.g. person, company) has a customer record. Driver license, vehicle title and registration, and payment records all relate to the appropriate customer record. This linking of the various records provides significant benefits to our customers, to our employees, and to users such as the law enforcement community. This model is our vision for the state of New Mexico.
The scope of the MVD System Modernization (MVD System Modernization) Project is to procure and Implement an integrated Driver and Vehicle system inclusive of the 769 requirements elaborated in RFP #30-333-12-12463.
May 26th, 2015 the first half of the project, Driver Services, was delivered on-time and on-budget with high customer satisfaction. After 2 ½ weeks or production, the MVD field office was operating with customer wait times lower than the weeks preceding the implementation.
As of July 1st, 2015; the team is proceeding to deliver the second half of the system, Vehicle Services. Currently, the second and final rollout is on-schedule and on-budget.
Start Date (Implementation) / March 5, 2015 / Planned End Date
(Vehicle Implementation)
(Contracted Vendor Stabilization period) / September 6, 2016
June 30, 2017
Justification for Change in Certification (Include budget adjustment request; Business Value and/or program Results)
Tapestry is requesting certification for the project funds appropriated during the 2015 Legislative session.Amount Requested this Certification / $ 8,861,500
Amount Previously Certified / $ 28,647,792
Remaining Appropriation not Certified / $ 0
Total Appropriated Amount (include any new funds) / $ 37,509,292
Certification History (Include any previous project or phase certifications)
/ Amount / Funding Source(s) (use specific citations to laws, grants, etc.)08/28/2013 / $542,500 / Laws 2012, Chapter 19, Section 7(3)
10/23/2013 / $199,600 / Laws 2012, Chapter 19, Section 7(3)
12/18/2013 / $7,557,900 / Laws of 2012, Chapter 19, Section 7, extended through fiscal year 2014
12/18/2013 / $2,358,110 / Laws of 2013, Chapter 227, Section 7, extended through fiscal year 2015
05/21/2014 / $4,851,056 / Laws of 2013, Chapter 227, Section 7, extended through fiscal year 2015
$12,897,100 / Laws of 2014, Chapter 63, Section 7
$165,943 / 2009 CDL Grant, CD093510000000, CFDA #20.232
Expires 8/31/2014
$75,583 / 2010 CDL Grant, CD103510000000, CFDA #20.232
Expires 9/30/2014
09/23/2015 / $ 8,861,500 / Laws 2015, Chapter 101, Section 7(3)
$3,690,000 of the other state funds appropriation is from cash balances (non-reverting data sales).
$5,171,500 from General Fund.
TOTAL Certifications / $ 37,509,292
Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)
Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source2010
2014 / $8,300,000 / Laws of 2010 Special Session, Chapter. 6, Sec. 7, Item 3, reverts 6/30/12
Laws of 2012 Chapter 19, Section 7(3), extended through fiscal year 2014
Laws of 2014, Chapter 63, Section 7 extended through fiscal year 2015
2013 / $7,209,166 / Laws of 2009, Chapter 124, Sec. 7, Item 3, reverts 6/30/11
Laws of 2013, Chapter 227, Section 7(3), extended through fiscal year 2015 ***
2013 / $12,897,100 / Laws of 2009, Chapter 124, Sec. 7, Item 3, reverts 6/30/11
Laws of 2013, Chapter 227, Section 7(3), extended through fiscal year 2015
2014 / $75,583.00 / 2009 CDL Grant
CFDA #20.232
Expires 8/31/2014
2014 / $165,942.79 / 2010 CDL Grant
CFDA #20.232
Expires 9/30/2014
2015 / $ 8,861,500 / Laws 2015, Chapter 101, Section 7(3)
$3,690,000 of the other state funds appropriation is from cash balances (non-reverting data sales).
$5,171,500 from General Fund.
Total / $ 37,509,292
*** Original appropriation $8,042,500. $1MM transferred to GenTax. $166,666 returned to MVD from Gentax.
Major Deliverable Schedule and Performance MeasuresMajor Project Deliverable and Performance Measure
/ Budget /Due Date
/Project Phase
Fast Contract Deliverables mark major Project milestonesDeliverable 12 Vehicle Services Definition / 457,402.87 / Complete / Implementation
Deliverable 13 Vehicle Services Base Configuration / 785,030.98 / Complete / Implementation
Deliverable 14 Vehicle Services Dev & Unit Test / 1,289,237.87 / 06/03/2016 / Implementation
Deliverable 15 Vehicle Services Data Conversion / 425,491.05 / 09/04/2016 / Implementation
Deliverable 16 Vehicle Services Testing / 425,491.05 / 09/02/2016 / Implementation
Deliverable 17 Vehicle Services Training / 425,491.05 / 08/25/2016 / Implementation
Deliverable 18 Vehicle Services Cutover / 1,361,571.35 / 09/05/2016 / Implementation
Deliverable 19 FY 17 Level 3 Support / 2,002,310.80 / Quarterly / Mtnc & Support
Deliverable 21 FY 17 Fast DS-VS Licensing Fee / 1,101,270.94 / 03/14/2017 / Annual Licensing
Deliverable 23 FY17 OS Software support / 3,003.47 / 11/01/16 / Mtnc & Support
Deliverable 25 Release of Vehicle Services Retention / 912,302.86 / 10/5/2016 / Implementation
Deliverable 26 Post Implementation Stabilization Services / 800,924.32 / 12/04/16
03/04/17 / Implementation
FY15 &Prev Actual / FY16
Bud / FY17 Planned / Total
Personal Services & Employee Benefits / $3,527.0 / $3,135.9 / $1,874.3 / $8,537.2
Professional Services / $13,622.4 / $5,318.2 / $7,543.9 / $26,484.5
Travel/Lodging/Rent / $506.1 / $503.0 / $280.0 / $1,289.1
IT Maintenance / $310.4 / $550.0 / $200.0 / $1,060.4
IT Supplies/Inv Exempt / $174.8 / $135.0 / $0.00 / $309.8
IT Equip, HW & SW / $782.1 / $0.00 / $1,019.9 / $1,802.0
Other Financing Uses / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.0
Total / $18,922.8 / $9,642.1 / $10,918.1 / $39,483.0
Independent Verification & Validation (Include summary of the latest IV & V report)
[Summary provided by the IV&V vendor 09/03/2015]After the completion of the August 2015 IV&V Assessment, the Tapestry project continues to be in a “green” status and is trending in a stable direction. The project is currently operating with two major work streams: production support of the Driver Services module and elaboration of the Vehicle Services module. Both were performing well as of the latest assessment. IV&V observes team meetings and interviews an average of 20 project staff during each assessment to evaluate the project based on five high-level categories, each of which is also in a “green” status. The categories are:
· Integration Management, which includes requirements analysis, management, and allocation; interface requirements; process definitions and product standards; testing (all levels); technical standards; operating environment; network and infrastructure capacity; and data conversion and management.
· Organizational Change Management, which includes communications, business process reengineering, change management, and training and documentation.
· Project Management, which includes project management, budget management, risk management, configuration management, and quality assurance.
· Project Oversight, which includes project sponsorship, organization, and oversight.
· Resource Management, which includes project scheduling, level of effort estimations, and staffing.
There are currently five open risks across these categories, and all being managed and monitored effectively by the project management and leadership teams. The project is unusual in that it has a cohesive, three-person project management team: one from the business, one from IT, and the third from FAST. This structure allows each project manager to manage discrete components of the project while enabling clear communications and collaboration with each other. Executive leadership is also a three-person team that includes the MVD Director, TRD CIO, and TRD Deputy Secretary. The executives maintain frequent communications with the project management team, including a weekly meeting to review and discuss any decisions that require executive or legal evaluation. There has been appropriate communications with and visibility into every task on the project. At this time, the project is on track to finish on time and within budget.
Impact of Change (May Include Significant Risks & Mitigation Strategy; SECURITY, Consolidation & Maintenance Strategies; Records Retention; & Business Performance Measures)
The sole purpose of this “Change” is to certify the funds appropriated to the Tapestry Project in the Laws of 2015.Tapestry is NOT making any changes to the project that effect:
· Risks
· Security
· Consolidation and maintenance
· Strategies
· Records Retention
· or Business performance measures.
Revision: 6/18/13 Page 6