Unit Specification

PgDipLeadership and Management in the Healthcare Sciences


Unit Title / A1Professionalism and Professional Development in the Healthcare Environment
Unit Code / BMAN7XXXX(temporary Exec Ed code: 07977)
Credit rating / 30
Level / Postgraduate - Level 7
PgDip (usually to form part of DClinSci)
Contact hours / 28 hours workshops
Other Scheduled teaching and learning activities / 4 hours webinars
Expected unscheduled interaction: at least 2 hours using the Discussion Board
Pre-requisite units / N/A
Co-requisite units / N/A
School responsible / MBS
Member of staff responsible / Prof Naomi
ECTS / 15
Notional hours of Learning / 300


The unit aims to:
enableyou to gain critical insight and professional understanding of the conceptual and analytical frameworks that underpin leadership in professional practice and the relationship to good scientific practice. Additionally you will enhance your skills and confidence to enable you to operate effectively and creatively within a healthcare science setting and the wider, diverse and changing healthcare environment


This unit will familiarise you with the academic body of knowledge about professionalism and allow you to identify and practise using your own model of professionalism within the context of leadership in the healthcare setting


Category of outcome / On successful completion of this unit you will:
Knowledge and understanding / Have an understanding of:
  • different models of professionalism.
  • a range of frameworks that support critical reflective practice

Intellectual skills / Be able to:
  • Critically analyse current health policy and debate across the four UK health departments, the policy making process in health and the theoretical concepts and models used to describe health and the health care policy including those which cross the boundaries of health and social care services.
  • Discuss the meaning of professionalism and apply that knowledge to workplace situations
  • Appraise and justify the ethical foundations of professionalism and how these relate to the practice of healthcare science and the wider healthcare environment.
  • Explain and justify the ethical, legal and governance requirements arising from working as a leader at the level of Consultant Clinical Scientist.
  • Compare and contrast a range of models of professionalism.
  • Compare and contrast a range of frameworks that support critical reflective practice.
  • Discuss and evaluate the character (personal traits) that impact on professionalism and professional practice in the work base.

Practical skills / Be able to:
  • Construct, justify, apply, test (in the work place) and modify a personal model of professionalism underpinned by a recognised model of professionalism
  • Adapt and develop professional knowledge, skills and experience in the work place as a basis for continual professional development.
  • Deliver a compelling public narrative for change or improvement in an area of service

Transferable skills and personal qualities /
  • Have developed increased confidence in your ability to lead through influence and grounded in your personal sense of professionalism


The unit will be organised round a Study Guide which will point you to a series of academic papers and practitioner resources and through some exercises. Materials will be posted on and linked from Blackboard and tools inside this VLE.
Contact will consist of workshops in Manchester, with support webinars in between, and interaction on the Discussion Board.


Assessment task
(indicative Brief titles) / Length / How and when feedback is provided / Weighting within unit (if relevant)
1. Practice paper: Critically assess the leadership style of a chosen individual in relation to 2 x articles you have been required to read and independent searching of the literature on leadership styles / 2,000 words
Note: for 15/16 and subsequent intakes only, for whom this is the first unit / Feedback will be provided for formative learning only. / N/A
2.Construct a personal model of professionalism underpinned by a recognised model of professionalism and using a range of tools of critical reflective practice / 1,500 words / Opportunity for some formative feedback during webinars and via Discussion board.
Full feedback will be delivered with the grading. / 30%
3. Using social mobilising theory, and an understanding of ethical, legal and governance requirements within the NHS, construct a compelling and evidence-based narrative for a proposed change or improvement in a service that your department or organisation provides / 4,000 words / Opportunity for some formative feedback during webinars and via Discussion board.
Full feedback will be delivered with the grading. / 70%


Programme text
Walshe, K. and Smith, J. (Eds.) (2011). Healthcare management, Maidenhead, Open University Press.
Study Guide
Academic papers and book chapters
Practitioner guides and resources
13 / 13May 2015
Document control box
Policy / Procedure title: / Unit Specification Template
Date approved: / January 2009
Approving body: / TLSO
Implementation date: / January 2009
Version: / 2.1, June 2012
Supersedes: / 1.1
Previous review dates:
Next review date: / tbc
Related Statutes, Ordinances, General Regulations / N/A
Related Policies: / N/A
Related Procedures and Guidance: / The Manual of Academic Procedures (MAP) -
Policy owner: / Louise Walmsley, Head of Teaching and Learning Support Office
Lead contact: / Miriam Graham, Teaching and Learning Adviser (Policies and Procedures)