Cereal Box Book Report Guide

Since September you have been exploring the G.S. Lakie Library once a week and have been reading during LA and Advisor time. Now it’s time to really commit to a novel and read it fully. This week in library your job is to find a fiction chapter book with at least 150 pages and READ! There is an assignment to go along with your book choice, so check out the details below.Please remember that your book must be approved by Mrs. Wehlage or Ms. Fischbuch.

Are you reading a fantastic book? Do you like cereal? Well you are in luck because now is the time to create an AWESOME book report project! Using an empty cereal box, create your report following these directions:

Entire Box: Cover the entire box with a large sheet of white or light-coloured paper. Neatly wrapping it like a present is a good approach.

Front of Box: Think of a name for your new cereal that is closely related to your book. For example, for the book The Lightning Thief, you could name your cereal “Lightning-O’s”. Design the front of your cereal box to be colourful and attractive. It should show what the cereal looks like and should also include a picture of a related prize. For “Lightning-O’s”, the prize might be a pen in the shape of a lightning bolt.

Back of Box: Every fun box of cereal has a game or puzzle on the back! Your cereal also needs one. Design and include a word puzzle using 10 vocabularywords from your novel. Crosswords, word scrambles, or word searches are good examples. Make sure it completely relates to your book.

Right Side: Neatly write a summary on the sheet provided. Cut and glue it onto the right side of your cereal box, or type it out on the computer. Add some colour to make it stand out!

Left Side: All cereal boxes have a list of ingredients. Great books also have necessary ingredients, including a setting and main characters. Complete the Ingredients panel on the provided sheet. Cut and glue it onto the left side of the cereal box.

Top of Box: Fill out the information on the provided sheet. Would you rate your book as a 1-star (pretty awful) or a 5-star (the best you’ve ever read) story? Colour in the appropriate number of stars. Cut and paste this panel onto the top of your cereal box.

Bonus Projects:

Commercial Break:Every successful cereal has good marketing! Create a commercial for your product. You can write it out on the sheets provided, or better yet, film it! At the end of the term, we’ll watch all commercials and award the top commercial a prize!

Coupon: Create a coupon that goes with your cereal box. Make sure the coupon has images that reflect your book, and relate to the book topic. For example, you might have a B.O.G.O for the Lightning thief and Sea of Monsters because they are related books in a series. Or, maybe you have $10 off anyone who can prove they’re a demi-god.

Anything else? If you have a neat idea that relates to marketing a cereal and can be related to your book, ask your teacher!

Book Choice Due Date: December 18th, 2015

Book Report Due Date: March 4th, 2016
(no exceptions… should be handed in before this date)