The Board of Supervisors South Abington Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania held its regular meeting on Monday, May 15, 2017 at the Township Building, 104 Shady Lane Road, Chinchilla, Pennsylvania.

Chairman Stanton called the meeting to order at 12:00 PM

. Giles Stanton Present

Joseph Sproul Present

Mark Dougherty Present

David G. O’Neill, Twp. Manager Present

William Jones, Solicitor Present

Christine Griswold, Sec’y. Treas. Present

Money was received from the following:

Amerihealth $ 3,543.64 ROD $28,189.70

Lacka County $ 8,506.75 Magistrate $ 1,768.84

CJR $ 879.76 Susan McLane $26,107.51

LCHA $ 817.24 J Falcone $ 225.00

Bidspecs $ 200.00 CHC $ 992.50

AHSD $ 6,900.53 Ransom $ 6,175.83

Newton $ 4,014.91 Glatfelter $12,768.92

PLCB $ 1,400.00 FSS10 $ 344.30

PA Dept of Rev $ 4,867.04 Millett $ 1,727.00

Decker $ 465.00 Florey $ 93.00

Mark Dougherty motioned, Joseph Sproul seconded, and bills were unanimously approved for payment from the following funds:

General Fund $94,166.50 Sewer Fund $456,833.83 Highway Aid $25,903.85

Recreation Fund $9,844.08 Fire $24,076.54 PR 89 $145,734.90

It was noted that the meeting previously scheduled for April 28th at noon was cancelled. The change of meeting from 5/8 to 5/15 was duly advertised.

Bids were advertised for the salt shed, and opened on 5/3/17. Results are attached and are hereby made a part of these minutes. All bids were responsive. Chairman Stanton asked that the low bidder be vetted with the award re-visited at the next meeting.

Representatives from DGK Insurance and CC Young Insurance were present to submit proposals. Mr. Kyle submitted quote from Selective Insurance in the amount of $56,497. Mr. Young submitted quotes from Argonaut, in the amount of $51,605 and Glatfelter, in the amount of $69,333. Argonaut did not meet requirements. After discussion, Joseph Sproul motioned to remain with Glatfelter insurance. Mark Dougherty seconded and approval was unanimous to retain Glatfelter Liability Insurance.

Mark Dougherty motioned to approve a land use agreement with Kriger during the Shady Lane Road construction project. The Henkelman lot will be used to house construction vehicles at a cost of $500 per month. Joseph Sproul seconded and the agreement was unanimously approved.

The Abington COG is interested in pursuing involvement into an intergovernmental solution to MS4 requirements. The Board gave Mr. Gorney approval to get more information on the subject.

At 1:15 PM the meeting was suspended to 5/26/17 at noon as paving bids were to be opened on 5/24 and additional time was needed to prepare legal documents regarding the Millett development plan. Unanimous approval was given after motion by Mark Dougherty and second by Joseph Sproul.


5/26/17 Noon

All officials were present

Mark Dougherty motioned to approve additional bills as follows: Fire Fund $39,500; General Fund $60,285.14, Sewer Fund $4,027.20 and Recreation Fund $1,115.58. Joseph Sproul seconded and the bills were unanimously approved for payment.

May 26, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Page 2

Jude Colwell of Colwell-Naegele Associates, representing Millett Real Estate, was present for the Dairy Queen/Bank site. The buffer has been accepted by Krispy Kreme, with a shortened end on the northeast side. This condition, and others, are specifically outlined in Resolution 17-7, granting conditional preliminary approval. Mark Dougherty motioned to approve the resolution; Giles Stanton seconded and Resolution 17-7 was unanimously approved.

Representatives of Lackawanna County Conservation District, as well as Trout Unlimited and Cold Water Heritage Program, were present to outline Phase I of a grant that was given to install Log veins in Leggetts Creek within our Park. These veins are to prevent bank erosion and help sustain aquatic life. A low water flow is needed for installation; which will occur when weather permits. The Township will provide labor and equipment as required.

Mark Dougherty motioned to award the Salt Shed bid to Agpoint Construction Services in the amount of $68,886 after favorable vetting by the Township Manager. A majority of the funding for the new shed will come from highway aid funds. Joseph Sproul seconded and the award was unanimously approved.

As advertised, bids for “Small Paving” were opened on 5/18 at 1 PM. One bid was submitted from Abington Paving. Joseph Sproul motioned, Mark Dougherty seconded, and Abington Paving was unanimously awarded the small paving bid.

The Township will participate in the countywide effort in electronic recycling by having a drop-off for televisions and computer monitors in the parking lot on Saturdays, June 10 and 17, from 10 AM to 2 PM.

A Ford Explorer, the previous K-9 unit, was sold for $500 to Cottage Hose Company after motion by Mark Dougherty, second by Giles Stanton and unanimous approval.

The 2017 Paving Project was advertised for bid with opening on 5/24/17 at 11:00 AM. The results of the bid are attached and are hereby made a part of these minutes. American Asphalt Paving Co submitted the low bid in the amount of $397,839, and was unanimously awarded the bid after motion by Joseph Sproul and second by Mark Dougherty. The Project involves Lakeside, Driftwood, Fawn Hill and Stoney Creek. There is a potential to use an amount of no more than 10% of the bid to pave the lower section of Salisbury Road.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 12:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Griswold

Township Secretary