This guidance is for use in completing the progress report for a currently funded SWG

If the SWG is in its first year of operations and was not proposed in a previous progress report, fill out a “new SWG” template.

[Name] Scientific Working Group


Date Established: List the mm/yyyy established

I. Narrative for Current Reporting Period (no more than 5 pages)

A. Highlights

The purpose of section I.A is to provide a short big picture, “elevator speech” overview of the SWG’s key NIH-related successes over the last year. Highlighted information includes, but is not restricted to:

·  Detail new interdisciplinary collaborations;

·  Describe new significant questions and problems in HIV/AIDS that are being addressed;

·  Explain how the SWG promoted growth in a scientific area of interest;

B. Progress in Meeting SWG Goals:

List each of the SWG’s Specific Aims, and describe new progress made since the last progress report was submitted. Use quantitative language when possible and make the value added explicit. Do not use examples that have been reported in other progress reports unless you have new information to report specific to that example.

C. New Examples of Intra-CFAR Synergy

Examples of intra-CFAR synergy should be reported in this section.

Confine examples of Intra-CFAR synergy to higher-level examples, not work between individual investigators. For example: “Our SWG has begun working with the X Core to …”

D. Changes to the SWG Made During the Current Reporting Period:

Report here any changes that were made to the SWG’s leadership, goals, activities, and/or interactions with CFAR Cores. For each change reported, make it clear to NIH readers: a) what the impetus for the change was and b) what benefit(s) have come from making the change.

E. Future Plans

Describe the SWG’s plans for next year.

For any planned changes (including, but not restricted to, changes in leadership, specific aims, and activities) describe the change, the reason for the change, and the expected benefits of the change.

Plans Based on Input from a Formal Evaluation Process:

Focus on plans that are grounded on advice received from advisory committees, SWG member feedback, and/or an evaluation of the SWG.

Plans Based on Other Impetus:

Focus on plans that are the result of an impetus other than input from an evaluation process.

II. Other SWG Information (Does not count towards page limits.)

A.  SWG Tables

Describe funding applications submitted. Include the role of the SWG in the development/submission of each.

Do not include a funding application in the “New Funding Applications Submitted” table below just because a SWG member submitted it. Only include those for which the SWG as a whole played a substantive role in the application’s conception, design, and/or construction

If the grant being submitted is a renewal, only include it here if the SWG contributed to a revised Specific Aim.

New Funding Applications Submitted in Current Reporting Period

PI(s) / Title (Mechanism) / NIH Institute / Outcome / SWG Role (value added)

Describe all other activities of the SWG not covered above. Include the role of the SWG in each activity.

Other Activities (e.g., symposium, webinar, journal club, and etc.) – Current Reporting Period

Date(s) / Description / Number Served / Other Cores, SWGs, Centers, or Departments etc. / SWG Role

B.  SWG Membership Table

The purpose of the table below is to describe the individuals who belong to each of the CFAR’s Scientific Working Groups (SWGs).

Bear in mind that a central purpose of the SWG concept is to turbocharge HIV/AIDS research by including investigators who can contribute expertise from other fields, to support junior and NIH New Investigators, and to bring together a broad array of expertise and interests. Use this roster to document progress in achieving this purpose.

•  Use column 2 (“New to SWG”) to identify members who have joined the SWG since the previous year

•  Use column 3 (“Outside Expertise”) to identify members who are primarily contributing expertise that is outside of the field of HIV/AIDS

•  Use column 4 (“Categories”) to identify unfunded (Category 4) or NIH new investigators (Category 3)

•  Provide enough detail on research interests to make it clear how their research will facilitate the work of the SWG

(Location) / New to SWG / Outside Expertise / Categories / Primary Research Area / Involvement with the SWG

III. New Publications Describing Work Supported by the SWG (Does not count towards page limits.)

·  Restrict the list to publications that describe work facilitated by the Core AND that are linked to the CFAR grant number.

·  For each citation, follow the format below. Provide citations in alphabetical order by first author, bold face CFAR authors.

·  Do not attach copies of actual publications.

1. [Citation]

PMID number:

PMCID number:

Revised 10/29/15