CGCD Board Minutes June 28, 2016
Attendance: Carly Wee, Pat Jessup, Jean Callahan, Laura Smith, Lisa Pattinson, Beth Halligan, Carolyn Wadsworth, Megan M. Koss, Cindy O’Neil
President: Megan McClure opened the meeting at 9:05 at the Duxbury Free Library. She mentioned that Jen Tenney will be taking over as Secretary
Megan mentioned that all budgets need to be ready for the August meeting.
The Secretary’s Minutes: read and accepted.
Treasurer’s report: (See attached report). Garden Tour was successful. Report accepted.
Membership: Beth explained that Kelly and Kama were busy, but they will be at the September meeting. Beth will go over the rules and responsibilities of the job with them. Discussion concerning the club post office box. Currently, Marcia Solberg, assistant treasurer, is in charge of checking the P.O. box for checks. She cannot always make it. Irene should not check the box, because she is the Treasurer and that would be a conflict of interest. We need someone who can check the box on a regular basis. Discussion concerning whether Marcia would ever want to be Treasurer and, if not, who would be a good assistant treasurer. Discussion of people who might want to be Treasurer. Andrea Heinstadt, Margaret Brooke, Carol Hicks and Elena Zongrove named. Everyone should think about possible people.
Cheryl Tufankjian and Claire DeCecusati asked for sustaining membership. Motion to grant sustaining membership to them. Motion seconded and passed.
List of non-renewals passed around. People who did not renew last year or this year will be removed from the membership list. Beth will email everyone on the list right now. Decided to hold firm on the 7/15 deadline for membership renewal. The issue is that we need a certain number of members to be able to afford the programs we run.
Yearbook: Kelly and Kama should transcribe renewals and send them to yearbook by 7/20. Megan will send requests for info on their positions to the new chairs. Cindy will do the Ways and Means and Garden Tour info write-up. She will excerpt from what Megan has already written about the Garden Tour. The print date is 9/1. Megan will review the yearbook in August. The August Board Meeting is 8/23. We will review the yearbook and the budget. The September General meeting is 9/13. Camille will chose the cover photo for the yearbook.
Programs: The whole line-up of programs is planned. We need the membership money to support the programs. Some speakers have increased prices. There is no Presidents’ meeting this year. They are planning the pressed flower workshop again. It was cancelled last year due to snow. They were not able to get a local person to do the February meeting. Laura will get all the budget numbers together.
Hospitality: Need to get the hostesses lined up to print in the yearbook. Carly Wee will create Sign Up Genius page.
Town Beautification: Three of the ten signs have already been stolen. We need another chair for next year. maybe Betsy Boles or Sue McMahon.
Publicity: Katie Hunt’s term is finished. We need someone new. Maybe Elena Zongrove.
Flower Show: Lisa Pattinson be a co-chair. We need a venue and a date for the yearbook. Discussion of venues.
Ways and Means: Garden Tour made $3,000.00
Martha Prosl and DeoneMatichak might be good people to consider for the Holiday Wreaths.
Greens Sale: We have Kama on board, but she will need help. What about Paula Kelly? Will ask her.