November 2010doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/1327r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

11p Mask M Specification
Date: 2010-11-09
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Peter Ecclesine / Cisco / 170 W. Tasman Dr.,
San Jose, CA 95134 / +1-408-527-0815 /

REV Editor

Change first inserted sentence in I.2.3 as shown:

For operation in the 5.85–5.925 GHz band in the United States, FCC 47 CFR [B8], Sections 90.377 and

95.1509, the transmitted spectrum shall be as follows:

Insert c) text after 11p I.2.3 b) as shown:

c) For any STA using 20 MHz channel spacing, the transmitted spectral density shall have a 0 dBrbandwidth not exceeding 18 MHz and shall not exceed the spectrum mask created using the permittedpower spectral density levels listed in Table I.9 for the transmit power class of the STA.

Change heading of Table I-7 as shown

Table I.7—Spectrum mask data for 5 MHz channel spacing in

the 5.85–5.925 GHz band in the United States

Change heading of Table I-8 as shown

Table I.8—Spectrum mask data for 10 MHz channel spacing in

the 5.85–5.925 GHz band in the United States

Insert Table I-9 and Transmit Mask M text after 11p Table I-8

Table I-9—Spectrum mask data for 20 MHz channel spacing

STA Transmit power class / Permitted power spectral density, dBr
± 9.0 MHz
(±f1) / ± 10.0 MHz
(±f2) / ± 11.0 MHz
(±f3) / ± 20 MHz
(±f4) / ± 30 MHz
Class A / 0 / -10 / -20 / -28 / -40
Class B / 0 / -16 / -20 / -28 / -40
Class C / 0 / -26 / -32 / -40 / -50
Class D / 0 / -35 / -45 / -55 / -65

Transmit Mask M. The power spectral density of theemissions must be attenuated belowthe output power of the transmitter asfollows:

(1) On any frequency removed fromthe center frequency between 0–45%of the channel bandwidth (BW): 0dB.

(2) On any frequency removed fromthe center frequency between 45–50% of the channel bandwidth: 568 log (%of (BW)/45) dB.

(3) On any frequency removed fromthe center frequency between 50–55%of the channel bandwidth: 26 + 145log (% of BW/50) dB.

(4) On any frequency removed fromthe center frequency between 55–100% of the channel bandwidth: 32 +31 log (% of (BW)/55) dB.

(5) On any frequency removed fromthe center frequency between 100–150% of the channel bandwidth: 40 +57 log (% of (BW)/100) dB.

(6) On any frequency removed fromthe center frequency between above150% of the channel bandwidth: 50dB or 55 + 10 log (P) dB, whichever isthe lesser attenuation.

(7) The zero dB reference is measuredrelative to the highest average powerof the fundamental emission measuredacross the designated channel bandwidthusing a resolution bandwidth of100 kHz and a video bandwidth of 30 kHz. Thepower spectral density is the powermeasured within the resolution bandwidthof the measurement device dividedby the resolution bandwidth ofthe measurement device. Emission levelsare also based on the use of measurementinstrumentation employing aresolution bandwidth of at least onepercent of the occupied bandwidth.

References: 47 C.F.R. 90.210(m)

Submissionpage 1Peter Ecclesine, Cisco