SWC# 521 Dishwasher and Laundry Detergents

Contract Information and Usage Instructions

Contract Period:

May 1, 2015 through April 31, 2017 with one (1) option for renewal.

Summary/Background Information: This contract is for Dishwasher and Laundry Detergents. It is available for all public agencies. This statewide contract is available to local governments.

State Contact Information

Contract Administrator:

Clyde Hicks

Category Specialist

Central Procurement Office

(615) 741-2026

Additional State Contacts


There are three (3) contracts associated with this Statewide Contract:

1.  Vendor Contact Information:

Company name: Auto-Chlor System

Edison Contract Number: 45793

Vendor Number: 74880

Mailing address of contacts:

Auto-Chlor System

408-B Harding Industrial Drive

Nashville, TN 37211

Contacts for Account

Name of contact person (Primary): Phil Barry

Position of contact: Account Representative

Phone number(s) of contact: 615 837-2544

Cell: 615 497-3097

Email address of contact:

2.  Vendor Contact Information:

Company name: Diamond Chemical Company

Edison Contract Number: 45795

Vendor Number: 360

Mailing address of contacts:

Diamond Chemical Company

Union Avenue & Dubois Street

East Rutherford, NJ 07073

Contacts for Account

Name of contact person (Primary): Robert Dattoli

Phone number(s) of contact: 201 806-1561 Cell: 201 421-1086 Email:

3.  Vendor Contact Information:

Company name: Ecolab, Inc.

Edison Contract Number: 45789

Vendor Number: 583

Mailing address of contacts:

Ecolab, Inc.

EUC 13

370 Wabasha Street North

Saint Paul, MN 55102

Name of contact person (Primary): Bruce Kottom Phone: 651 250-2892


Emergency Call Procedures:


Usage Instructions:

-  Local governments follow the same instructions for ordering; local procedures will be used for submitting an order by email, fax, or directly through or to the vendor website.

-  There are no minimum order requirements.

Requisition and Purchase Order Generation:

For information on how to create a requisition and/or purchase order please click on the “Agency Upgrade User Guide” link on the following page: http://tn.gov/generalserv/cpo/for_training.html

Billing and Payment Instructions:

FOB Destination in 7-10 Days.

Payment is Net 45 Days.