Chagrin Falls Middle School

7th Grade Health

Mrs. Carole Dennison

440-247-4746 (middle School Office)

440-893-7690 x4328 (voicemail)

Room 200

Textbook: Teen Health

Goals of Health Education Course of Study

  1. The student will demonstrate personal responsibility for safeguarding and maintaining health through the utilization of health practices and prevention of diseases.
  2. The student will demonstrate the skills necessary to access valid health information and health promoting products.
  3. The student will practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks.
  4. The student will demonstrate care, consideration and respect of self and others while practicing interpersonal communication.
  5. The student will apply the decision-making process to health issues and problems.
  6. The student apply goal setting to the attainment of personal health and well-being.

General Procedures

  1. Arrive to class on time, have a pass if you are late. When the bell rings, you are to be in your seat. The teacher will dismiss you at the end of class, not the bell.
  2. Bring all materials needed (notebook, textbook, pen/pencil, paper, homework, hand outs, etc.) to class. No passes will be given to go to your locker.
  3. Cheating is not tolerated for any reason and will automatically result in a zero and a detention as well as a visit to the principal. This includes all tests, quizzes, homework, projects, papers, and worksheets.
  4. Absences from class regardless of the reason, place the responsibly on the student to get assignments, missed notes, and materials discussed.
  5. Respect yourself, each other, and school property. This includes textbooks, pamphlets, desks, bulletin boards, posters, etc.
  6. Each student is expected to conduct him or herself in a mature manner.
  7. No eating, drinking, or chewing gum in the classroom.
  8. Every student has a right to learn. If you do not have anything positive to add to the classroom, then do not disrupt others.

Progress Book

It is your responsibility to check your grade and follow your academic progress, so please spend some time becoming familiar with the program. I will update your grades frequently and encourage you to become familiar with the program by checking your grades often.


Grades will be based completely on points earned divided by the total number of points. Grades will consist mainly of tests and quizzes, projects, and homework. The school grading scale is posted in the handbook.

  1. Homework is due at the beginning of class the day that it is assigned to be due. No exceptions! If you are not in class the day that it is due, it is expected to be turned in at the beginning of the class the day you return. You are responsible for all work assigned in this class. It is your job to find out what was assigned if you are not present. Each grade will have bin to put your homework in once you enter the classroom. Points will be deducted for each day that your homework is late.
  2. Tests/Quizzes are to be taken on the day that they are assigned to be taken, regardless of whether you are absent prior to that date or not (contact me individually if an unusual situation arises). If you are not in class the day a test is given, you will be expected to take the test the day you return.
  3. Folders will be collected periodically and at the end of the course. They are a valuable part of this course. Don’t lose your folder. You are responsible for all the work that is collected in them.

Hall passes

Please try to schedule your restroom and water fountain stops between classes as much as possible. Hall passes will be limited for use only in an emergency.

Remember, my job as a teacher is to guide your through this course of study. I want you to succeed and will create the best environment for all learning styles. Your job as a student is to try your very hardest.

Good luck this year!

Mrs. Dennison


Student signature dateParent signature date