Council Meeting held at Drabble House Nedlands

On Thursday 16th January 2014

  1. Present : D.Ellis,N.Muller,W.Leonhardt,G.Dunlop,E.Yeung,Y.Choong,M.Vlietstra,L.Carolin,


2. The tournament Calendar was updated ,with dates,venues and DOP’s in place for all

Senior tournaments.

  1. Junior Tournaments : A meeting with David Ellis,Denis Holland,Linda Carolinand

Norbert Muller to be arranged to set down a calendar for Junior Tournaments


  1. Inter School Chess : Previous Primary and Secondary Co-ordinators to be contacted to determine what is happening with the inter school competition


  1. ACF Items : Marc Vlietstra was our third delegate at the National Conference.
  2. Dept. Sport and Recreation Funding : With the CAWA having neglected to have their books audited we won’t be able to approach the Department re funding this year.In the meantime Gary Taylor[formally involved in the funding process]is to be approached to find out what needs to be done to try and get some funding for our projects. Action/Secretary
  3. General Business :
  1. A property register should be available shortly. Action/Property Officer
  2. The Question of CAWA membership was discussed at some length.It was decided by a vote of 5 for,4 against with 3 abstentions that clubs be asked to forward $20 per member to the Association and for all rateable tournaments played in the club $5 per person participating in that rateable tournament.The CAWA will also include in all rateable tournament organized by CAWA ie.Perth Open,Gufeld Cup etc. $5 per entrant.These fees will cover all insurance costs rating fees and venue rental costs.Individual players will still be able to join the Association at a cost of $20.When they then decide to play in a tournament the entry fee to that tournament will include the $5 levy to cover our costs.This membership setup will be reviewed at the next AGM
  3. The treasurer will investigate changing from Bankwest to Westpac.
  4. Wayne Barber would like to contribute something to the Association in Haydn’s name.Trophies were mentioned as was the offer of holding a tournament at his Dome Café.Wayne’s telephone number was passed on to the secretary. Action/Secretary
  5. John Fedec suggested a shorter time control for tournaments to be investigated.This to be reviewed in due course.He also suggested a possible match up of our State Champion with some top international players possible over the internet.

Meeting closed 10.18pm Next Meeting Monday 28th April 2014 at 7.30pm

27,25-27 Parkhill Way Wilson