December 20, 2013

The Board was invited to join the museum staff for a luncheon prior to our meeting.

Members Present: George Flores, George Hartz, Phil Hanson, Kelly Corsette, Jacque Berkowitz, Peter Iverson, Tobe Daum, Jeannine Moyle, Linda Cathey, Don Nordlund, Janice Bryson

Staff Present: John Langellier

Guest: Arv Schultz

The meeting was called to order by George Flores at 1:05 p.m. in the board room at the Central Arizona Chapter, Arizona Historical Society Museum at Papago Park. A quorum was present.

Call to the Public for Comments:


Appointments/Resignations/Oath of Office:

Jeannine Moyle nominated Arv Schultz to a membership on our CAC Board. Arv is a retired commercial pilot. He loves researching and writing Arizona history. Arv founded Arizona Flyways and was honored in 2008 by being appointed to the Arizona Aviation Hall of Fame. His nomination was seconded by Jacque Berkowitz and motion carried for Arv to join our board.

George Flores had previously advised our Board that as he was elected to the Arizona Historical Society Board, he will no longer serve on the State Board as CAC president. We needed a board member to complete George’s CAC presidential term on the State Board through our elections in May/2014. Arv Schultz has volunteered to be the CAC representative on the State Board.

Approval and Modification of Board Minutes:

Minutes accepted as distributed.

Treasurer’s Report:

As of 10/31/2013, our 1107 fund was $17,312.00

George Flores would like to invite Bill Ponder to one of our meetings to present “Budget 101” information regarding our budget and the Arizona Historical Society Budget.

President’s Report by George Flores:

·  George asked Board members to think about who we need on our Board.

·  He discussed the results of the November State Board Meeting and advised we will continue with the review of free admission for military veterans.

·  George advised he had an energized meeting with John Langellier this morning prior to our luncheon.

·  The Ad Hoc Committee is continuing to meet and will hold a meeting in January/2014. The committee will assure that the CAC Board is aware of all reports and recommendations.

·  Think about our April/May Board elections. George will be appointing a nominating committee.

·  George encouraged all Board members to contact John and set up a time to let him know our ideas and dreams to make us better at what we do.

AHS Staff Report by John Langellier:

·  John introduced himself and told us about his previous museum work. We have a lot before us in creating a museum in the 21st Century. We are looking ahead.

·  Our facility needs to be brought up to snuff.

·  We will work to emerge as a major player in this large metropolitan area. We need to build partnerships.

·  A Medal of Honor exhibit is in the works. This exhibit will travel around the state including to the Sharlot Hall Museum. A discussion was held on the Medal of Honor history, recipients from Arizona and plans for the event. Funds are being raised for the exhibit. A key is to bring military exhibits as we have many veterans in Arizona.

·  Another local exhibit will be Greg Brown’s Flying Carpet which will be brought from Prescott. Brown had a camera mounted on the aircraft to take pictures.

·  Another plan will be to have films that go with the exhibits. We want to appeal to a diverse audience to hold AHS members and bring in new members. Our exhibits should draw attendees and bring them back.

·  Discussion held on attendance at Sharlot Hall and their fund raising efforts. What do we do if we have no state funding?

Historical League Report by Linda Cathey:

·  All Board members should have received the November newsletter with all updates for the League.

·  Gala invitations have been mailed. Board members were asked to stay after the meeting for a photograph to be used in the Gala program.

Announcements and Other Matters for Consideration at Future Board Meetings:

Phil Hanson noted it is the 60th Anniversary of the Korean Armistice. The government of Korea has published Korea Revisited. Let Phil know if you would like a copy.

Meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Janice Bryson, Secretary