
Purpose: The practice of Judo and associated activities

Completed by………………………………………. Date…………………….

Description / Hazard / Control Measures / In Place / Initials / Review Date
Premises / School hall
Large room with mixed usage, allocated for use of judo only during our session.
Emergency Exits and procedures / Mats to be laid in centre of allocated space away from other activities and walls
Emergency Exits are clearly marked.
School evacuation procedures to be followed if needed.
Teachers supporting activity will beaware of procedures and muster points for venue
Equipment / MATS
Mats can separate during training
Mats can become slippery during training due to spillages.
Potential for transmission of skin disease if worn by player with skin complaint
Required to treat minor injuries / Mats are to be provided by the BJA and are fit for purpose.
Mats have no slip bottoms and should not slide excessively during sessions.
Any gaps will be closed by coach as soon as they are identified.
Any spills being cleaned immediately.
Judo Jackets loaned to player for the purpose of this session and worn over t-shirts / tops.
Kits are on loan from BJA Premier League Programme and will be washed prior to the event.
Fully stocked first aid kit available at sessions.
Coach is qualified in first aid and thus can take responsibility for injuries if necessary.
School takes responsibility for any casualties that require significant first aid treatment / accident report.
Injuries during practice sessions / Standing judo techniques require the throwing of an opponent. If throws are executed poorly or if the person being thrown falls awkwardly then accidental injuries can occur.
If too many people are training on the mat at any one time there is a potential to fall / trip / bang into each other causing injury
Groundwork techniques involving hold-downs only. / All players are made aware of rules and etiquette before training
Players will be taught techniques appropriate to their ability and will be taught throwing techniques only after they have demonstrated the ability to breakfall correctly
All throws are done on mats to lessen the impact of the fall
Numbers are restricted to no more than30 players per session.
Judo training will only take place under the direct supervision of qualified BJA level 2 Coach who is trained in first aid.
Additional school staff will be on hand to help players with skill development and to monitor space.
Session will be arranged so that all players are either doing standing work or ground work. At no point will some players be throwing will others are doing hold-downs.
During randori situations participation will be limited to ensure that each pair has an appropriate amount of space. Contests will be supervised
Players will be subject to rigorous supervision at all times and will be assisted/taught by BJA qualified coaches.
Players will practice at their own discretion and will where possible be matched to players of similar size.
Players are not forced to train with any person they do not feel comfortable with
General Injuries / Pulled Muscles, strains, bruising etc
Strenuous exercise can lead to muscle fatigue, cramp, sore / stiff joints,
pulled and strained muscles, ligaments and tendons
Cuts and abrasions
Can occur due to players having long nails or as a result of a mishap e.g. nose bleed. Friction burns / Coaches are first aid trained
Qualified first aiders treat all injuries immediately following the BJA accident procedures
Players must take part in the warm up at the beginning of the class.
These should be cleaned and dressed immediately and before continuing with any practice
Any specks of blood should be cleaned immediately from the mat
Infectious diseases / Due to the potential for bleeding there is a risk that infectious diseasescould be transmitted
Sweat and dirt could build up on the mats with constant use / Prior to any practice session the mats must be inspected for blood stains and cleaned as necessary
Any blood on the mat MUST be cleaned immediately using appropriate materials and precautions
Players with “bleeding” injuries will not be allowed back on the mat until the bleeding has stopped orthe cut is safely covered.
Regular cleaning of mats should be carried out
General personal Hygiene should be observed and kept to an acceptable standard.
Laying and storing of mats / There is a risk of back injury when lifting judo mats / All persons need to be aware of the potential for back injury
Coaches must ensure that appropriate lifting and handling techniques are applied
Mats should be moved only by adults and preferably by those with experience of lifting and handling procedures.

Signed……………………………….. Date…………………………..