Mustang Aquatics Boosters- BWP
2016-2017 Membership
Welcome to Mira Costa High School Boys Water Polo (BWP). We are exceedingly grateful for the BWP community’s support of our programs. We are entering our fourth year of operations with MBX, and like last year, all donations will go directly to fund BWP.
We are asking for one donation during the fall season for membership into the Mustang Aquatics Boosters and to support the following:
· Transportation to Away Games*
· Basic Uniform
· Safety Equipment
· Trainer
· Officials/Tournament Fees
· Equipment/Facilities Upgrade
· Player Awards
· Coach Appreciation
*These expenses have priority and must be satisfied before any other expenses may be authorized.
We hope to get 100% participation.
We are asking for a single donation for the fall of $250 per player.** Any size donation is appreciated and donors of $100 or more are members of the Mustang Aquatics Boosters. Thank you for supporting your student athlete by joining the Boosters and getting involved with our volunteer activities! It will help you to keep more informed about the sport your son has chosen, and it will give you an opportunity to get to know some of the players and their parents who share an interest in this exciting sport. Please let me know if you have special skills that may be helpful like photography, video editing, or other.
Unlike seasons past, each sport will need to solicit donations and fundraise separately. BWP and Swimming will no longer be covered by the same budget. You will be getting a separate letter from MCHS Swim asking for support of that program. If your player uses Swim to condition in the offseason, please remember your support is necessary to keep that option available.
On behalf of the Mustang Aquatics Boosters, thank you for your support of Boys Water Polo.
Go Mustangs!
Please send checks, payable to “MBX” to:
Pam Weatherly
325 18th Street
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Cell: 310-528-6797
Please write “BWP” and player’s name in the memo.
**If you prefer to pay by credit card, you may do so on the MBX Foundation website. The donation if using credit card/Paypal will be $265 which will cover our expenses related to fees.
MBX-Tax ID #02-0603467