Waterford Youth Services Bureau

Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday, March 15th 2017

Call to Order:

Chairperson Jody Nazarchyk called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm and a quorum was established.


Dani Gorman (YSB Director), Jody Nazarchyk (Chairperson), Ron Fedor, Kathy Peterson, Dottie Concascia, Sheila Cash, Quinn Ryan, Emma Brown, Ellen Bellos (Vice-Chairperson), Lisa SachatelloChris Gigliotti


Dan Steward, Brett Mahoney, Justin Barzcak, Steve WhiteheadMichael Buscetto

Public Input:


Motion #1

E. Bellos made the motion to approve the minutes from November 16th, 2016. Lisa Sachatello seconded the motion.



Program Report:

C. Gigliotti reported on three after school programs going on Snack Attack, Caring Kids and Homework Helpers. Caring Kids is at full capacity with 30 students and Snack Attack and Homework Helpers with 10 each. Gigliotti also reported the start of Youth Promise with Waterford Police which is an 8 week program for 5th grade students now in week 4. Students are learning a range of different topics such as peer pressure, anti-bullying and drug resistance.

Student Report:

Q. Ryan reported Saturday March 18th is the official start of spring sports with baseball tryouts and lacrosse and softball to follow. Ryan also reported on March 26ththere will be a junior class Prom Dress fundraiser consisting of selling dresses, jewelry and bow ties. All money raised will go towards the junior class. E. Brown reported the Dance Show is on Friday, March 17th and Saturday the 18th. Q. Ryan also reported there was an advisory assembly to say farewell to Gene Ryan.

Director's Report:

D. Gorman reported on painting being done in the Youth Center as well as a crack in the new windows which were recently installed but will be replaced. Gorman also reported the parking lot should be repaired and repaved soon. Gorman reported on a new grant for a Women & Girls group which will have 8 different local women who have different stories to share and participants will receive a book titled ‘The Charm Bracelet’. Gorman reported on the beginning stages of Camp D.A.S.H. and that a new component with Superintendent Tom Giard and Assistant Superintendent Craig Powers called Summer Academy for students to come to camp from school will begin this year. Gorman shared a new flyer for Camp D.A.S.H. noting a new group of camp for Pre-K and Kindergarten called Happy Trails Camp. Gorman discussed the other groups of Camp D.A.S.H. and other new components coming this summer. Gorman finally noted Ballroom Battle was Friday March 24that 7:00pm in the WHS Auditorium with Pat Fedor and Chief Brett Mahoney hosting.

Financial Report:

Gorman reported in service contracts there is a new copier as well as a new cleaning service. Gorman reported she took $2,000.00 from professional fees but noted more was received from the Local Prevention Council and the Gardner Fund.

WADE Report

Gorman reported the Local Prevention Council grant is in and on May 5th former NBA star and recovering heroin addict Chris Herren will be speaking to the Waterford High School students during the day at 9:00am. Gorman also reported on May 15th Youth Services will have a health fair at the high school where students will visit and receive information from local business in the health and wellness field. Gorman finally reported Mothers Against Drunk Driving will be doing a community forum in May which she will speak at.

Old Business


New Business

Gorman reported counseling services have picked up and the Juvenile Review Board remains busy.

Motion #2

K. Peterson made the motion to adjourn the meeting. S. Cash seconded the motion. Vote unanimous.

The meeting adjourned at 6:28 pm.

Respectfully submitted,


Chris Gigliotti


Note: These minutes are scheduled for approval at the next Youth Service Bureau Advisory Committee Meeting.