University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust
Recruitment & Selection Policy
Version / 3
Date / 11/03/09
Review Date / 2 years after approval
Author / Asst HRBP’s
Change Approver


This is a Controlled Document. The definitive version is on the intranet. Printed versions should be verified as valid with the intranet version.


Name Job Title

Alison Armer Assistant HRBP

Rachel Hunt Assistant HRBP

Lesley Millachip Assistant HRBP

Karmini Willmot Assistant HRBP

Gillian Day Employment Services Team Leader


Revision No. / Date of Issue / Page/Section Changed / Description of Change / Review Date


Dissemination lead: / Employment Services
Previous document already being used? / Yes
(Please delete as appropriate)
If yes, in what format and where? / Available on Intranet
Proposed action to retrieve out-of-date copies of the document: / Delete off Intranet and Publicise new Policy
To be disseminated to: / All recruiting Managers
Chairpersons of approving committees, sub-committees or groups / Paula Roles and Dave Woodburn
Divisional and Department Heads / Yes
Proposed actions to communicate the document contents to staff: / Include in the UHMB Weekly News policy page
Run Training Sessions

DISTRIBUTION RECORD – to be completed following document approval

Date put on register of procedural documents
Disseminated to: (either directly or via meetings, etc) / Format (i.e. paper or electronic) / Date Disseminated / No. of Copies Sent / Contact Details / Comments


Is training required to be given due to the introduction of this policy? / Yes
(Please delete as appropriate)
If yes, describe arrangements / Employment Services to update Recruitment and Selection Training and run courses


Yes/No / Comments
1. / Does the policy/guidance affect one group less or more favourably than another on the basis of:
·  Race / No
·  Ethnic origins (including gypsies and travellers) / No
·  Nationality / No
·  Gender / No
·  Culture / No
·  Religion or belief / No
·  Sexual orientation including lesbian, gay and bisexual people / No
·  Age / No
·  Disability - learning disabilities, physical disability, sensory impairment and mental health problems / No
2. / Is there any evidence that some groups are affected differently? / No
3. / If you have identified potential discrimination are there any exceptions - valid, legal and/or justifiable? / No
4. / Is the impact of the policy/guidance likely to be negative? / No
4a / If so can the impact be avoided?
4b / What alternative are there to achieving the policy/guidance without the impact?
4c / Can we reduce the impact by taking different action?

If you have identified a potential discriminatory impact of this procedural document, please refer it to the HR Equality & Diversity Specialist, together with any suggestions as to the action required to avoid/reduce this impact.

For advice in respect of answering the above questions, please contact the HR Equality & Diversity Specialist, Extension 6242.

TITLE: Recruitment and Selection Policy / Page 4 of 13
Valid to 11/03/11
Copyright © 2006 University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust

REFERENCES (Include references to all relevant Trust Policies and Guidelines)

Number / References


Abbreviation or Term / Definition
CRB / Criminal Records Bureau
HRBP / Human Resources Business Partner
JWG / Joint Working Group


Title / 1
Change Control / 2
Policy Development Team / 2
Amendment History / 2
Distribution Plan / 3
Distribution Record / 3
Training Implications / 3
Equity & Diversity Impact Assessment Tool / 4
References / 5
Glossary and Definitions / 5
Contents / 6
1. / Introduction / 7
2. / Scope / 7
3. / Responsibilities / 7
3.1 / Employment Services / 7
3.2 / Recruiting Managers / 8
3.3 / Shortlisting and Interview Panel / 8
4. / The Recruitment and Selection Process / 8
4.1 / Job Description / 9
4.2 / Personal Specification / 9
4.3 / Advertisement / 9
4.4 / Information to Applicants / 9
4.5 / Shortlisting / 10
4.6 / Selection Interview / 10
4.7 / Alternative Selection Methods / 11
5. / Pre-employment Checks / 11
6. / Formal Offer of Employment / 12
7. / Failure to Satisfy Checks and Clearances / 12
8. / Secondment / 12
9. / Monitoring / 12
10. / Reviewing of Policy / 13


University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust recognises that its staff are its most valuable resource and that good recruitment practice makes a significant contribution to the service delivery of the organisation, the ability to adapt to changing demands and to retain the invaluable skills and experience of the workforce.

The Trust’s Recruitment and Selection Policy aims to ensure equality of opportunity for all applicants; discrimination will not be tolerated. The Trust also has a statutory duty to promote and demonstrate race, disability and gender equality.

The Trust monitors the age, disability, gender, race, religion and sexual orientation of people who express interest in posts, who apply, are shortlisted and/or appointed.

This policy aims to ensure that, when filling any vacant post, the person most suited to the post is selected and that a cost effective approach is maintained.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the Recruitment & Selection Toolkit and Equality and Diversity Policy.


This policy applies to the recruitment and selection of all staff (temporary and permanent) to the Trust except for consultant medical staff; these will be covered by the Department of Health, Good Practice Guidance.

However, in exceptional circumstances, there may be a need to vary the application of this policy due to operational need and this must be approved by the Deputy Director of Human Resources.

For all applicants and staff in ongoing employment the six NHS Employment Check Standards 2008 must be adhered to and this includes volunteers, students, trainees, contractors and external agencies. The Trust has appropriate processes in place to monitor/receive assurances that these checks are being carried out.


3.1 Employment Services Department

·  establishing and maintaining documented processes to ensure that the recruitment and selection of staff is carried out in accordance with Trust policies and procedures

·  providing advice and guidance to line managers, those staff who will be shortlisting and/or on interview panels

·  ensuring the appropriate Vacancy Control Process has been followed

·  advertising vacant posts

·  ensuring job evaluation / matching is completed prior to advert

·  approving advertisements, job descriptions and person specifications

·  issuing of recruitment based letters including; inviting applicants to interview, offer letters and contracts of employment

·  processing relevant documentation for successful applicants including Criminal Records Bureau Disclosures (see CRB Disclosure Guidelines)

·  ensuring that the appropriate employment checks have been completed

3.2 Recruiting Managers

·  reviewing the requirement of the post

·  ensuring the appropriate Vacancy Control Process has been followed

·  ensuring job evaluation / matching is completed prior to advert

·  developing and reviewing job descriptions and person specifications

·  composing advertisements

·  responding to enquiries from applicants

·  organise shortlisting and interview panels

·  arranging interviews, including venues and times

·  arranging selection tests as appropriate

·  giving feedback to successful and unsuccessful applicants

·  ensuring that the appropriate checks have been completed before commencement in post

·  ensuring that appropriate induction procedures are carried out

·  forwarding relevant recruitment documentation to the appropriate person within the Employment Services Department

The Trust expects all managers who recruit staff to act professionally and objectively in all selection processes.

3.3 Shortlisting and Interview Panels

·  shortlisting applicants in accordance with agreed person specification

·  establishing the structure and format of the interview

·  maintaining awareness of the Equality and Diversity Policy

·  ensuring that all relevant paperwork is completed and returned to Employment

Services promptly including successful candidate form and written interview



The relevant line manager must review the requirements for the post and

undertake a skill mix review, before submitting a Vacancy Notification

form. The Vacancy Notification form must be submitted with the documents specified on the form itself.

Any employees that have been displaced as a result of organisational change or medical redeployment within the Trust will be assessed for their suitability for the vacant position prior to the position being advertised, in accordance with the Trust’s Organisational Change Policy / Redeployment Policy.

4.1 Job Description

Every post, without exception, must have a written job description, which will be developed / reviewed by the relevant line manager and job matched / evaluated.

4.2 Person Specification

Every post, without exception, must have a written person specification, which will be developed / reviewed by the relevant line manager and job matched / evaluated.

The person specification will specify the qualifications, training, experience, skills, knowledge, abilities and personal qualities that are required to satisfactorily fulfil the job description.

A template job description and person specification has been developed and is available in the Recruitment and Selection Toolkit.

4.3 Advertisement

All vacancies will be advertised (unless redeployment applies) and will be deemed to be open to job share applicants, in line with the Work Life Balance Policy.

The recruiting manager will be responsible for completion of the vacancy notification form, obtaining appropriate approval and ensuring that all sections are correctly completed.

The following advertising media may be used:

·  NHS Jobs

·  External press. Advertisements in other publications will only be placed in exceptional circumstances. The costs will be recharged to the relevant divisional budget and in most cases this will only take place if NHS jobs has not been successful.

For good practice guidance when drafting a vacancy advert please refer to the Recruitment and Selection Toolkit.

4.4 Information to Applicants

Applicants will obtain information via NHS Jobs and, only if specifically requested, will Employment Services forward application packs to candidates.

All applicants (unless redeployment applies), whether internal or external, must complete the appropriate job application form.

4.5 Shortlisting

The recruiting manager will establish the shortlisting panel, the composition and size being dependent on the nature of the vacant post. Without exception, however, the panel must consist of at least two members and must include either a senior member of staff from the ward / department or the line manager / supervisor.

To be able to complete the shortlist process the recruiting panel will need

·  copies of all application forms

·  job description

·  person specification

·  shortlisting form

·  details regarding applicants declaring a disability (these will be guaranteed an interview providing they meet the essential criteria on the person specification).

4.6 The Selection Interview

An interview panel must consist of a nominated chairperson and at least one other member who must both have received Trust Recruitment & Selection training except in exceptional circumstances with the approval of HR Business Partners. Ideally all panel members will have received this training.

The interview panel must prepare and agree the structure or plan of the selection interview, using the job description and person specification. Guidance on interview questions is available in the toolkit.

All candidates must be asked the mandatory questions on the Interview Guide (available in the toolkit) relating to declaring convictions and any issues which may impact on the role. These answers must be recorded.

The chairperson will be responsible for ensuring that qualifications and professional registration certificates (e.g. PINs) and identification are provided and recorded at interview. A proforma is available in the toolkit.

All candidates must be scored to standardised ratings (see toolkit). Each candidate sheet, with the questions, must be completed in full by each individual manager and scored independently. On completion of the selection interview the chairperson is responsible for completion of the scoring matrix and the successful candidate form.

Panel members are to declare if they are related in any way to the applicants and are not to be involved in the interview if there is a declaration to this effect.

All candidates must be informed by telephone, or in person, of the outcome of the interview by the recruiting manager within the timescale agreed at interview. The recruiting manager will be responsible for advising candidates of the reasons for rejection if requested to do so, within two weeks of the interview date.

Any verbal offer of a post is legally binding and managers must offer a post ‘subject to checks and clearances’ and be certain any salary offer made is in accordance with relevant guidance and with necessary approvals.

The interview documents must be returned to the Employment Services Department as soon as is reasonably practicable following the interview.

The Employment Services Department will forward a written conditional offer of appointment to the successful candidate(s) and will ensure the pre-employment checks are completed.

4.7 Alternative Selection Methods

All candidates must be informed in advance if alternative selection methods are to be used, e.g. typing tests, presentations, and assessment centres etc. Details must also be recorded on the shortlisting form and must be indicated to the applicant when the interview letter is sent.

Advice should be sought regarding the appropriateness of alternative selection methods from the Divisional HR Business Partner.


All posts are subject to the six NHS Employment Check Standards 2008. This applies to both internal and external appointees, contractors and agency workers and these will include;

·  Verification of Identity check

·  Right to work in the UK check

·  Occupational Health check – all successful appointments must have a satisfactory Occupational Health clearance prior to an formal offer of appointment being made