Sub-component 1.1
Institutional Development for Participating Institutions
Submitted by
North Eastern Regional Institution of Science & Technology
(Deemed University under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956)
Nirjuli, Itanagar- 791 109
Arunachal Pradesh
February 2017
1.1 Institutional Identity
· Name and address of the Institution
: North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology
· Year of establishment : 1984
· Is the Institution AICTE approved? : Yes
· Furnish AICTE approval No. : F.No. Eastern/1-514072491/2011/EOA dated 01-09-2011
UGC approval letter : F.9-15/2002- U.3 dated 31-05-2005
· Type of Institution : Central Govt .Funded Institution, under MHRD, Govt. of India,
New Delhi
· Status of Institution : Deemed to be University Status by UGC under MHRD
· Name and Designation of : Prof. H. S. Yadav
Head of the Institution
(Full time appointee)
1.2 Academic Information
Engineering UG and PG programmes offered in Academic year 2016-17:
S.No / Title of programmes / Level (UG, PG, PhD) / Duration (Years) / Year of starting / AICTE / DU sanctioned annual intake / Total student strength in all years of study
1 / B. Tech in
i. Civil Engineering,
ii. Mechanical Engineering,
iii. Agricultural Engineering
iv. Electrical Engineering,
v. Electronics and communication Engineering.
vi Computer Science and Engineering / UG / 4 years / 1988 / 30X6
=180 / 352 / 1191
M. Tech in
i. Environmental Science and Engineering,
ii. Information Technology / 1996 / 180* / 178
iii. Geo-Technical Engineering
iv. Thermo Fluid Engineering
v. Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation
vi. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
vii Farm Machinery and Power
viii. Power System Engineering
ix. Electronics and Communication Engineering
x. Computer Science and Engineering. / PG / 2 years / 2006 2006 2006
2006 2006
xi.Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit (VLSI) / 2011
Ph.D. in the field of
i. Civil Engineering,
ii. Mechanical Engineering,
iii. Agricultural Engineering,
iv. Electrical Engineering,
v. Electronics and Communication Engineering.
vi Computer Science and Engineering / Ph. D. / 3 years for full time and 4 years for part time / 2006 / N A / 112
· NBA Accreditation Status of UG and PG programmes as on 31st December 2016:
Total no of programmes eligible for accreditation (at least one batch pass out): 6 UG + 10 PG
No. of programmes accredited: 6 UG
No. of programmes applied for accreditation: 2 PG
· Status of Faculty Associated with Teaching Engineering Students (Regular &Contract) as on 31st December 2016:
No. of Sanctioned Regular Posts / Present Status : Number in Positionby Highest Qualification / Total Number of regular faculty in Position / Total Vacancies / Total Number of contract faculty in Position
Doctoral Degree / Masters Degree / Bachelor Degree
Engineering Disciplines / Supporting Disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English/ other languages / Engineering Disciplines / Supporting Disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English/ other languages / Engineering Disciplines / Supporting Disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English/ other languages
R / C / R / C / R / C / R / C / R / C / R / C
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14= (2+4+6+8+ 10+12) / 15=(1-14) / 16= (3+5+7+9+ 11+13)
200 / 41 / 0 / 52 / 0 / 50 / 0 / 7 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 150 / 50 / 0
R=Regular, C=Contract
(Implementation period: April 2017- March 2020)
2.1 Give the Executive Summary of the IDP (max 2 pages).
North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (or NERIST) is a science and technology oriented higher education institute at Nirjuli, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh. Established in 1984, it is a deemed university, autonomous, fully funded and controlled by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The institute organisation structure is shown in Fig. 1 and is managed by a Board of Management, comprising representatives of MHRD, the eight beneficiary states of the North Eastern region, AICTE and educationists. The state governor of Arunachal Pradesh is the de facto head of the highest body, NERIST Society, which consists of education ministers of all North Eastern States. The Board of Management is headed by the Chairman. NERIST was established as project by NEC and subsequently it was transferred to MHRD as a CFTI since 1994. It was conferred deemed to be University status in May 2005. PG and Research programmes were started since 2006 and first Ph.D. was awarded in second Convocation in 2010. At present 6 B.Tech. and 11 M.Tech. programmes are in operation. NERIST is catering to the technical man power needs of 8 North Eastern states in particular and India in general. It has large percentage (45%) of SC/ST students. The teachers are highly qualified and from different parts of India. NERIST would like to increase its output in M.Tech and Ph.D. scholars in future to the requirements of the region and national needs. The UG laboratories and workshops were well established and PG laboratories need to be developed. As far as employability of graduates is concerned, the progress is satisfactory. A Senior faculty is appointed to look after the training and employability of graduates. It is under progress. In the coming three years it has aggressive plan to strengthen PG and Research, and employability of graduates. Training need analysis for all categories and students’ feedback survey were conducted and requirements are presented under various sub-sections of this proposal. NERIST has a Society, Board of Management as per UGC guidelines and Academic council. NERIST TEQIP-III proposal shall be approved by BoM after the go ahead signal from NPIU. With the assistance of this Rs.15 crores, the Institute development proposal mentioned will be fulfilled to the expectations of NPIU and MHRD, Govt. of India in catering the specific technical manpower needs of the region and the nation.
Fig. 1 Organisation Structure of NERIST
2.2a.1 Faculty training based on T.N.A
· Faculty training in Pedagogy and domain knowledge based on TNA and conference based on competence so that it enrich the academic output of the department and improve the performance of weak students
Dept/ Section / Plan / Amount (In Rs. Lakhs) / TimelineAE / Faculty training (qualification upgradation, subject upgradation& research competence, pedagogical training, participation in conferences, seminars/workshop etc. / 15 / 2017-20
AE / Conducting International conference on “Emerging Technology Trends in Agricultural Engineering” (ETTAE 2019) (Scopus Index). / 5 / 2019
Chemistry / Conducting workshop/conferences / 5 / 2018
EE / IEEE sponsored international conference (Scopus index) on power & energy, 2018, Dec / 5 / 2018
CMS / 1. Faculty training:
i) Qualification Upgradation
ii) Subject upgradation & research competence
iii) Pedagogical training
iv) Participation in conference, Seminars/ workshops etc.
2. i) Staff training (Administrative staff)
ii) staff training (Support staff) / 5 / 2017-20
CE / 1. Faculty training based on TNA (qualification upgradation, subject upgradation & research competence, Pedagogical training, participation in conferences, Seminars / workshops etc.)
a) Advanced subject upgradation, advanced R&D activities, advanced learning in their relevant occupational Area. (12lakhs)
b) Participating conferences/ Seminars/ workshops. (6lakhs)
2. Staff Training for improved Competence based on TNA. (2lakhs) / 20 / 2017-20
ECE / Faculty Training for improved competence based on TNA:
a)Advanced subject up-gradation, advanced R & D activities, advanced learning in their
relevant occupational area.(12.5lakhs)
b)Participating conferences/seminars/
workshops (5lakhs) / 17 / 2017-20
ME / a) Short term training program in “Recent Advances in Materials for Engineering Applications”. (3lakhs)
b) Short term training program in “Linear and Non-linear Mechanical Vibrations”. (3lakhs)
c) “International conference on thermo-fluid Systems”. (Scopus Indexed) (5lakhs) / 20 / 2017-20
EE / 1. Short Term Training
Programmes (STTPs) STTP for Faculty and Technical Staff Members.
a) Microprocessor based monitoring and control of engineering systems. (3lakhs)
b) Reliability Evaluation of Engineering System including Power Systems. (3lakhs)
c) Application of Microprocessors/ Microcontrollers for Real Time Control of Systems. (3lakhs)
2. Power Electronics Applications in Electrical Systems
3. Power Quality Issues & Its Improvement Techniques
4. Digital Control Systems Analysis and Design
a) Analysis and development of 3 - Phase Induction Motor and speed control by V / F method Using PWM Technique.
b) Computer Aided Power Flow Analysis and their applications
5. Faculty training (qualification upgradation, subject upgradation & research competence, Pedagogical training, participation in conferences, Seminars/workshops etc.)
a) Arduino programming with Matlab and Simulink
b) Energy efficient lighting Technology
6. TEQIP-III sponsored FDP on Energy Conservation & Management. (3lakhs) / 15 / 2017-20
PHYSICS / 1. Group theory techniques for science and engineering
2. Computational electromagnetic and next generation antenna measurement techniques.
3. Use of vibrational techniques in engineering material characterisation.
4. Use of Gaussian and MATLAB for students and faculty. / 5 / 2017-20
CSE / Faculty development Programs and availing Training at IITs / 20 / 2017-20
HSS / Faculty development Programs, Honorarium T.A., D.A, to invited resource persons (1.5lakhs). / 5 / 2017-20
AE – Agriculture Engineering, CE – Civil Engineering, CSE- Computer Science and Engineering, ECE – Electronics and Communication Engineering, EE – Electrical Engineering, ME – Mechanical Engineering, HSS- Humanities and Social Science, CMS- Centre for Management Studies
2.2a.2 Staff & Officers training based on T.N.A
· Staff training in lab domain knowledge based on TNA and administrative, finance, audit, store keeping and procurement as well as allied areas.
Dept/ Section / Plan / Amount (In Rs. Lakhs) / TimelineET Cell / Information Security Awareness Program/workshop (1lakh) / 1 / 2018
EE / Proposed SDP:
1. Skill Development Programmes for
SC/ST/OBC/academically Weak nearby students.
a) House/Multi-Storey Building Wiring. (3lakh)
b) Motor wiring (3lakhs)
c) Repair and Maintenance of Electrical Appliances. (3lakhs)
2. Staff training (Technical & Administrative staff).
a) Technical SDP for Electrical Engineering Equipment & Systems
3. Staff training (Technical & Administrative staff)
a) Technical SDP for Electrical Engineering
Equipments& Systems
4. Staff training (Technical & Administrative staff)
a) Technical SDP for Electrical Engineering Equipment’s & Systems /
/ 2017-20
ECE / Staff Training for improved competence based on TNA / 2 / 2018
2.2a.3 Increasing capacity of UG, PG and Ph.D. education
· Increasing M. Tech. and PhD (non engg) full time scholarship to encourage more engineering PG output and interdisciplinary research.
· Strengthening the present PG courses.
Dept/Section / Plan / Amount (In Rs. Lakhs) / TimelineAll Engineering / scholarship / 140 / 2017-20
All non Engg. / Ph.D fellowship for Non Engg / 50 / 2017-20
2.2a.4 Investing in
· More smart classrooms in the campus
· Strengthening of Wi-fi in the Campus specially in the hostels and main academic campus so that the students can reap the benefit of digital classrooms, open based courses like MOOC, NPTEL
· Strengthening of E library through online resources like Elsevier, IEEE, Springer etc.
Dept/Section / Plan / Amount (In Rs. Lakhs) / Timeline
CMS / Smart classrooms / 5 / 2017-20
ECE / Smart class room / 10 / 2017-20
CE / Smart class room / 10 / 2017-20
ET CELL / Campus Wi-Fi
Technical equipment required:
1. Outdoor access point including licenses (Qty: 90) (90lakhs)
2. Indoor access point including licenses (Qty: 80) (40lakhs)
3. 24 ports Network L-2switches (Qty: 6) (6.5lakhs)
4. Passive Components (OFC, Racks, LIU, Patch panel, SFP Modules etc.) (Qty: 2000mtrs OFC,
Racks/SFP/patch panel/Fiber LIU 6 Nos.) (10lakhs)
5. OFC management tools (Handheld fusion splicing machine/ OTDR/OFC Cleaver/visual fault
Detector/power meter/tool kit.) (Qty: 1set) (8lakhs) / 100 / 2017-20
Central Library / E-library / 120 / 2017-20
2.2a.5 Improving weak students
· Identify the weak students during initial registration through NERIST Entrance Examinations (NEE) results and subsequent tracking the students' results with the help of Student Mentors through online automation of results and its distribution.
Dept/ Section / Plan / Amount (In Rs. Lakhs) / TimelineBy all Engg and MA and PH / Summer remedial classes for F-Grade students on mathematics.
Gate preparatory classes for engineering and Mathematics PG students / 10 / 2017-20
2.2a.6 Instituting academic and non-academic reforms including programme flexibility
· Academic autonomy is in place through department committee and Academic Council Meeting.
· Partial administrative, managerial and financial autonomy exists in the Institute. Efforts are in place for obtaining greater autonomy.
2.2b.7 Industry Institute Interaction
· Institute has an Industry Institute Interaction Cell which shall be improved upon by introducing eminent industry personalities with the help of mentor from reputed Institutes and alumni of the Institute.
Dept/Section / Plan / Amount (In Rs. Lakhs) / Timeline
T & P / Workshop / 50 / 2017-20
T & P / CoCubes
T & P / Professional Trainer appointment
T & P / Industry fair for students at IIT Guwahati
T & P / Increasing interaction with industry
ll Engg. branches / Increasing interaction with industry.
Name of the Industries:
1. Aimil India Ltd.
2. NEEPCO Limited
3. Oil & Natural Gas Corp.
4. Oil India Limited
5. Hindustan Paper Crop
7. NHPC Limited
8. NEEPCO Limited
9. Brahmaputra Cracker & Polymer Ltd. BCPL
10 India Carbon
11. Assam Petrochemicals Ltd.
12. Hindustan Paper Crop
13.Numaligarh Refinery Limited
14.Any other relevant company/organization
2.2b.8 Student career counselling and placement- Internship (Syllabus revision)
· Institute shall be catering to syllabus revision with the necessary input from the Industry through T&P cell and Industry Institute Interaction Cell.
· The syllabus revision shall also strive for revision of syllabus including Internship for UG final year students.
Dept/ Section / Plan / Amount (In Rs. Lakhs) / TimelineAll engg and non engg branches / Revision of syllabus incorporating recent advances using expertise of faculties from IITs including final semester provision for Internship for UG Engg. A course on disaster management will also be considered. / 10 / 2017
2.2c.9 Increasing faculty productivity and motivation