The 5thAnnual 2006

Central United States Knife

Throwing Championship

Dear Participant:

We are pleased to announce the Fifth Annual Central United States KnifeThrowing Championship. You and your guests are hereby cordially invitedto participate and/or attend our Tournament on September 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Saturday morning we will be holding the Third Annual Bob “Master of the Blade” Karp Gold Cup event and that evening; September 2nd 2006 we will be holding an inductionceremony for the International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame 2006inductees. Sunday the 3rd will be the Central United States Knife throwing Championship. On Monday the 4th will be the Mountain Man event. Specialty Events will be put on by Houston Area Knife Throwers and Seminars by “Smokin” Joe Darrah. Thecost of attendance to the International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame Banquetwill be $25 per person. Everyone is welcome to attend. I am personally looking forward to seeing you and your guests at the FifthAnnual Central United States Knife Throwing Championship.


Sensei Michael J. Bainton, Ph.D.

The 5th Annual 2006

Central United States KnifeThrowing Championship


Saturday, September 2nd, 2006

10:00 a.m. – International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame Gold Cup Event

(Bob “Master of the Blade” Karp Gold Cup)

6:00 p.m. – International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony and Banquet enjoy Authentic Texas BBQ and a Live Country Music so ya’ll bring yer’ dancin’ boots! (Western or Casual)

Sunday, September 3rd, 2006

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Sign-in & Registration

All ranges open for practices 8:00 – 9:00 am

9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Sudden Death Qualifier

10:00 a.m.– 12:30 noon Knife Throwing

12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. B R E A K

2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tomahawk Throwing

4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Long Distance Throw

5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Spear Throwing

7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony

Monday, September 4th, 2006

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Knife Throwing Seminar, (Joe Darrah )

1: 00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Tomahawk Throwing Seminar (Joe Darrah)

Please note all competitors will be awarded witha Certificate of Participation.

The 5th Annual 2006

Central United States KnifeThrowing Championship


Gold Cup

The champion of the IKTHOF Gold Cup sets the standard for knife throwers world wide and will forever be known as the greatest knife thrower of that time. He/She will also walk away with a Gold Cup and $1000 winner take all prize. The Original IKTHOF Gold Cup will remain at the IKTHOF Headquarters with the Gold Cup winners name engraved on a winner’s plaque, denoting the top knife thrower in the world for that year. This competition will be open to all styles of throwers regardless of age or gender.

Youth Categories(15 and Under)

Knife and Tomahawk

1st, 2nd, 3rd

Womens Category:

Knifeand Tomahawk

1st, 2nd, 3rd

Mens Categories:

Knife Throwing

Advanced - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

Intermediate - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

Novice - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

Tomahawk Throwing

Advanced - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

Intermediate - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

Novice - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

Overall Tournament Champion – Determined by Combined Score(Excluding Sudden-Death Qualifier)

Overall Men’s Advanced Champion

Overall Men’s Intermediate Champion

Overall Men’s Novice Champion

Overall Women’s Champion

Overall Youth Champion

Overall Junior Champion

Over 60 Awards Given Out!
The 5th Annual 2006

Central United States KnifeThrowing Championship

Participant Registration Form

Event Date: September 2nd and 3rd 2006

South Austin Karate @ 10203 Old Manchaca Rd., Austin,Texas78748


$75 – Central United States Knife Throwing Championships

$100 – Gold Cup Event

This event requires detailed administration and your prompt reply isrespectfully requested.

Name: Date of Birth:

Address: City:


Home Phone: ()

Email Address:

Guest Information

Total number of guests attending IKTHOF banquet:

Please check all appropriate information below:

_____ I would like to set up an information/product display booth

Make checks payable to:

South Austin Karate

10203 Old Manchaca Rd.

Austin, TX78748

512-280-0611 phone

The 5th Annual 2006

Central United States Knife Throwing Championship


Gold Cup Rules:

The IKTHOF Gold Cup tournament will use a double elimination system to determine a winner in a fair and equitable manner.Each thrower will throw the same five knives for each distance: ½ spin (8 ft. min.), 1 spin (11 ft. min.), 1 ½ spin (15 ft. min.), 2 spins (18 ft. min.), 2 ½ spins (21ft. min.), and 3 spins (24 ft. min.). Targets will have 2½ inch center (worth 3pts.), 8 inch inner ring (worth 2pts.), and 16 inch outer ring (worth 1pt.). Knives are scored as they stick, and each thrower must have 5 knives of the same length and style.

Men’s Divisions(16 and older)

Knife Throwing

All categories Expert, Intermediate and Novice throwers will throw5 weapons at 5 targets, 4 times per distance for a total of 100 knives. Distances are 8 feet ½ spin, 11 feet 1 spin, 15 feet 1½ spin, 18 feet 2 spins, and 21 feet 2½ spins.

Tomahawk Throwing

All categories will throw 5 tomahawks at 5 targets, 3 times per distance for a total of 45 tomahawks. Distances are 1 spin 14 feet minimum, 1½ spin, and 2 spins.

Youth (15 and younger) and Women’s Division

Knife Throwing

All categories Expert, Intermediate and Novice throwers will throw 5 weapons at 5 targets, 4 times per distance for a total of 100 knives. Distances are 6 feet ½ spin, 10 feet 1 spin, 13 feet 1½ spin, 16 feet 2 spins, and 19 feet 2½ spins.

Tomahawk Throwing

All categories will throw 5 tomahawks at 5 targets, 3 times per distance for a total of 45 tomahawks. Distances are 1 spin 10 feet minimum youth and 13 feet minimum for women, 1½ spin, and 2 spins.

Sudden Death Qualifier – Men’s Divisions Only

All adult male throwers will throw five weapons from 8 feet ½ spin, 11 feet 1 spin, 15 feet 1½ spin, 18 feet 2 spins, and 21 feet 2½ spins. Scores will then be tallied anddivided into three groups Advanced, Intermediate and Novice.


Targets will be 16 inches in diameter, with an inner ring of 8 inchdiameter and a 2½ inch bull’s-eye. Weapons will be scored “as they stick “with a mandatory 5 seconds in target in order to count as stuck. Bull’s-eyes will be counted as 3 points, weapons penetrating the inner ring as 2 points and all other areaswithin the 16 in circle will be 1 point. The point of the weapon must penetrate the target in order to count, and the highest ring penetrated by the weapon will be the score. After a thrower has finished their turn, a range official will approach the targets and call out the scores as they determine they exist. The score keeper will record the score and then the thrower will be allowed to retrieve their weapon. If the range officer cannot determine the score, they will call for another official to confer with over the score. Their decision is final and will be carefully considered to ensure a fair and accurate tournament.

Overalltournament champion

Score will be tabulated by combining competitor scores from each weaponcategory excluding sudden death and qualifiers. Ties will be broken by sudden death competition, one round of five weapons from each distance, (distance determined by division).

Central United States

Knife Throwing Championships

Score Sheet


*Knife Throwing*

# of Spins / 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / Score
1 ½
2 ½
Total Score

*Tomahawk Throw*

# of Spins / 1st / 2nd / 3rd / Score
1 ½
Total Score

Combined Score

Accommodations and Transportation


La QuintaInn & SuitesAustinAirport

Note: A block of 10 rooms has been set aside for IKTHOF for $53 per night. You must mention IKTHOF to ensure negotiated rate.

7625 E. Ben White Blvd.
Austin, TX 78741
Phone: (512)386-6800
Fax: (512)386-8785


I-35: exit Ben White/Hwy. 71 east, 4 miles to Riverside Drive. From Airport: Hwy. 71 West to Riverside Drive.


Contact Joe Darrah for Shuttle Bus Schedule.

Central United States

Knife Throwing Championships

Check out Last Years Winner at

(Example of last years Gold Cup Tournament Double Elimination Brackets shown below)

Winners BracketLosers Bracket