January 22, 2015

Agenda and Minutes

Location: Contra Costa County, EHSD, 40 Douglas Drive, Martinez CA 94553, Room 101-102, 925-313-1500 reception line


1)  Introductions

In attendance:

Rachel Foster, Contra Costa County

Mary Jane Harris, Contra Costa County

Bud Sealy, Alameda County

Ben Guerrieri, Napa County

Patty Hernandez, Monterey County

Karen Clampitt, Monterey County

Kathleen Miles, Santa Clara County

Freda Cobb, San Mateo County (teleconference)

Kelli Kopeck, Santa Cruz County

2)  Volunteer to be note taker for meeting – Mary Jane Harris

3)  Hot Topics – County check-ins

§  Freda – County re-structuring units, looking at Quality Insurance, may see policy, planning, quality management under Staff Development

§  Kathleen – Continued retention difficulties, ongoing hiring, the Family Practice Child Model now incorporated into SIP, CAPP Model, SOP and Just Cultures adopted clerical to management, working on ARC and Resource Family Improvement Project, joining other counties in CSEC collaboration

§  Karen and Patty – Leadership roles shifting, county down in ER social workers, April 1st roll out date for ARC, working with the Mexican Consulates developing the MOU related to SB1065 changes, working on CSEC at the regional level with Santa Cruz and San Bonita Counties

§  Ben – Family Finding ongoing, looking a CSEC screening tool out of San Luis Obispo, county bringing on a consultant for CSEC, graduate student doing CSEC research, looking at ARC funding and cost analysis, lots of transitions, redesigning agency wide Quality Improvement (QI), training for QI, after earthquake, looking at Disaster Planning and Safe Measures (paper copy of where dependent children reside printed out twice monthly)

§  Bud – SIP update (five year plan) in July, county creating a agency wide Disaster Plan, rolling out Katie A. and CSEC

§  Rachel and Mary Jane – Working on the Credit Check process for older foster youth and NMD, finishing up the policy on Interviewing Children at School, county bringing back Court Units/workers, Zero Tolerance county initiative leading the way on CSEC and Labor Trafficking, CSEC county workgroup collaborating with CBOs working with CSEC/Y population, Katie A. in Field Testing process with BHS and CFS newly established process, policy to be written, ongoing hiring of social workers

§  Kelly – Re-organization for social workers has resulted in lower and more manageable caseloads (referral to Dispo = 1 workers), front end re-distribution (vertical case management) really helped, increasing efforts on permanency

4)  CWDA Bay Area Regional Directors, BAMM, BAERS and CWDA Regional Policy Committee

§  Discussion regarding how our policy subcommittee could be supported by Bay Area Academy

§  What is the purpose of this Policy Group – in the past the group helped define Regional Policy; and are we more about information sharing and support or a combination of both?

§  Do we have access to the CWDA Director Meeting minutes?

§  There is a Regional Policy Committee Web Site (Alameda provided tech support)

§  Follow up – how to we get minutes from Director’s Meeting?

5)  Inter-County Protocol Review (see attached – Comprehensive Inter-county Protocol, Sensitive Case, Statewide ICT, Out-of-Home Abuse)

·  Sensitive Case protocols

·  Bay Area Regional Protocol on Abuse

§  Where is the Inter-County Protocol posted?

§  Discussed how all three policies should be linked and kept on one site

6)  Recent ACLs & ACINs

§  ACIN 1-52-14 Outcome Measure 2D Child abuse and neglect referrals by time-to-investigate used to update policy in Santa Cruz, Napa and Monterey

§  ACL 14-75 Accessing the CA Parent Locator Service (CPLS) and Federal Parent Locator Services (FPLS) for Finding Noncustodial Parents

·  Napa changed the way they engaged with families at the time of removal and they now use relatives ER placements Monterey County – Relative Recruitment efforts

·  Napa County – In SIP engage family at removal and address permanency

7)  Additional agenda items

§  Credit Reports – Santa Clara to share their policy

8)  2015 Meeting Schedule and Volunteer Facilitator and Host for next meeting
January 22, April 23, July 23, and October 22, 2015 from 10-2p

§  Next Meeting April 23, 2015 hosted by Freda in San Mateo County

·  AB12 and Out of State Monthly Face to Face

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