Chairman’s report to the sixth Annual General Meeting, Tuesday 9th March 2010
Thank you very much for coming to the 6th CAMAS AGM. 2009 was busy year for activities and events with quite a lot happening. In April/May we had a 5 week visit from music tutor Margaret Greenwood. This enabled the children to have some continuity in piano and singing lessons and several children started to learn piano for the first time. There was a mixed adults and children’s choir which met weekly, individual piano and singing lessons for both children and adults and a weekly ‘music making’ session for the youngest children. Towards the end of the project there was a very good ‘work in progress’ concert. Margaret also worked in school on the film project.
Next we had a return visit in June from Storyteller Malcolm Green. The children enjoyed his session in school and he then entertained islanders and visitors in the Craft shop in the evening. In July Lochaber Ceilidh Trail paid Muck a return visit. This was a very popular concert and ceilidh and attracted a lot of visitors, including people on yachts who had moored for the night. In August we welcomed Su Coyne who gave a talk titled ‘From the Andes to the Atlas – Rural Life’. It was most kind of Su to share this with us – interesting, informative and much appreciated. Also in August Doghouse Roses , a guitar and singing duo, visited Muck and we enjoyed a good, varied performance in a different venue, the Dome. Plenty of visitors attended and everyone there appreciated the opportunity to hear some live music .In September Mull Theatre made their second visit to Muck with ‘Island Night’s Entertainment’. Both their afternoon session with the school children and their evening performance were thoroughly enjoyed. The Film Club continued to meet regularly and has shown a number of films. Thanks to Libby for organising this. CAMAS also contributed to getting the notice board in Port fixed which has been used a lot since.
The Daisy Prize had as its theme for 2009 ‘Scavenging and Sculpting’ using materials found on Muck. First Prize for children was shared between 3 entries, one from Alexander Murray John, one from Maisie Gregg and Katie MacFadzean, and one from Simon Cunningham. It was all co-ordinated this year by Libby for which many thanks.
In 2009 CAMAS again applied for and received funding from Highland Council of £750 towards our Activities and Events. This award makes a big difference to us and we are grateful for their continued support. Many thanks are due to all CAMAS office bearers, committee members and members both on and off Muck who helped in what ever way during the year. Large or small, financial, in-kind or through giving time, it is all much appreciated as CAMAS could not manage without the support and help people give us.
For 2010, Margaret Greenwood has expressed an interest in a return visit giving music tuition and doing music groups. We are also likely to have the Ceilidh Trail in July. It would be good to have some new events and activities this year and so if any one has any ideas or suggestions to help make sure CAMAS continues to operate successfully and to grow they would be most welcome. Thank you very much. Catherine Murray John