Ch. 12/13 Mastery Work
Short Answers
Ch. 12
1)In view of the rank-size distribution in Romania, why did the past President of Romania order the demolition of thousands of rural villages, each containing a few hundred inhabitants, and the construction of cities of 5,000 to 10,000 inhabitants?
2)The British policy of combining many small farms into one large farm is known as ______.
3)Name three countries that provide offshore financial services not located on islands.
4)Developing countries are experiencing rapid urbanization, which involves two types of population increases. One is an increase in the ______of people in a society living in urban areas. The other type of increase is an increase in the ______of people in a society living in urban areas.
5)An increase in the percentage of people in a society living in urban areas is due to what factor? Distinct from such percentage increases, an increase in the number of people in a society living in urban areas is due to what factor?
Ch. 13
6)List one distinctive characteristic of CBDs that results from very high land values.
7)Shops with high thresholds are likely to locate in the CBD. Describe the other two types of retail activities likely to locate in the CBD.
8)Which two of these four land usesindustrial, office, retail, and residentialare most likely to be found in a U.S. Central Business District?
9)One model of the internal structure of urban areas is a series of concentric rings. What are the other two models representing the internal structure of urban areas?
10)In what way does a typical residential suburb in a Europe urban area appear different from one in a U.S. urban area?
Reflection Questions
Ch. 12
1)Make a list of the service jobs you’ve had, and identify each by type according to the text.
2)Describe the type of job you’re hoping to start after college. Is it a service? What does this, combined with your previous answer, tell you about the range of service jobs?
3)Would it be difficult to do well at the job you’ve described above if you lived in a very small town? Use the concepts of threshold, range, and central place theory to describe why high-paying jobs are easier to find in large cities.
4)Present the reasoning of a person who chooses to live downtown, near the central business district (CBD). Answer as though you’re explaining to a friend why you chose to live there. Reference concepts from the text in your answer.
5)Now present the reasoning of a person who chooses to live in the suburbs while they work in the city. Again, answer as though you’re explaining your decision to a friend and reference concepts from the text.
Ch. 13
1)Why do people live in cities? Why do people live in suburbs?
2)Identify whether you live in the city or in the suburbs and explain why you live there (if you live with your parents or on campus, explain a parent’s choice of house).
3)How are cities in North America different than cities in Europe?
4)How are cities in Europe similar to cities in less developed countries?
5)Describe the issues associated with suburban ‘leapfrog’ development. How could these issues be resolved in North America
60-69 = complete the short answers in blue or black pen.
59 and below= complete the all questions in blue or black pen