8:00 – 5:00 PMACPV Workshop – Molecular Biology Made Easy

4:00 - 8:00pm REGISTRATION - Capitol Plaza Holiday Inn


7:30am REGISTRATION - Capitol Plaza Holiday Inn

7:50Dave Willoughby - Welcome And Opening Remarks

TOPIC: Avian Influenza


8:00Dave Castellan – Update on Avian Influenza in California

8:30Martin Smeltzer – Review of Avian Influenza in the Eastern USA

9:00Bob O’Connor – The Industry’s Perspective on Avian Influenza in California

9:30David Halvorson - Economics of Avian Influenza Control


10:30David Swayne - Vaccines and Their Use in Control or Eradication of Avian Influenza

11:00Ilaria Capua – Novel Perspectives for the Control of Avian Influenza

11:30Panel discussion on avian influenza


1:25Call To Order

TOPIC: Avian Influenza


1:30Terrence Tumpey - Protective Efficacy Of An Inactivated Avian Influenza Vaccine Against Challenge With a 2002 H7N2 Avian Influenza Isolate

1:45Nancy Reimers - The Influence of Strain and The Effect of Vaccination On The Clinical Signs of Low Pathogenic H6N2 Avian Influenza Virus In Commercial Layers

2:00Bruce Charlton - Serologic Response of Chickens to Avian Influenza Vaccination

2:15Chang-Won Lee - Genetic and Virologic Characteristics of Recent H5 Subtype Avian Influenza Viruses in North America

2:30Erica Spackman - Evaluation of Molecular Markers for Pathogenicity in Recent H7N2 Avian Influenza Isolates from the Northeastern United States

2:45Giovanni Cattoli – The H7N3 Avian Influenza Outbreak in Northern Italy in 2002



TOPIC: Avian Influenza


3:30Huaguang Lu - Rapid Diagnosis of Avian Influenza by a Combination of Dot-ELISA and Virus Isolation

3:45Dennis Senne - Chile AI Outbreak

4:30Adjourn; Poster Viewing

6:00Welcome Reception

MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2003


7:50Call To Order

TOPIC: Newcastle Disease


8:00Jenee Odani - Outbreak of Exotic Newcastle Disease in Game Fowl in Southern California (2002): Clinicopathologic Findings

8:15Peter Woolcock - Detection of END Virus in California

8:30Dennis Senne – END Virus Characterization

9:00Annette Whiteford – The California 2002-03 Exotic Newcastle Disease Investigation


TOPIC: Avian paramyxovirus, Pneumovirus, IBDV, CAV


10:00D. Kapczynski - Characterization And Efficacy of Newcastle Disease Virus Virosomes Used for Vaccination

10:15Eid Haddad - In Ovo Vaccination Against Newcastle Disease: Field Safety Evaluation

10:30K.V. Nagaraja - Role of Wild Birds in the Transmission of Avian Pneumovirus

10:45H. Medina - Avian Pneumovirus And Respiratory Challenges in Turkeys in The Midwest: Factors (Environmental, Disease, Wild Animals, etc.) that Induce a Higher Incidence in the Spring and Fall of the Year

11:00Chung Hon - DNA Vaccine Against IBDV Using Highly Expressed VP2 Fragments

11:15Donald Link - Protection To Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) Variants Del E and Miss In Chickens Vaccinated In Ovo With An IBDV-Antibody Complex Vaccine

11:30Kalen Cookson - Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) Protection in Commercial Broilers Vaccinated with Marek's +/- IBD Vaccine

11:45 A. Zanella - Chicken Anemia Virus: Subclinical Infection In Broilers

12:00LUNCH; Poster viewing

1:25Call To Order

TOPIC: Miscellaneous viruses, Bioterrorism


1:30Ricardo Munoz - Use of a Chicken Anemia Virus Antibody Test For Monitoring Protective Antibody Titers

1:45 Holly S. Sellers - ILTV Diagnostics Revisited

2:00 M. I. Khan - Development Of Multiplex PCR For Avian Enteric Pathogens

2:15J.F. Heijman – Hydropericardium-Hepatitis Syndrome (Angara Disease) in Broilers in the Netherlands

2:30H.M. Hafez - Marek’s Disease In Turkeys: History And Current Status

2:45 Bereket Zekarias - Intestinal Mucosal Pathology, Epithelial Proliferation and Apoptosis in MalabsorptionSyndrome Affected Broilers


TOPIC: Mycoplasma, Salmonella


3:30H. L. Shivaprasad - Mycoplasma gallisepticum Outbreak In Primary Turkey Breeders

3:45D.E. Zellner - Case Reports of Mycoplasmosis in a Turkey Breeder Flock

4:00H.M. Hafez - Investigations On Salmonella In Meat Turkey Flocks

4:15Jerry Maiers - Evaluation of Poulvac-ST in Commercial Broilers

4:30 Robert A. Norton - The Threat of Bioterrorism To The Poultry Industry: The Veterinary Response

4:45Adjourn; Poster Viewing

5:00 WPDC Business Meeting

6:30WPDC Banquet


7:50am Call To Order

TOPIC: Antibiotics, Bacteria, Management


8:00Steven Clark - Antibiotic Issues Definitions: For the Record

8:15Hector M. Cervantes - The Antibiotic Resistance Debate: An Industry Perspective on the Use of Virginiamycin (Stafac) in Poultry

8:30Singh Dhillon - Campylobacter jejuni Oral Gavage In Young Broiler Chicken

8:45J. Jeffrey - Comparison Of Pathogenic Or Environmental Escherichia coli From Broiler Chickens and Broiler House Litter

9:00Beny Perelman - The Multiple Faces of Clostridial Infections in Ostriches

9:15H. David Chapman - Improvements in the Performance of Commercial Broilers in The USA: Analysis For The Years 1997 To 2001


TOPIC:Coccidiosis, Management, Case reports


10:00Steve Fitz-Coy - Coccidiosis Immunity In Commercially Grown Broiler Chickens

10:15Philip Davis - Nicarbazin in Shuttle Programs Using Environmental Housing

10:30Julia Dibner - The Use of a Viability Assay to Formulate a High Definition Coccidiosis Vaccine

10:45Tim Cherry - Safety and Efficacy Testing of a High Definition Live Coccidiosis Vaccine

11:00S. Kakarla - Incidence Of Breast Blisters In Turkeys And Their Effect Upon Meat Quality

11:15Franz Sommer- Laying Hens in Europe: Coping with EU Regulations

11:30Marion A. Hammarlund - Evaluation of a Large Poultry Complex near Tomsk, Siberia




1.Tahseen Abdul-Aziz - Hemarthrosis in Turkeys

2.David H. Baum - Understanding Serology Results With Process Behavior (Shewhart) Charts

  1. C. Buscaglia - Serological Survey For Newcastle Disease In Non Commercial Layers That Belong To A Social Program From Argentina Called "Pro-Huerta".

4.H. David Chapman - Efficacy Of Salinomycin Following Use Of Diclazuril And Coccivac-B In Broilers

5.T. Cherry - Evaluation Of Coccidiosis Vaccines By Different Methods Of Administration

  1. R.P. Chin - Airsacculitis in Turkeys Associated with Candidiasis
  2. Rocio Crespo - Effect of Onion Ingestion in White Chinese Ducks
  3. RP Fernández - Hemagglutination-Inhibition Antibodies And Protection Conferred By Bi- Or Trivalent Vaccines Of Haemophilus Paragallinarum Against Isolates Of The Prevalent Hemagglutinin Serovars Identified In Mexico

9.D. Gallazzi - Salmonella Spp. In Broiler Breeder Flocks And Hatcheries In Northern Italy: 10 Months Of Bacteriologic Monitoring

10.Scott J. Gustin - Reducing DOA’s At Processing Plant

  1. Josh Hatkin - Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Chicken’s Crop
  2. Jacob Ihle - Evaluation of Avian Escherichia coli's Ability to Survive Within Macrophages
  3. L. Lauerman - Comparative Evaluation Of Duplex PCR Assays For MG And MS
  4. Ken S. Macklin - Pine Shavings And Sand Used As Poultry Litter And Their Respective Bacterial Levels

15.Robert A. Norton - The Threat Of Bioterrorism To The Poultry Industry: The Veterinary Response

  1. R. Saini - Oregano Essential Oil Reduces Necrotic Enteritis In Broilers
  2. R. Saini - Oregano Essential Oil Reduces The Expression Of Coccidiosis In Broilers
  3. R. Saini - Organic Acids Effective In Preventing Necrotic Enteritis
  4. Franz Sommer - Pelistega europaea: a “new” Bacterium in Pigeons
  5. K. Tonooka - Prevalence of Campylobacter and Salmonella spp. in Commercial Meat Ducks