Central Union High School

English Learners’ Advisory Committee (ELAC)

October 20, 2015 Minutes

I. Welcome by Tania Saldivar

A. Meeting called to order at 5:45 pm

B. Introduction

1. Tania Saldivar - Assistant Program English Learners

2. Betsy Lane - Supervisor of Instruction for English Learners

II. English Learner Program Goals

A. What is the English Learner Program?

1. A program designed for students whom English is not their first language or who are exposed to a language other than English.

B. What are the desirable goals and how are these goals reached?

1. English Learners develop English literacy and efficiently within a reasonable amount of time.

2. Parent involvement, guardians, members of the school, students and community members through DELAC and ELAC meetings EL Program goals can be reached.

a. Election of members and representatives

1. Edith Amador and Diana Sanchez de Juarez were nominated

as representative members by parents present

2. Parents present voted

a.unanimous vote, Edith and Diana are the two represenatives for the 2015-16 school year.

C. Review the percentage of English Learners enrolled at CUHS

D. Program Recommendations

1. Review the six educational programs for an English learner.

E. Requirements to exit the program (Redesignation)

1. Review criteria for the different grade levels 9-12.

III. Parent Notifications

A. Annual Parent Notification of Student Placement

1. Sample letter for parents and review

B. Academic Advising Cycle

1. To show a student’s progress towards their semester final grades

2. To provide an intervention to improve grades

C. Official CELDT Test Results

1. Identify and determine level of English proficiency

3. Annually evaluate their progress in learning English

4. Example CELDT reports for parents

a. Review the five performance levels

IV. Parent Portal (AERIES)

A. How to create email account and access parent portal

1. Parents / guardians may have access to student grades.

2. Next wil be held in the computer lab

V. School Needs Assessment

A. Parent Survey

B. Comments/concerns/suggestions

VI. Review yearly calendar ELAC and DELAC

A. Encourage parents to attend our meetings.

VII. Comments

A. Parent - "How else can I check my child’s grades if I dont have access to the parent portal?” - You can always contact me or ask you child to log in to the portal. Remind you that all students have an account to check the porta.

B. Parent - “I just want to say that I am very happy with the school system”

C. Parent - “I would like to make a suggestion, I would for the CELDT exam to be administered during spring/second semester and used those results for the next school year. This way, students can have one year of learning the language before they take test.

VIII. Adjourn

A. Next meeting will be held on January 12, 2016.

B. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.