The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission Meeting on Thursday, August 6, 2015. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick, and Commissioners William D. Burke, Kenneth L. Laytin, Dennis R. Smith, Paul G. Worcester and Thomas Hurley. Also present was Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler, DuBois & King, Inc. and Airport Manager Thomas Maher.
Genesis Radio Club – The Genesis Radio Club wanted to thank the Commission for the use of the conference room for their monthly meetings and in appreciation presented the Commission with a Commission Room sign. The Commission accepted with gratitude.
Chairman Fosdick introduced Mr. Tom Hurley and welcomed him to the Commission.
Approve the Minutes of June 4, 2015 regular meeting – Commissioner Burke motions. Worcester seconded.
Approve the Minutes of the July 9, 2015 regular meeting – Commissioner Burke made a motion to accept the minutes. Commissioner Worcester secondedthe motion subject to the changes noted. Vote was 5 in favor and 1 abstention, Commissioner Hurley.
Coastal State Partners, Greg Day, initial introduction of proposed aviation academic school - Mr. Day introduced himself and explained that he works for a development firm that is interested in exploring an area of the airport for an institute of aeronautical study. At the present time his interested in gauging the Commissions’ interest since the process is lengthy and would involve thoughtful and methodical planning that wouldn’t be feasible if the Commission were opposed to the concept. Mr. Day indicated that if the Commission were interested he would like to enter into a Memo of Understanding and Exclusivity for the Land Area subject to an agreed upon timeline and the right of first refusal should another opportunitypresent itself to the Commission. Chairman Fosdick indicated that until the scope of the project was known the Commission would be unable to enter into any agreement. Manager Maher has discussed the preliminary concept with the airports attorney and Attorney Gilmore recommended caution with regards to exclusivity and the project at this juncture. Mr. Day indicated that the project would be a phased approach. The Commission discussed many concerns and decided to formulate some questions that they would have Manager Maher forward to Mr. Day for elaboration.
Dubois & King, Inc.
EA/EIR, update and Runway Project Update–Mr. Adler noted that the Variance has been received and there was nothing unexpected in it. However, the US Fish and Wildlife came up with an issue regarding long eared bats, which are nationally endangered, and their habitat which involves tree clearing. Mr. Adler advised that the easiest and quickest solution was to delay the tree clearing until after the Restriction Date of September 30 for coastal communities. Mr. Adler has gotten the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) involved and is doing everything possible to facilitate the project starting this fall and the FAA has indicated that they are ready to issue a grant when this is resolved. Mr. Adler has been in contact with the Contractor and they are ready to go.
Administration building, update–Manager Maher indicated that the Mansfield Airportadministration building has been demolished and they are still anticipating funding for a new building from the state project. Commissioner Burke approached Manager Maher with the idea of naming the building the Walter E. Morrison, Jr. Administration Building. The Commission will discuss the possibilities.
New Hangar Construction, update
Driftway Realty (Mike Orla), update – Manager Maher noted that Mr. Orla provided a plan thatidentified the helicopter landing area with the painting of an H on it. Manager Maher has concerns and will check on current FAA regulations with regards to helicopter landing areas.
Rick Ellis/Richard Carrera, update -On another issue Mr. Orla in order to have the helicopter landing area level with the back taxiway will need to grade the building lot to below road grade. The adjacent lot for Mr. Ellis’s building would be at road grade and the builder just realized the grade difference between the buildings and is determining how to proceed. Mr. Orla has already purchased the building and has been storing it off site. Manager Maher suggested a meeting with Mr. Carrera and Mr. Orla but Mr. Carrera indicated that he would work it out.
Rick Stefani, update – Manager Maher has tried to set up a meeting with the Town of Carver regarding commercial activity at the airport but has been unsuccessful so far and will seek help from a Carver Board of Selectman representative.
Noise/Safety Complaints, monthly review – One noise complaint received in July regarding a helicopter in the area of the state forest and the Southers Marsh golf course. The helicopter was not from the Cape and Manager Maher will continue to try and identify the operator. The prop plane pilot from last month’s complaint called and apologized. He is based at Hyannis Airport. Lastly, Manager Maher briefed that Pilgrim Aviation’s golf cart was stolen last night. The Police have been notified. Chairman Fosdick feels that the Airport needs to seriously address the gate 3 issue because it is inoperable more often than not.Mr. Jeff Adler will inquire about funding for a new gate for a long term solution. Manager Maher will implement a night time closure of the gate for now.
Airport Infrastructure update: Manager Maher advised that the front end loader needed repair and would be transported to the shop as soon as possible.
Airport lease uses and rates status: Steve DeCastro, DeCastro Appraisal, is continuing to work onthis.
State Police hangar lease update: The lease has been signed be all appropriate parties.
Aviation Fuel supplier RFP discussion – Manager Maher indicated that this would be an appropriate time to do a Request for Proposal, RFP, for an Aviation Fuel Supplier since our fuel tanks need to be relocated and updated to above ground tanks. It is his intent to get funding assistance from the Supplier as part of the RFP process.
Other Business:
Manager Maher indicated that he received the letter from Jason Wolfson regarding a possible hangar near the Quonset Hangar. Manager Maher and Mr. Adler discussed the location and would suggest a modification in order to accommodate the airports snow plowing needs.
Consent of Leasehold Mortgage, Airport Plaza – A request to have the Commission approve the consent was received by Mr. Hallisey. Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approve. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
Temporary Flight Restriction, TFR, will be in effect starting tomorrow and notices have been posted at the gates, Runway15/33 will be closed and right hand traffic on Runway 24 will be used.
As there was no further business at this time the meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
Kenneth E. Fosdick