No doubt there are many ways of looking at pictures, none of which can be called the right way. (Kenneth Clark, 1960)

Can we not think of the aim of life as being simply to see? (John Gray, 2011)

LOOKis an exhibition about learning to look at ARTin the Charles Darwin University Art Collection. The Collection now comprises more than 2000 works of art (principally on paper) by Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal artists, and Southeast Asian artists, inspired by or connected to Northern Australia – in particular the Northern Territory. Many works have been gifted to the University through the CDU Foundation, by CDU donors (Northern Editions Printmaking Studio) and external benefactors, and are exhibited here for the first time.

The exhibition comprises a selection of more than 70 works in a range of media – including paintings, limited edition prints, photographs, digital collage and three-dimensional objects – drawn from the University’s permanent holdings. The works are assembled to encourage the viewer to search for meaning and seek pleasure in a visual way: to experience art through uninhibitedobservation rather than verbalised narrative.

Kenneth Clark observed that looking at art ‘requires active participation, and, in the early stages, a certain amount of discipline’. LOOK is more than a retinal exercise:by comparing and contrasting work by individual artists and communities in the region, the exhibition reveals enduring relationships and experiences through the Collection between people and place. It features contemporary and historical works that evince an on-going creative engagementwith Northern Australia – through residence, travel and the imagination.

Northern Territory non-Aboriginalresident artists (past and present) include: Franck Gohier, Chips Mackinolty, Andy Morgan-Smith, Peter Quinn, Anna Reynolds, Tobias Richardson, Therese Ritchie and Bronwyn Wright. Other Australian non-Aboriginal artists include: Len Annois, Jo Bertini, Peter Booth, Stephen Copland, John Firth-Smith and John Goodchild.

Northern TerritoryAboriginal artists represented in the exhibition include those from Gunbulunya, Maningrida, Ramingining, Ngukurr, the Tiwi Islands, Tennant Creek, Alice Springs, Yuendumu, Haasts Bluff and Kintore. Western Australian Aboriginal artists represented are from Kiwirrkura, Fitzroy Crossing and Warakurna. Queensland Indigenous artists represented are from Bentinck and Mornington Islands (North Qld) and Badu Island (Torres Strait). South Australian Aboriginal artists are from Ernabella and Indulkana. Southeast Asian artists represented are Dadang Christanto (Indonesia/Australia), Ardiyanto Pranata (Indonesia), Pinaree Sanpitak (Thailand) and Yuan Mor’O Ocampo (the Philippines).

LOOK is showing in the CDU Art Gallery from 29 February until 30 March 2012. The Gallery is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 3pm or by appointment.


For further information contact the Curator, Anita Angel: 8946 6621.