August 20, 2012

President Shoni Tiede called the meeting to order at 6:07PM.

Melinda Wells led the Flag Salute.

Cindy Jaeger introduced guests:

Mark GjurasicSpeaker


Debbie SalazarPape Material Handling

Stacy GreenStellar Industries

Claudia KuniholmPresident of Seattle Chapter

Drew AlleyProbuild

Jon FloraPresident of NACM

No Raffle prizes were donated as we having our Summer Board Fling Baskets to raise money.

The meeting temporarily adjourned 6:16PM (intermission for dinner)

Meeting Reconvened 7:01 P.M.

Committee Reports:

Membership:Bob Lucas

1 New Member, Stacy Green was introduced

Finance/Fundraising: Sandra

We have Baskets for this evening to raise money instead of our raffle. Mary Anne and Sandra need help for a Seminar that is being planned for January. If anyone would like to participate / lead please get with either Mary Anne or Sandra.

Programs: Rosanna

Aug – Mark Gjurasic, Public Affairs of WA LLC – Legislative Update

Sept – Chiropractor – Stress Management opportunity for free massage before meeting

Oct – Dealing with the Distressed Customer

Speakers are scheduled till November and December will be our Christmas Social

Website: Jeff Borgens

We are still adding pictures to the website. Thank you Lauriefor the pictures you have taken. If you have a picture, send it in. If we have one of you, we will run by you before putting on the website.


1 Golf Scholarship is available as well 2 left for Credit Congress. Get your applications in as soon as possible if you are interested.

Treasurer / Audit: Robert Lucas

We have over $9,000.00 in the bank

Other: None

Unfinished Business: None

New Business: Claudia introduced herself asking for any suggestions to take to NACM to make the organization better.

Introduction of Speaker by: Rosanna

Mark Gjurasic was introduced by Rosanna. Mark then introduced Chester Baldwin,an Attorney at Law who works with Mark in the Legislation sessions.

Other Announcement(s): None

Raffle / Baskets:

The Basket drawing brought in $290.00

There were 17members in attendance tonight and 6 guests were in attendance

The next business meeting is scheduled for September 17, 5:30PM at Johnny’s at Fife

The next board meeting is scheduled for September 17, at 4:30PM at Johnny’s at Fife.

With there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:11 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Cindy Jaeger for

Jennifer ClarkShoni Tiede
