Maths Skills and Curriculum Coverage Planner 2017
Autumn / Spring / SummerReception / Counting and Numbers
Counting and Ordering
2D shape and position
Counting and Patterns
Counting and Addition
Addition and Subtraction
3D shape
Money and Counting
Problem-solving running through all the above strands. / Counting and Ordering
Ordinal Numbers
2D shape and data
Pattern and Symmetry
Counting and Adding
Counting and Comparing
3D shape and data
Counting and Comparing
Money and Counting
Problem-solving running through all the above strands. / Counting
Counting and Addition
2D shape and data
Addition and Subtraction
Counting and Sequences
Addition and Subtraction
Counting, Addition and Subtraction
Counting and Place Value
3D shape and direction
Money, Addition and Subtraction
Problem-solving running through all the above strands.
Year 1 / Counting and Sequences
Mental Addition
Money and Time
Measure and Space
Addition and Subtraction
Sequences and Shapes
Doubling and Halving Time
Shape and Data
Addition and Subtraction
Counting, Addition and Subtraction
Problem-solving running through all the above strands. / Counting and Sequences
Addition, Subtraction and Money
Weight and Time
Doubles, Halves, Sequences and Data
Sequencing and Place Value
Lengths and Subtraction
Capacity and Data
Addition and Subtraction
Addition, Subtraction and Money
Problem-solving running through all the above strands. / Place Value and Fractions
Addition and Subtraction
Addition and Subtraction
3D Shape and Time
Multiplication and Division
Addition, Subtraction and Money
Time, Position and Direction
Multiplication and Division
Addition, Subtraction and Money
Problem-solving running through all the above strands.
Year 2 / Sequences and Place Value
Number Facts and Counting
Money and Time
Length, Position and Direction
Money, Addition and Subtraction
Sequences and Fractions
Doubling, Halving, Addition and Subtraction
2D Shape and Data
Addition and Subtraction
Problem-solving running through all the above strands. / Number and Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Weight and Time
Multiplication and Division
Number and Fractions
Addition and Subtraction
Capacity and Data
Multiplication and Division
Addition and Subtraction
Addition, Subtraction and Money
Problem-solving running through all the above strands. / Sequences and Fractions
Addition and Subtraction
Subtraction and Money
3D Shape and Time
Multiplication and Division
Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Time and Data
Multiplication and Division
Addition, Subtraction and Money
Fractions and Time
Problem-solving running through all the above strands.
Year 3 / Place Value and Money
Addition and Subtraction
Shape and Symmetry
Multiplication and Division
Addition and Subtraction
Time and Data
Multiplication and Division
Problem-solving running through all the above strands. / Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Measures and Data
Place Value and Division
Addition and Subtraction
Time, Position and Direction
Multiplication and Division
Multiplication, Division and Fractions
Problem-solving running through all the above strands. / Place Value and Money
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division
Measurement and Data
Addition, Subtraction and Money
Place Value and Sequences
Multiplication and Division
Shape, Data and Measures
Addition and Subtraction
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
Problem-solving running through all the above strands.
Year 4 / Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Shape and Data
Multiplication and Division
Place Value, Addition and Subtraction
Time and Data
Multiplication and Division
Division and Fractions
Problem-solving running through all the above strands. / Place Value, Fractions and Decimals
Addition, Subtraction and Money
Addition and Subtraction
Measurement and Data
Fractions and Decimals
Place Value, Decimals and Negative Numbers
Addition and Subtraction
Time, Timetables and Co-ordinates
Multiplication and Division
Problem-solving running through all the above strands. / Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Area, Perimeter and Co-ordinates
Fractions and Decimals
Fractions, Decimals and Length
Multiplication and Division
Shape, Symmetry and Angles
Time and Graphs
Fractions, Decimals and Division
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
Problem-solving running through all the above strands.
Year 5 / Place Value and Addition
Decimals, Addition and Money
Shape: Properties of Shape
Multiplication, Division and Fractions
Place Value and Multiplication
Multiplication and Division
Place Value, Decimals and Subtraction
Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication
Problem-solving running through all the above strands. / Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Place Value and Addition
Co-ordinates and Line Graphs
Multiplication and Division
Fractions and Decimals
Multiplication and Division
Place Value and Subtraction
Perimeter, Area and Volume
Number and Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Problem-solving running through all the above strands. / Number and Place Value
Place Value and Decimals
Multiplication, Division and Percentages
Angles and Polygons
Fractions and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division
Time and Data
Place Value and Subtraction
Multiplication and Fractions
Problem-solving running through all the above strands.
Year 6 / Place Value and Written Addition
Decimals and Written Addition
Shape and Angles
Multiplication, Division and Fractions
Number and Written Multiplication
Fractions and Division
Place Value, Decimals and Subtraction
Measures including Time
3D Shape and Fractions
Written Multiplication, Mixed Calculations and Word Problems / Number, Place Value and Negative Numbers
Mental Addition and Subtraction
Order of Operations
Place Value, Decimals and Addition of Decimals
Co-ordinates, Statistics and Measures
Mental Multiplication and Division
Written Multiplication
Fractions, Percentages and Statistics
Multiplication and Division of Fractions and
Written Division
Area, Perimeter and Volume
Shape, Ratio and Percentages
Written Multiplication and Division / Revision of key areas following statutory assessment.
Maths Investigating and Problem-Solving.
Solve problems involving rate. Solve problems by scaling up or down. Multiply and divide numbers with up to 2dp, e.g. 0.4 × 6, 3.5 ÷ 7, 5 × 0.03, 0.15 ÷ 3. Use long multiplication to multiply 3-digit then 4-digit numbers by numbers between 10 and 35. Use rounding to approximate. The resources for this plan will follow shortly.
Find the area of triangles and parallelograms, beginning to use formulae. Find areas and perimeters of rectilinear shapes. Recognise that shapes with the same areas can have different perimeters and vice versa. Find volumes of cubes and cuboids. The resources for this plan will follow shortly.