Name: ______
Class 8A Newsletter – Wednesday 28th April 2010
Dear Parents,
Many thanks for your support with children’s comprehension and legend planning task, last week. The children have been busy working on their legend, today. For future reference, a note for your diaries is the final Wider Opps Music Concert. This will take place on Thursday 1st July 2010 at 9.05am. Please can Y5 parents note the dates for this term’s 11+ Club? They were sent on a separate letter and can also be found on the Class Web Page. Also on the site are some links to educational sites devoted to our History topic for this term – The Tudors. For further information on our work, this Summer Term, please see the accompanying Class Newsletter. Next week will see the next two Science Shows from Adrian Bowden (on Forces and Materials) – I’m sure your children will have told you all about the two held last Friday (on Light & Sound and Electricity).
For homework, this week, I would like all the children to complete the attached ‘No More School’ comprehension questions. Full sentence answers are not required, but the children should take note of the amount of marks on offer when answering each question.
I would also like the Year 6 children to complete their Achieve Books, if not already (they were due at the end of April). I would then like the work marked and corrected by the children. If the children could work through their weaker areas with a parent or older sibling and solve further examples (of eg. rotation or divisions of decimals), this would be hugely beneficial.
The homework deadline is Wednesday 5th May 2010. As ever, this Newsletter and any scanned homework, spelling and other information can be found on the Class Web Page, as found below…
Class 8A Page on the school website: www.salesbury.lancs.sch.ukMy email address is
Kind regards,
Mr Kellington
Class 8A Teacher
Name: ______
Class 8A Newsletter – Wednesday 28th April 2010
Dear Parents,
Many thanks for your support with children’s comprehension and legend planning task, last week. The children have been busy working on their legend, today. For future reference, a note for your diaries is the final Wider Opps Music Concert. This will take place on Thursday 1st July 2010 at 9.05am. Please can Y5 parents note the dates for this term’s 11+ Club? They were sent on a separate letter and can also be found on the Class Web Page. Also on the site are some links to educational sites devoted to our History topic for this term – The Tudors. For further information on our work, this Summer Term, please see the accompanying Class Newsletter. Next week will see the next two Science Shows from Adrian Bowden (on Forces and Materials) – I’m sure your children will have told you all about the two held last Friday (on Light & Sound and Electricity).
For homework, this week, I would like all the children to complete the attached ‘No More School’ comprehension questions. Full sentence answers are not required, but the children should take note of the amount of marks on offer when answering each question.
I would also like the Year 6 children to complete their Achieve Books, if not already (they were due at the end of April). I would then like the work marked and corrected by the children. If the children could work through their weaker areas with a parent or older sibling and solve further examples (of eg. rotation or divisions of decimals), this would be hugely beneficial.
The homework deadline is Wednesday 5th May 2010. As ever, this Newsletter and any scanned homework, spelling and other information can be found on the Class Web Page, as found below…
Class 8A Page on the school website: www.salesbury.lancs.sch.ukMy email address is
Kind regards,
Mr Kellington
Class 8A Teacher