JULY 23, 2008
Chairman Harry Williams called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm.
Roll call was taken and members in attendance were: George Ervin, Julia Smith, M.J. Sokolik and Harry Williams.
The flag salute was followed by the Sunshine Law announcement. On a motion by George Ervin, seconded by Julia Smith, the meeting minutes of June 25, 2008 were approved. All in favor, motion carried.
Chairman’s Opening Statement
Finding new membership for the committee is our top priority. Harry and George each know of 2 possibly interested in joining. Discussed.
Old Business
Home Depot – Ward has the paperwork.
Paddle Days – Approximately 150 people came. Taking numbers has worked well. Everyone is enjoying paddle days and the Polaroid pictures. Extra picnic tables and were set up and the sand is down. We should cut down the number of paddle days to 3 in July next year. We should also look into getting a power generator to take digital pictures when the Polaroids run out.
Movie Nights – we had a great turnout of about 50 last night. 8:00 seems like a good time to start the movie. We’ll try to pick out movies that 5-6 year olds like, such as Disney classics.
Senior Picnic – Julia did a great job organizing the Senior Picnic. Everyone said it was the best one ever. Numbering the plates for the order of getting food worked very well. About 240 people came. Having tents set up was a great idea, maybe next year we should have even more tents. It was very hot so not too many did line dancing; maybe next year we could provide large fans. Harry suggested maybe hiring a comedian or additional entertainment also. We had lots of extra help serving and cooking. Discussed possibly having a condiment station and putting large pitchers of drinks on tables. Terry and Harry did great shopping jobs.
New Business
Seniors Report – The seniors will be going to the Statue of Liberty, and in September will tour the Waldorf Astoria, back stage at RadioCity, and buffet lunch at Oscar’s American Brassier.
Soccer request – Four members of the public attended the meeting to discuss the possibility of adding an adult soccer league, similar to our adult softball program. They showed interest in joining the Recreation Committee, and Harry went over the committee responsibilities and what we do throughout the year. He stated that we have to fill the 3 spots on the committee before we could even consider adding soccer. Harry also noted that the soccer league would have to be advertised and open for Mahwah residents only, and that proof of residency would be checked as it is for softball. We would have to check with Dawn about the budget and use of fields. Harry stated that the new members would be joining the Recreation Committee, and not just running a soccer program. The four members of the public left the meeting.
It was decided to discuss and vote on the soccer issue at the next meeting. We should also meet the candidates interested in joining the committee next month.
Mahwah Day – no report
2009 Calendar – discussed moving Meet the Bunny to March 28, 2009. Summer Rec registration will be moved up 2 weeks earlier. Discussed whether to have the Halloween Parade on Saturday the 31st from 6:00 to 12:00, or have it on Friday night instead. A motion was made by Julia Smith and seconded by George Ervin, to have the Halloween Parade on Halloween, Saturday, October 31 at 5:00. All in favor, motion carried.
Recreation Director’s Report
No report.
General Comments
On a motion by George Ervin, seconded by Harry Williams, the meeting was adjourned at 9:17 pm. All in favor, motion carried.
The next meeting will take place on August 27, 2008, at 7:30 pm in the Recreation building.