Ceramics1,2,Advanced Ceramics, AP Studio Art: 3D Design
Bingham High SchoolArt Department
Mr. BirdRoom A108801-256-5100
Conference Period: A-Day – 4th Period
Please READ, sign, and return signed page to Mr. Bird in room A108, Thank you!
UtahCore State Standards for the Fine Arts
- Create – Students will generate artistic work by conceptualizing, organizing, and completing their artistic ideas. They will refine original work through persistence, reflection, and evaluation.(Standards L2.V.CR.1-6)
- Present – Students will analyze, interpret, refine, and select artistic work for presentation. They will convey meaning through the manner in which the art is presented (Standards L2.V.P.1-3)
- Respond – Students will understand, evaluate and articulate how works of art convey meaning for the observer as well as the creator (Standards L2.V.R.1-4)
- Connect – Students will relate artistic skills, ideas, and work with personal meaning and external context (L2.V.CO.1-2
Class Rules
- Be respectful – You must respect each other, the classroom and equipment, and of course the instructor.
- No Fly Zone – No throwing of objects of any kind, especially CLAY.
- Dress Appropriately for class – You must follow the Jordan School District / Bingham High School dress code. See BHS website for clarification.
Girls: Skirts, especially short skirts and loose or low cut shirts are not appropriate.
Boys: Pull up your pants. I do not want to see the color of your underwear or anything else.
- No Swearing – If you have a swearing problem then please don’t speak.
Consequences for inappropriate behavior:
Reduced or zero daily participation points, seat change, teacher conference and behavior contract, and parent notification.
Consequences for appropriate behavior:
A great experience in Ceramics! Full participation points, freedom to bring in food/drinks, and positive parent contact.
Projects (80% of the final grade)
- Projects will be graded on specific standards and criteria.
- Students will receive a grade of 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1, (missing work will receive a 0). This grade will then be converted on Skyward to a score of up to 200 points per project.
- Projects may be redone (within 1 week of due date) and resubmitted for a higher possible grade.
- Note to parents and students: Focus on the grade written on the project, NOT the points on Skyward. For example, as aparent you may want to encourage your student by say, “You have received a 3 (Approaching Standard) on your project. Are you willing to put in more time and effort to raise your grade to a 4 or even a 5?”
Grading System
5 / A / Exceeding Standard4 / B / Meeting Standard
3 / C / Approaching Standard
2 / D / Developing
1 / F / Emerging
A / 100.00% / 90.01%
A- / 90.00% / 85.01%
B+ / 85.00% / 80.01%
B / 80.00% / 75.01%
B- / 75.00% / 70.01%
C+ / 70.00% / 65.01%
C / 65.00% / 60.01%
C- / 60.00% / 55.01%
D+ / 55.00% / 50.01%
D / 50.00% / 45.01%
D- / 45.00% / 40.01%
F / 40.00% / 0.00%
Skyward grading scale
Participation: Ceramics is aperformance class. Individual participation will make up 20% of a student’s grade. Students will receive 40 participation points each day for:
Attending class
Listening and sharing your opinions in class discussions
Being on time and being prepared to begin when the late bell rings
Using all available class time to work on ceramics projects
Completing my daily clean-up job (student will lose 100 participation points if this is not done)
Cleaning up my work area (Student will lose all 40 daily points if this is not done)
Late Projects:Students will be given a one week grace period from the due date to turn in late work with no penalty. After one week, the project will lose one letter grade. Late work will not be accepted the last week of the term.
Extra Credit:This is only possible after all assigned projects have been completed. Up to 100 points of extra credit can be earned each term. Students may visit an Art Gallery or museum and complete a one page art critique. (This must be pre-approved by the instructor – No Exceptions)
Attendance – See Jordan School District / Bingham High School attendance policy
Students will lose 40 participation points when absence is unexcused.
Tardies: Each student will be allowed 1 tardy per term with no loss of points. 20 participation points will be deducted for every tardy thereafter. Student must be in their seat before the late bell finishes ringing.
Cell Phones: The Bingham High School Cell Phone policy will be enforced. Please refer to the BHS website.
Ceramics Supplies and Fees:
- Students will be shown a list of supplies and tools to be purchased for each Ceramics class.
- BHS Ceramics class fee is $5.00. There is an additional fee of $18.00 which pays for one 25lbs bag of clay, a used Ceramic Tool Kit, glazing materials, and firing of projects.
- All fees need to be paid online or in the main office. A copy of a paid fee receipt MUST be brought to class and turned in to the teacher. Unfortunately the teacher has no way to seeif a student has paid their fees in the computer system.
I look forward to having you in my Ceramics class!
Student’s Name(Print Legibly) ______
Class ______
Period ______
I have read and understand the above disclosure:
Student’s Signature ______
Parent or Legal Guardian (Print Legibly) ______
Parent or Legal Guardian Signature ______
Teacher’s Signature ______
Please email any questions you may have concerning this disclosure.