P r o g r a m

  1. Call to Worship and opening prayer.

Come, let us worship and bow downin awe of God’s steadfast love and grace for us.For God gives ear to our words; God listens to the sound of our plea.

Come, let us take refuge in the God of our salvation. For God is our shield, our protection in times of suffering.

Come, let us rejoice and sing for joy! For God is surely in this place! Let us worship God!

  1. Opening songs.
  1. Scripture: Romans 5:1-11.
  1. Message:
  1. Offering
  1. Responding: Announcement, sharing and Prayer
  1. Closing Song.
  1. Benediction

Warden Mennonite Church

A Warm, Friendly Place to Worship.

720 S. Pine Street Warden, WA 98857

Phone: (509) 349-2444

Church E-mail:


Pastor: Miguel A. Castillo

Cellular phone(509) 793-4960

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, Romans 5:1.

Announcements of the week.

  1. Wednesday,
  1. Venture Club3:15.
  2. Prayer Meeting at La Verne’s home 7:00 p.m.
  1. Friday to Sunday Fall Workday/Camrec Board Meeting
  1. Sunday
  1. Sundayschool 10:00 a.m.
  2. Worship Service 11:00 a.m.
  3. Spanish Bible Study 6:00 p.m.

Upcoming Events


24-26 Fall Workday/Camrec Board Meeting

26, Night service 6:00 p.m. at Assembly of God,

Community Church or Warden Mennonite.


2, Menno Mennonite Church Harvest Festival

16 Combined Service at Assembly of God.


5-7 Men's retreat

6 CIHAN:Dinner for Pastors and Leaders, McMinnville 6:00 p.m.

10 Venture Club Christmas’s Program


10Conference Communication Council, Hubbard Oregon.

Today's message


Romans 5:1-11.

Righteousness means is a state or condition of rightness in a moral common sense. The Bible often speaks of men as righteous because of the life they lived. Others like Abraham, were declared righteous because they believed God's promises.