Challenger Middle School
Teacher Contact Information
Mrs. Delicia Potter
Course Description
Journalism is an elective course that satisfies the A-G academic elective requirement. Students in this class will learn the fundamentals of print and online newspaper production. Journalism students will also be given the opportunity to control, create, and produce the content for the school’s newspaper.
In addition to learning journalistic writing, AP style, interview techniques, and other best practices, students will also learn the ethics, law, and history of journalism. The majority of the coursework for the class will include reporting, interviewing, writing, editing, teamwork, and publication management.
Course Requirements
- Students are required to uphold and maintain ethical journalistic practices at all times
- Students are required to meet all deadlines for assigned stories and produce content for the school newspaper
- All interviews must be held in-person unless otherwise approved
- Attendance at outside events (sporting events, concerts, plays, etc.) to cover assigned stories is mandatory
Course Assignments
Students will write a 100-150 word biography for publication online in the staff section of Newspaper Name. The biography will be written in third person and contain information about the student that the readers would want to know/find interesting. The biography should include the staff member’s name, position on the paper, scholastic year, years in journalism, why the staff member is in journalism, clubs and activities the staff member participates in on and off campus, hobbies, interests, etc.
Deadline Stories
Deadline stories are stories that are regularly assigned to student reporters. These stories typically consist of news and sports stories.
Feature Story
The feature story is a project that staff members will focus a great deal of time and effort on. These stories are much more in-depth, and contain several interviews and research.
Personal Profile Story
The personal profile story is a project that staff members will focus a great deal of time and effort on. These stories provide an in-depth look at students and teachers on campus.
Other assignments may be added in addition to what is listed based on what is happening currently in our school or classroom.
Grading Policy (criteria, scale, late work)
Huntsville City Schools Grading Distribution: Summative Assessment60% and In-Class Assignments/Homework 40%.
Grading Scale:
90 – 100% A
80 – 89% B
70 – 79% C
60 – 69%D
0 – 59%F
The highest grade that can be received for late unexcused work is a 60%.
Class Policies (behavior, restroom passes, food/drink in class)
- Students will not abuse their press pass privileges
- Students are expected to follow all class and school rules
- Late work is not accepted
- No foul or offensive language
Student Assignments:
Student assignments can be found on the classroom Edmodo page, in the student planner, and weekly on the class assignment board.
Posting Grades
I will post at least two grades each week. Generally, grades will be posted by Friday
each week.