Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 447 Collaborative Health Care
Guidelines for Course Project Milestone 2:
Evidence & Expert Interview Paper
The purpose of the Evidence & Expert Interview Paper is to further the application of leadership aspects of the nursing profession through interactive discussion and participation with topic area experts.
You must search for credible evidence, and describe why it is relevant to your two SMART goals. You must find evidence in the following sources:
- Peer-reviewed journals
- Internet sites
Expert Interview:
You must interview one or more individuals who are experts on the subject of your SMART goals in order to gain more insight.
You must submit your findings from using scholarly writing and APA formatting in your paper.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO2: Implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team through communication and relationship building (PO3).
CO4: Apply concepts of leadership and team coordination to promote the achievement of safe and quality outcomes of care for diverse populations (PO4).
CO8: Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and outcome measures to identify clinical questions as the beginning process of changing current practice (PO8).
Due Dates
You are to submit your completed Milestone #2 to the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, at the end of Week 4.
This milestone is worth 200 points.
- Study the feedback that your instructor provided on Milestone #1 regarding your SMART goals.
- Evidence: Peer-Reviewed Articles: Go to the CCN Library at and search for articles from peer-reviewed journals that support your SMART goals and your plan. You are expected to find ONE article for EACH SMART goal. As you search, enter key words that reflect the topic you have chosen for each SMART goal. You must select a different article for each goal.
- Evidence: Internet Sites: Perform a search of the Internet to locate a credible website that pertains to EACH of your two SMART goals. The website should offer a tool or best practice, not just another article. You must identify at least one website for each goal; however, you may use the same website for both goals.
- Expert Interview: Identify an expert, or experts, who can offer information or ideas on how you can attain each of your SMART goals and conduct an interview. If the expert can offer guidance on both of your SMART goals, you may interview the expert for both of them. If you cannot find an expert for both goals, you may choose a different expert for each one. The expert should help you acquire knowledge and provide guidance on how to achieve your goals. This person may or may not be a nurse, depending on the nature of your goals. You must report on the interview with the expert for each goal.
- Organize and describe the relevance of your findings from each of your sources, indicating what information and insights you have gleaned.
- Write a scholarly paper of your search and findings using APA format based on the 6th edition of the Publication manual of the APA (2010). You may find an APA template and an APA formatted sample paper in Doc Sharing.
Components of your paper should include the following: (Please follow the Milestone 2 Outline located in Doc Sharing)
- Title page: Include your name, course, date, and instructor.
- Introduction: Introduce the two SMART goals, and briefly describe why you chose these two goals for yourself.
- Peer-Reviewed Articles: Identify a peer-reviewed article for each SMART goal. Analyze the article and its importance to each SMART goal. Provide a brief evaluation of each article, describing how the article applies to the specific SMART goal.
- Credible Websites:Analyze one or more credible websites associated with each SMART goal. Provide a brief evaluation of website(s) describing how it applies to the specific SMART goal(s).
- Informational Expert: Identify and recruit an informational expert to discuss your goals, offer information and/or ideas on how you can attain each of your SMART goals. Conduct an interview with each informational expert for each of the two SMART goals. The expert should facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and provide guidance as needed. This person may or may not be a nurse, depending on the nature of the goal. You may choose the same expert for more than one goal. Identify the expert’s qualifications (i.e. Nurse Manager, Vice President…).Provide an evaluation of the interview with the expert for each goal, and list any additional recommendations the expert provided to you pertaining to your goals.
- Summary: Provide a summary of the findings gained through the peer-reviewed articles and websites. Additionally, summarize the insights gleaned from your informational expert.
In addition, this assignment should conform to the following requirements:
- Written communication: Writing is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
- Number of resources: Minimum of three resources.
- Length of paper: 3–4 typed, double-spaced pages.
- Submit your completed paper by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 4.
Grading Criteria: Milestone #2: Evidence and Expert Interview Paper
Category / Points / % / DescriptionIdentifies, analyzes, and evaluates peer-reviewed articles / 50 / 25% / Identifies peer-reviewed articles for each SMART goal Analyzes the article and its importance to each SMART goal Evaluates how each article applies to each SMART goal
Analyzes and evaluates credible website(s) / 35 / 18% / Analyzes one or more credible website(s) associated with each SMART goal. Provides an evaluation of the website(s) application to the SMART goals.
Identifies, interviews, and evaluates an expert opinion / 50 / 25% / Identifies an expert for each SMART goal. Interviews the expert for their knowledge and information pertaining to the goals. Provides an evaluation of the interview.
Summary of findings / 45 / 22% / Findings are summarized, indicating details about information and insight that was gleaned.
Mechanics / 20 / 10% / Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are correct; referencesproperly cited within the paper; reference page includes all citations; proper title page and introduction present;
evidence of spell and grammar check.
Grading Rubric for Milestone #2: Evidence & Expert Interview Paper
Assignment Criteria / Outstanding or Highest Level of PerformanceA (92–100%) / Very Good or High Level of Performance
B (84–91%) / Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance
C (76–83%) / Poor, Failing, or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance
D-F (0–75%) / Total
Identifies, analyzes, and evaluates
peer-reviewed articles
50 points / Identifies a peer-reviewed article for each SMART goal; thoroughly analyzes the article and its importance to each SMART goal; thoroughly evaluates how each article applies to each SMART goal
46–50 points / Identifies a peer-reviewed article for each SMART goal; analyzes only one article for its importance to the SMART goal; evaluates how each article applies to each SMART goal
42–45 points / Identifies a peer-reviewed article for each SMART goal; analyzes only one article for its importance to the SMART goal; evaluates only how one article applies to one SMART goal
38–41 points / Fails to identify peer-reviewed articles for each SMART goal and does not provide an analysis or evaluation of the non-peer-reviewed articles
0–37 points / /50
Analyzes and evaluates credible
35 points / Analyzes one or more credible website(s) associated with each SMART goal; provides a thorough evaluation of the website(s) application to the SMART goals
32–35 points / Analyzes one or more credible website(s) associated with each SMART goal; provides a brief evaluation of the website(s) application to the SMART goals
29–31 points / Analyzes one or more non-credible website(s) associated with each SMART goal; provides a brief evaluation of the website(s) application to the SMART goals
26–28 points / Analyzes credible or non-credible website(s) associated with each SMART goal; does not provide an evaluation of the website(s) application to the SMART goals
0–25 points / /35
Identifies, interview’s, evaluates an expert opinion
50 points / Identifies an expert for each SMART goal, including their qualifications; interviews the expert for their knowledge and information pertaining to the goals; provides a thorough evaluation of the interview
46–50 points / Identifies an expert for each SMART goal, including their qualifications; interviews the expert for their knowledge and information pertaining to the goals; provides a brief evaluation of the interview
42–45 points / Identifies an expert for each SMART goal, including their qualifications; interviews the expert for their knowledge and information pertaining to the goals; does not provide an evaluation of the interview
38–41 points / Identifies an expert for each SMART goal, including their qualifications; does not interview the expert thus does not provide an evaluation of the interview
0–37 points / /50
Summary of Findings
45 points / Findings are thoroughly summarized, indicating details about information and insight that was gleaned
42–45 points / Findings are summarized, but few details are provided about the insights that were gleaned
38–41 points / Findings are stated, but there are no clear details provided about the insights that were gleaned
34–37 points / Findings are not summarized or absent; no details provided regarding insights that were gleaned
0–33 points / /45
20 points / Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are correct; referencesproperly cited within the paper; reference page includes all citations; proper title page and introduction present;
evidence of spell and grammar check
18–20 points / Minimal errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or sentence structure noted; citations are present and in correct format; references are present, with minimal errors in format
16–17 points / Multiple errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or sentence structure noted; citations are present but not in correct format; references are present, with minimal errors in format
14–15 points / Multiple errors or still using 5th edition APA;
grammar and punctuation errors noted; citations are missing; references are missing or incomplete;no evidence of proof-reading prior to submitting paper
0–13 points / /20
Points Possible= 200 / TOTAL Points Earned:
NR 447 Milestone 2 Guidelines.docx 06/01/12 jmp