management board


PURPOSE / The Centre for Excellence in Rural Health and Social Care (CfERH)management board will:
  1. Co-ordinate engagement and consultation with relevant stakeholders.
  2. Oversee the scoping of and initiation of training, education and research
  3. Influence new service models and the delivery of existing service models.
  4. Initiate, drive and facilitate pertinent research and evaluation studies to inform and establish innovation in rural health and social care.

Jack Evershed, Independent co-chair, MWHC
Dr Ruth Hall, Independent co-chair, MWHC
Dr Sue Fish, Clinical Programme Director, MWHC
Prof John Gammon, Independent Board member-University representative, HDUHB
Prof Jo Rycroft Malone, Independent Board member-University representative, BCUHB
Prof Paul Dummer, Independent Board member - University representative, PTHB
Kevin Davies,Independent Board member, WAST
Vivienne Harpwood, Chairman, PTHB
Prof Gabrielle Heathcote, CHC representative
Prof Ceri Phillips, Panel member, HPEI review
Dr Dafydd Trystan, Senior Academic Manager and Registrar , Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Colin Eaketts – Department for Health and Social Care, Welsh Assembly Government
Dr Jane Davidson - Pro Vice-Chancellor and Director of INSPIRE, (Institute for Sustainability Practice, Innovation and Resource Effectiveness), University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Dr Paul Myres – Chairman of the Wales Academy, The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
Dr Rachel Rahman – Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Aberystwyth University
Prof Chris Thomas - Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research, Aberystwyth University
Prof Vanessa Burholt – Director, Centre for Innovative Ageing, College of Human Sciences & Health Sciences, Swansea University
Dr Frances Gerrard - Director of Community Learning, Cardiff University School of Medicine
Prof Dean Williams - Sub-Dean & Head of School of Medical Sciences, Bangor University
Cllr Ellen ap Gwynn – Leader, Ceredigion County Council
Amanda Edwards – Assistant Director of Workforce and Service Improvement, Powys County Council
Cllr Gareth Roberts – Gwynedd County Council
Bethan Russell- Williams – Voluntary Sector Representative, Mantell Gwynedd
Whilst members will make every effort to attend, should any member be unavailable to attend, they may nominate a deputy to attend in their place. Deputies will be assumed to have the full delegated authority of the member they represent.
Additional representatives from member organisations may be invited to attend, where appropriate, and subject to agreement with the Chair.
DUTIES / To discuss the innovative approaches needed to address training, education, and research for health and social care in Mid Wales and to explore the wider potential benefits of a CfERH in Mid Wales.
To agree and monitor progress against the delivery plan of the CfERH.
Where necessary, unresolved challenges to the delivery plan and timeframe will be reported to the MWHC Board for assistance is finding a resolution.
To explore and exploit expertise within member organisations that creates a sound research platform to provide an evidence base for rural health and social care practice.
To work with professional bodies and Higher/Further Education Institutions to ensure structured education and training programmes for doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, allied healthcare professionals, paramedics, optometrists and social care staff are available to equip them with the skills and knowledge to deliver high quality care in rural areas.
To implement arrangements to ensure structured education and training programmes are available to equip health, social and community care staff with appropriate skills and knowledge to deliver high quality care in rural areas.
Ensure that the three working groups are established and agree their work plans and monitor progress against them.
  • Workforce, Education and Training
  • Research
  • Rural Health and Social Care Professional Advisory Forum

The quorum of theCfERH sub-committee shall be one of the co-Chairs plus at least 50% of the agreed membership (including deputies where advance notice of their attendance has been given).
The agenda will be based on actions of the previous meeting, matters arising and requests from CfERH management boardmembers or work commissioned by the MWHC Planning & Co-ordination Group, Innovation Sub-Groupsor MWHC Board.
Agenda and papers will be distributed preferably 5 working days prior to the meeting but no later than 3 days.
The action log will be circulated within 7 days of the meeting. Members must forward amendments within the next seven days and the final version will be agreed with the Chairs.
Frequency of Meetings
The CfERH Management Board will meet quarterly. Additional meetings will be arranged as determined by the Chairs.
As required the Management Board may arrange workshops though which to do wider engagement and development of its specific objectives.
The Chairs, in discussion with Secretary shall determine the time and the place of meetings of the CfERH Management Board and procedures of such meeting. Meetings will have video- and audio-conferencing facilities available.
REPORTING / The CfERHManagement Board is accountable to the MWHC CfERH sub-committee of the MWHC Board for its performance in exercising the functions set out in these terms of reference.
The CfERHManagement Boardshall report formally, regularly and on a timely basis to the MWHC CfERH sub-committee on its activities and recommendations and bring to their specific attention any significant matter under consideration by the sub-group.
REVIEW / The membership and terms of reference shall be subject to continuous review as the CfERHManagement Boarddevelops and will be subject to approval by the MWHC Board.



Version / Issued to: / Date / Comments
v1.0 / CfERH sub-committee / 9thMay 2016
BCUHB / Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board
CfERH / Centre for Excellence in Rural Healthcare
CHC / Community Health Council
HDUHB / Hywel Dda University Health Board
HPEI / Healthcare Professions Education Investment
MWHC / Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative
PTHB / Powys Teaching Health Board
WAST / Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust