Configuration Guide for: Real Time Bid Cost Recovery EIM Allocation / Date: 03/14/14
Settlements & Billing
Configuration Guide:Real Time Bid Cost Recovery EIM Allocation
CC 66780
Version 5.0
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 8Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: Real Time Bid Cost Recovery EIM Allocation / Date: 03/14/14
Table of Contents
1.Purpose of Document
3.Charge Code Requirements
3.1Business Rules
3.2Predecessor Charge Codes
3.3Successor Charge Codes
3.4Inputs - External Systems
3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations
3.6CAISO Formula
4.Charge Code Effective Date
1.Purpose of Document
The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a Charge Code in one document.
Bid Cost Recovery (BCR), as applied over the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) Balancing Authority Area (BAA), is the process by which the CAISO ensures SCs are able to recover Bid Costs for real-time Energy that the EIM Operator (CAISO) dispatches in the EIM. Bid Cost Recovery for Energy Bids applies to Bid Cost Recovery Eligible Resources in general (for example, Generating Units, Pumped-Storage Units, Proxy Demand Resources and resource-specific System Resources) scheduled or dispatched by CAISO.
Real-time Energy Bid Costs are used as inputs to calculate a resource’s net difference between RTM costs and revenues in the Pre-calculation RTM Net Amount configuration. If the difference between the total costs and the market revenues is positive, then the net amount represents a Shortfall. If the difference is negative, then the net amount represents a Surplus. For each resource the RTM Shortfalls and Surpluses are then netted over all hours of the associated Trading Day. Thus, RTM surpluses over the entire Trading Day are used to offset RTM shortfalls incurred over the entire Trading Day. If the net amount over the Trading Day is positive (a Shortfall), then the resource receives a BCR Uplift Payment equal to the net Trading Day amount under CC 6620-EIM –RTM Bid Cost Recovery Settlement. The corresponding RTM Bid Uplift Costs that an EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area incurs in the RTM Market are allocated as a single daily amount to the EIM Entity’s Scheduling Coordinator.
This charge code settles on an hourly basis, allocating the total amount of CAISO Total RTM Bid Uplift Costs for each EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area to the applicable EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator.
3.Charge Code Requirements
3.1Business Rules
Bus Req ID / Business Rule1.0 / CAISO total Uplift Allocation Amount will be summed for all Settlement intervals in the Trading Hour and allocated in this Charge Code on an hourly basis.
2.0 / For the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, the CAISO will compute the hourly Net RTM Bid Cost Uplift for the Trading Hour as the product of the RTM uplift ratio and the sum over all of the Settlement Intervals of the Trading Hour of any positive Net RTM Bid Cost Uplift, as determined by the BCR sequential netting calculation.(Fact)
3.0 / The hourly RTM Bid Cost Uplift in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area is allocated to Scheduling Coordinators, including Scheduling Coordinators for MSS Operators that have elected (a) not to follow their Load, and (b) gross Settlement, in proportion to their Measured Demand plus any FMM reductions not associated with valid and balanced ETCs, TORs or Converted Rights Self-Schedules in the Day-Ahead Market for the Trading Hour.
3.1 / For Scheduling Coordinators for MSS Operators that have elected (a) not to follow their Load, and (b) net Settlement, the hourly RTM Bid Cost Uplift is allocated in proportion to their MSS Aggregation Net Measured Demand plus any FMM reductions not associated with valid and balanced ETCs, TORs or Converted Rights Self-Schedules in the Day-Ahead Market.
3.2 / For Scheduling Coordinators of MSS Operators that have elected to follow their Load, the RTM Bid Cost Uplift shall be allocated in proportion to their MSS Net Negative Uninstructed Deviation plus any FMM reductions not associated with valid and balanced ETCs, TORs or Converted Rights Self-Schedules in the Day-Ahead Market.
3.2.1 / Load Following Energy for the MSS shall include FMM self-schedule energy that is provided by a System Resource for the purpose of load-following in accord with an associated MSS Agreement between CAISO and the MSS.
3.3 / Each Scheduling Coordinator shall be charged an amount equal to the product of (a) the sum of its Measured Demand, (or in the case of a Load Following MSS) its MSS Net Negative Uninstructed Deviation, and any FMM reductions not associated with valid and balanced ETCs, TORs or Converted Rights Self-Schedules in the Day-Ahead Market and (b) the RTM Bid Cost Uplift rate.
3.3.1 / The RTM Bid Cost Uplift rate is computed as the Net RTM Bid Cost Uplift amount divided by the sum of Measured Demand and any NSS Net Negative Uninstructed Deviation applicable to a Load Following MSS, plus any FMM reductions not associated with valid and balanced ETCs, TORs or Converted Rights Self-Schedules in the Day-Ahead Market across all Scheduling Coordinators for the Trading Hour.
3.3.2 / Any real-time reductions after HASP results are published to HASP Block Intertie Schedules in response to Dispatch Instructions or real-time scheduling curtailments are not allocated any Net RTM Bid Cost Uplift.
4.0 / For each EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area, the CAISO will allocate the Net RTM Bid Cost Uplift amount of the EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area to the applicable EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator.
4.1 / The Net RTM Bid Cost Uplift will be determined for each EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area.
4.2 / The CAISO will assess the Net RTM Bid Cost Uplift calculated in the BCR Sequential Netting calculation for each EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area to the applicable EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator.
5.0 / PTB Allocation Logic does not apply to this Charge Code.
3.2Predecessor Charge Codes
Charge Code/ Pre-calc NamePre-calc – Metered Energy Adjustment Factor
Pre-calc – Bid Cost Recovery Sequential Netting
3.3Successor Charge Codes
Charge Code/ Pre-calc NameCC 4989 Daily Rounding Adjustment Allocation
3.4Inputs - External Systems
Row # / Variable Name / Description1 / EIMEntitySCFlag BQ’md / A flag input that, when = 1, relates an EIM Balancing Authority Area (EIM BAA) with the associated Business Associate (Scheduling Coordinator ID).
3.5Inputs- Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations
Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/Pre-calc Configuration
1 / BAATotalRTMUpliftAllocationAmount Q’mdhcif / Pre-calc – Bid Cost Recovery Sequential Netting
The RTM Uplift Allocation Amount to be allocated to a given BAA, either the CAISO BAA or an EIM BAA.
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 8
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: Real Time Bid Cost Recovery EIM Allocation / Date: 03/14/14
3.6CAISO Formula
The daily uplift settlement of Bid Cost Recovery for each resource is as follows:
EIMEntitySCFlag BQ’md* BAATotalRTMUpliftAllocationAmount Q’mdhcif
Row # / Name / DescriptionIn addition to any outputs listed below, all inputs shall be included as outputs.
1 / EIMEntityRTMUpliftAllocationAmountBQ’mdhcif / Total RTM BCR UpliftAmount (in $)allocated tothegiven EIM Balancing Authority Area and associated EIM Entity Business Associate.
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 8
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: Real Time Bid Cost Recovery EIM Allocation / Date: 03/14/14
4.Charge Code Effective Date
Charge Code/Pre-calc Name / Document Version / Effective Start Date / Effective End Date / Version Update Type
CC 66780 – Real Time Bid Cost Recovery EIM Allocation / 5.0 / 10/01/14 / Open / Configuration Impacted
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 8